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Investing in a better future: Asia and the Pacific
The Asia Pacific region is one of dizzying contrasts and incredible scale. We caught up with Regional Director, Reehana Rifat Raza, to find out the challenges faced by rural people in this dynamic region and how investment can make all the difference for their futures.
ALIDE y el FIDA unen fuerzas para fortalecer el desarrollo rural en América Latina y el Caribe
En el marco de la Cumbre de Finanzas en Común 2023, la Asociación Latinoamericana de Instituciones Financieras para el Desarrollo (ALIDE) y el FIDA han anunciado su nuevo partenariado para promover el desarrollo agrícola y rural, impulsar la seguridad alimentaria y combatir la pobreza rural en toda América Latina y el Caribe.
What are Public Development Banks? Your questions answered
Public Development Banks are a crucial but often underappreciated force driving global change for the better. As the world confronts compounding crises, we deep dive into PDBs and why they matter for rural people.
Investing in a better future: East and Southern Africa
East and Southern Africa is home to a diversity of landscapes, people and challenges. We sat down with Regional Director Sara Mbago-Bhunu to talk about rural life and the importance of investment.
The UN’s agricultural development fund chief urges Public Development Banks to direct funding to fight hunger, poverty and climate change
“Public development banks must ensure that their significant financial resources better serve the fight against hunger, poverty and climate change”, said Alvaro Lario, President of IFAD, at the Finance in Common Summit 2023 (FICS) today in Colombia.
IFAD, Stanbic Bank enter partnership to cut money transfer costs to Uganda in half
IFAD and Stanbic Bank Uganda (SBU) today announced a partnership that will cut the cost incurred by Ugandan migrant workers sending money home in half by using Flexipay, a digital payments’ platform.
Africa is in the eye of the climate change storm. Here is what its people are calling for
It’s time countries step up their investments and secure a climate-resilient future for small-scale farmers in Africa. Here’s how.
12 startups de Latinoamérica y el Caribe lideran el cierre de la brecha digital en zonas rurales
Innovatech, el novedoso proyecto financiado por el FIDA e implementado por la entidad financiera alemana Sparkassenstiftung, está sentando un precedente en Latinoamérica, al lograr una exitosa vinculación entre startups tecnológicas –empresas fintech y agtech–, y el sector rural en seis países de Latinoamérica y el Caribe.
African leader Gerardine Mukeshimana joins UN rural development agency IFAD as Vice-President
Amid growing global food insecurity and an intensifying climate crisis, Gerardine Mukeshimana takes up duties today as Vice-President of IFAD. Mukeshimana, a former Rwandan Minister for Agriculture and Animal Resources, was instrumental in leading agricultural growth in Rwanda for almost a decade.