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From Kenya: the Ogiek honey Slow Food Presidium
The entire Ogiek belief system and livelihood relies on the forest and its resources, with honey being the most important product and a staple food for Ogiek families.
Fighting climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean
Small-scale farmers are responsible for up to 80 per cent of food production in Latin American and Caribbean countries, but they are at the frontline of the fight against climate change and social injustice.
New operational guidelines for Pro-Poor Value Chain Development help IFAD reach the poorest
In Ghana, the value chain model has helped build solid relationships, showing that even the poorest can be brought into commercial value chains if extra support is provided.
Restoring ecosystem services in the Peruvian Andes
In the Andes of Peru, rural farmers are helping to restore the region’s degraded lands and improve water security.
South Sudan small-scale producers receive support from IFAD to safeguard their livelihoods in the face of the COVID-19 crisis
IFAD will provide much needed funding to assist 23,900 vulnerable rural people (4,780 households) in the Republic of South Sudan. The IFAD grant will help reduce the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their farming activities and safeguard their livelihoods.
Tanzania and IFAD partner to boost productivity, improve food security and build resilience of small-scale farmers in the face of the climate change
A US$77.4 million project signed by IFAD and the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania will bring much needed help to 260,000 rural households facing the impacts of climate change.
Call for proposals: Grant to strengthen borrowers’ capacity on environmental, social and climate best practices
This call for proposals is to select a recipient or consortium of recipients to receive a three-year IFAD grant financing to implement the SUSTAIN project for a total IFAD grant of US$2 million.
How to change a life: Household mentoring makes a difference in northern Uganda
They say that leaders aren’t born, but made. That’s certainly true for Molly Ajok.
Interview with Recipes for Change Chef Roy Caceres
"A passion for work is the fundamental ingredient of cooking."