الوثائق المؤسساتية

الوثائق المؤسساتية

تصفح وثائق السياسات, المالية, والشؤون القانونية



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نتائج البحث

President's report - Projet de développement rural de la province du Borgou

Rural Development: Borgou Province Rural Development Project

البلد: بنن
President's report - Proyecto de Desarrollo Agrícola de Chuquisaca Norte

Rural Development: Chuquisaca North Agricultural Development Project

البلد: دولة بوليفيا متعددة القوميات
President's report - Integrated Rural Development Project/Ngozi III

Rural Development: Integrated Rural Development Project/Ngozi III

البلد: بوروندي
President's report - Artisanal Fisheries Development Project

Fisheries: Artisanal Fisheries Development Project

البلد: غرينادا
President's report - Madhya Pradesh Medium Irrigation Project

Irrigation: Madhya Pradesh Medium Irrigation Project

البلد: الهند
President's report - Cooperative Development of Rainfed Agriculture Project

Credit and Financial Services: Cooperative Development of Rainfed Agriculture Project

البلد: الأردن
President's report - Dowa West Rural Development Project

Rural Development: Dowa West Rural Development Project

البلد: ملاوي
President's report - Small-scale Agricultural Development Project

Credit and Financial Services: Small-Scale Agricultural Development Project

البلد: موريشيوس
President's report - Coconut Development Project

Agricultural Development: Coconut Development Project

البلد: سري لانكا
President's report - Agricultural Reconstruction Programme in Northern and Eastern Uganda

Programme Loan: Agricultural Support Programme

البلد: أوغندا
President's report - Wadi Beihan Agricultural Development Project

Agricultural Development: Wadi Beihan Agricultural Development Project

البلد: اليمن
President's report - Eastern Province Agricultural Development Project

Agricultural Development: Eastern Province Agricultural Development Project

البلد: زامبيا
President's report - Small Farmer Agricultural Credit Project

Credit and Financial Services: Small Farmer Agricultural Credit Project

البلد: بنغلاديش
President's report - Small Farm Development and Irrigation Rehabilitation Project

Agricultural Development: Small Farm Development and Irrigation Rehabilitation Project

البلد: بوتان
President's report - North-west Rural Development Project

Rural Development: North West Rural Development Project

البلد: الكاميرون
President's report - West Beheria Settlement Project

Settlement: West Beheira Settlement Project

البلد: مصر
President's report - Second Agricultural Minimum Package Project

Agricultural Development: Second Agricultural Minimum Package Project

البلد: إثيوبيا
President's report - Projet de développement rural de la région de Siguiri

Rural Development: Siguiri Rural Development Project

البلد: غينيا
President's report - Sundarban Development Project

Rural Development: Sundarban Development Project

البلد: الهند

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