

نتائج البحث

Research Series Issue 35: Climate change mitigation potential of agricultural practices supported by IFAD investments An ex ante analysis

مارس 2019

This study estimates the mitigation potential of agricultural practices supported by IFAD’s current investments in order to provide guidance for the design of future investments. 

Research Series Issue 34: Farm size and productivity - Lessons from recent literature

يناير 2019
This paper considers the relationship between farm size and productivity patterns across countries and within countries. 

سلسلة نتائج الصندوق IFAD الإصدار الثالث

ديسمبر 2018
يقدم هذا الإصدار ويحلّل التجارب من البرامج والمشاريع التالية التي يمولها الصندوق:
