آخر الأخبار أو المستجدات


نتائج البحث

The Real Groundbreakers: Halimé Djimet, Chad

Halimé Djimet is leading a collective of women in Chad to produce and market their sesame seed oil successfully.

IFAD welcomes the European Union’s commitment to a new impact fund targeting small agribusinesses across emerging markets

The European Union has committed €45 million to the establishment of a new impact fund that will boost investments in small rural agribusinesses across emerging markets.

UN Messenger for Peace, Midori, performs in poor rural communities in Viet Nam's Tuyen Quang province

The world-renowned violinist and UN Messenger of Peace, Midori, will travel to rural Viet Nam this week to meet with and perform for villagers in a remote and poverty-stricken community where projects supported by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) have been working to improve conditions.

بناء الجسور بين أصحاب الحيازات الصغيرة والأسواق المالية

One of the major challenges facing smallholders is getting adequate and cost-efficient protection against price volatility and climate-related impacts on production.

من إفريقيا إلى البرازيل وبالعودة: تمكين الشباب من خلال تبادل التعليم بين بلدان

سبعة نساء ورجال من غانا والكاميرون ونيجيريا وساحل العاج يشاركون في برنامج تبادل تعليمي لمدة أسبوع في البرازيل، ويركز هذا البرنامج على إدارة ما بعد الحصاد المقاومة للمناخ لنبات الكاسافا.

Major international discussions draw to a close in Poland

An international conference in Poland will try to finalise a deal on how to tackle climate change, but delegates from almost 200 countries are yet to agree on how to implement the Paris climate accord reached three years ago.

التصرف الآن: تطبيق الإجراءات العالمية للحد من مزيد من الاحتباس الحراري للكوكب

سيجتمع مندوبون من مئتي بلد لمدة أسبوعين للنقاش حول معالجة التغير المناخي وذلك في حدث ترعاه الأمم المتحدة في كاتوفيتسه، بولندا.

New IFAD-funded project to raise incomes of smallholder farmers in Uganda

Over 30,800 vulnerable rural households in Uganda will benefit from a US$210.4 million project that aims to sustainably increase rural livelihoods by supporting an efficient oil palm industry that complies with modern environmental and social standards.

IFAD-financed projects support rural poverty reduction and agricultural development in Kenya

Rural development projects financed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) have contributed to increase productivity, incomes and food security in Kenya, according to a new report presented today in the capital city of Nairobi.

وصفات من أجل التغيير. سمك السمسم مع صلصة الحميض

تعاني أنماط معدلات هطول الأمطار التقليدية في التشاد من تغيير، مما يجعل الأمر صعباً على الشعوب الفقيرة التي تعتمد على الزراعة على نطاق صغير في عيشها؛ في أن تنجح بزراعة وحصاد محصولاتها.

أنجيلا ميركل توجه رسالة دعم تشمل الصندوق الدولي للتنمية الزراعية في مهرجان المواطن العالمي - 100 عام على ميلاد مانديلا

دعت المستشارة الألمانية أنجيلا ميركل المجتمع الدولي إلى زيادة إنتاج الأغذية والمساعدة على إيجاد فرص عمل في المناطق الريفية للمساعدة على قهر الفقر والجوع.

Kenya and IFAD to discuss results of impact evaluation and country strategy aimed at better targeting interventions and strengthening partnerships in the country

The Independent Office of Evaluation of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Government of Kenya are holding a one-day workshop to present the results of an independent evaluation of IFAD's country strategy and programme in Kenya.

الهند: التغذية من خلال الابتكار

يُحسِّن حل ابتكاري التغذية في المناطق الريفية من ولاية ماديا براديش في الهند حيث 42 في المائة من الأطفال يعانون سوء التغذية.

IFAD and Zimbabwe to affirm partnership and commitment to reducing rural poverty

In his first visit to Zimbabwe since taking office as President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Gilbert F. Houngbo will meet President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa and other government officials to discuss investments to improve food and nutrition security, provide employment opportunities for rural youth, and reduce poverty.

IFAD and Egypt partner to reduce rural poverty and improve farm productivity and income

Donal Brown, IFAD Associate Vice-President, Programme Management Department, will meet with government officials during a four-day visit to Egypt that is centred on IFAD investments to galvanize rural development and transform marginalized areas.

بتاريخ 14 فبراير/شباط 2019 سيخاطب البابا فرانسيس قادة عالميين بمناسبة انعقاد دورة مجلس محافظي الصندوق الدولي للتنمية الزراعية، وهو وكالة متخصصة من وكالات الأمم المتحدة في روما

في 14 فبراير/شباط 2019، وعلى خلفية تفاقم ظاهرة الجوع في العالم، سيجتمع البابا فرانسيس بقادة عالميين خلال حفل افتتاح الدورة الثانية والأربعين لمجلس محافظي الصندوق الدولي للتنمية الزراعية، وهو وكالة متخصصة من وكالات الأمم المتحدة.

Agriculture Advantage 2.0: Transforming Food Systems Under a Changing Climate

A six-day side event series at COP24, identifying actions to transform global food systems to deliver on food security, adaptation to climate change, and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.

Bolivia and IFAD team up to improve the lives of rural poor people

Cornelia Richter, Vice-President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), begins a four-day visit to Bolivia today to meet with government officials and development partners to discuss ways to strengthen alliances and have a greater impact on the lives of rural poor people in the country.

Independent evaluation shows that IFAD support to Burkina Faso has increased agricultural productivity and incomes of households

Development projects financed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) have contributed to increased agricultural productivity and food security levels in Burkina Faso, according to results from an independent evaluation presented today.

Burkina Faso and IFAD to boost rural productivity and smallholder farmer incomes

A new project targeting 57,000 of Burkina Faso’s most vulnerable smallholder farmer households will be launched 23 November in Ouagadougou, and will help toward improving food security and incomes in the Boucle du Mouhoun, Cascades and Hauts Bassins Regions.

La unión hace la fuerza: FAO, FIDA y WFP presentan un informe de su trabajo conjunto en América Latina y el Caribe

Agencias de las Naciones Unidas con sede en Roma presentaron durante la Semana de la Alimentación y la Agricultura, en Buenos Aires, un informe de su trabajo conjunto

رائحة النجاح الزكية في ميانمار

كجزء من مشروع FARM، يتم تأسيس منشآت محلية تُعرَف بـ مراكز المعرفة على المستوى المجتمعي في عدة قرى من ميانمار.

Empowering youth to drive sustainable development

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) released its latest report on the transformation of rural areas, renewing its commitment to empower young people in developing countries as agents of change.

The Gambia: IFAD invests in rural women

Almost half the world's agricultural workers are women, yet they own less land than men. Farmer Awa Jagne speaks about how access to land has changed her life.

Guatemala: Bringing Water to the Well

In areas of Guatemala which are chronically affected by droughts, IFAD-supported irrigation schemes and practices make farmland four times more productive.

Recipes for Change: Tuna with Taro Leaves

In this episode of Recipes for Change, Fiji's favorite chef, Lance Seeto, discovers how prolonged drought is threatening taro - Tonga's staple ingredient - when he joins a local farmer to cook Luu Ika (tuna with taro leaves).

Burundi: Justice for Maura

Burundi's civil war may have ended more than two decades ago, but violence in the country continues. Many of its victims are women, whose rights under the law are often ignored. Now a unique legal aid programme is helping thousands of women like Maura Ntukamazina learn about the law and reclaim their rights.

Viet Nam: Adapting in the Delta

Vietnam is the world's second largest exporter of rice and 60 percent of it is grown in the Mekong Delta. But now farmers in at least two provinces say the future of rice production is threatened because of rising sea levels and temperature increases attributed to climate change.

Bolivia: The Alpaca Connection

On Bolivia's high Andean plain, 4,500 metres above sea level, alpacas and llamas are becoming big business for poor ranchers.

Burkina Faso: Waiting for the rain

Weather patterns are becoming more unpredictable in the Sahel region of Burkina Faso. Farmers say the rainy season that once began regularly in June is often delayed and when the rain finally does come the sudden force and volume of water can cause flooding and destroy crops.
