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Global Report on Food Crises: Acute hunger remains persistently high in 59 countries with 1 in 5 people assessed in need of critical urgent action

According to the latest Global Report on Food Crises (GRFC), nearly 282 million people in 59 countries and territories experienced high levels of acute hunger in 2023 - a worldwide increase of 24 million from the previous year. This rise was due to the report’s increased coverage of food crisis contexts as well as a sharp deterioration in food security, especially in the Gaza Strip and the Sudan.

Agriculture’s Indigenous trailblazers – Episode 57

On this episode, Indigenous leaders from Nepal, Mexico and Kenya weigh in on what it means to protect the planet while preserving their cultures, and fighting for the right to land, nutrition and education.

Global food crisis, poor nutrition and the effects of climate change need urgent action, says IFAD President

A global food crisis and the effects of climate change are taking a toll on those most vulnerable: millions of people – many of them small-scale farmers and their families – who are unable to afford a healthy diet. At this critical juncture, Alvaro Lario, President of IFAD, is visiting the Solomon Islands and Australia from 29 February to 8 March 2024 to collaborate on next-steps and to deepen IFAD’s strategic partnership with governments across the region.

القضاء على الهدر، أطباق ممتلئة: الفوز بوجبات مدرسية - الحلقة 54

في هذه الحلقة، نستكشف كيف يمكننا - وكيف يجب علينا - السعي إلى القضاء على الجوع والقضاء على الهدر كغايتين مشتركتين. وننظر على وجه الخصوص في مدى أهمية هذه الجهود بالنسبة للأطفال، الذين يعتمدون على النظم الغذائية المغذية للنمو الصحي.

Sophie Grigson تتحدث عن كيف يحقق تنويع المحاصيل في ملاوي الاستدامة والقدرة على الصمود

سافرت الطاهية Sophie Grigson، إحدى طهاة وصفات من أجل التغيير التابعة للصندوق، إلى ملاوي للقاء صغار المزارعين المحليين، وتوثيق تجربتهم مع تنويع المحاصيل، وتعلم وصفات تقليدية.

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