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نتائج البحث

New UN report reveals the inequality in the geographical distribution of malnutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean

A new United Nations report shows the territorial inequality of malnutrition in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Sicurezza alimentare e Covid-19, come proteggere le filiere?

La vice Ministra degli Esteri Emanuela Del Re ed esperti italiani e internazionali ne discutono in un seminario online aperto ai giornalisti.

The United Nations will present a new report on food and nutrition security in Latin America and the Caribbean

On December 2, the United Nations will present the new edition of the report Panorama of food and nutritional security in Latin America and the Caribbean 2020, focused on the territories that suffer the highest rates of malnutrition, stunring and overweight.

لماذا المزارع الصغيرة هي مفتاح مستقبل الغذاء - وكيف يمكننا دعمها

In the 25 years since Clayton Christensen coined the term “disruptive innovation,” much has been written about the benefits of shaking up established business practices.

الابتكارات في مجال الزراعة أثناء تفشي جائحة كوفيد-19 – الحلقة 14

يدور برنامج هذا الشهر حول الابتكارات في مجال الزراعة. وسنسافر حول العالم لنقتفي الأخبار حول أحدث التكنولوجيات المبتكرة لضمان الأمن الغذائي.
