IFAD, Japan and Bangladesh partner to bring smallholder farmers closer to international markets
Ghana: Public-private sector partnerships to drive digital and financial inclusion in rural areas
2022 دعوة لتقديم الترشيحات: جوائز الشعوب الأصلية في الصندوق
Mobile remittances to lead digital revolution in marginal rural areas in five African countries thanks to IFAD grant funded by the EU
IFAD Statement on the Passing of Queen Elizabeth II
عرض ٢٥١ - ٢٥٥ من ٦١٦ نتائج.
Susan Beccio
كبيرة المسؤولين الإعلاميين المعنية بالتواصل العالمي
[email protected]
Alberto Trillo Barca
Communication Officer, Global Media
Caroline Chaumont
Communication and Media Outreach Officer