
عرض القائمة


نتائج البحث

سلسلة أبحاث الصندوق رقم 94: إشراك النساء في التمويل البالغ الصغر: دراسة نوعية لبرنامج التمويل الريفي البالغ الصغر في مالي

مارس 2024

تلخص هذه الورقة نتائج دراسة بشأن برنامج التمويل الريفي البالغ الصغر في مالي. وهي تستطلع الآثار على إمكانات الموارد واستخدامها في الأسر المعيشية، مع تركيز على دور المنظور الجنساني في معالجة هذه المسائل. 


سلسلة بحوث الصندوق الدولي للتنمية الزراعية 93: أساليب جديدة لتحديد وقياس الريفية في أمريكا اللاتينية وأثرها على السياسات العامة: حالتا المكسيك وبنما

فبراير 2024

توجز هذه الورقة مقترحين إشاريين لتعريف وقياس الريفية: مؤشر الريفية النسبية ومجاورة المناطق ذات الكثافة المماثلة. 

الإصدار الثالث من ميزة الصندوق ومرفق البيئة العالمية: نهج متكامل للنظم الغذائية والمناخ والطبيعة

أغسطس 2023

الإصدار الثالث من ميزة الصندوق ومرفق البيئة العالمية يسلط الضوء على مزايا الشراكة في مجالات متعددة، بما في ذلك النظم الغذائية، والتنوع البيولوجي والتكيف مع تغير المناخ وتدهور الأراضي.

سلسلة البحوث في الصندوق 92: التخفيف من آثار تغير المناخ في منطقة شرق أفريقيا والجنوب الأفريقي: حالة اقتصادية لقطاع الزراعة والحراجة واستخدام الأراضي

يوليو 2023

هذا التقرير هو دليل لتوجيه الاستثمارات من قبل الصندوق والمانحين الدوليين الآخرين في أعمال التخفيف من آثار تغير المناخ في منطقة شرق وجنوب أفريقيا.

سلسلة أبحاث الصندوق رقم 91: معالجة فرط الوزن والسمنة في البلدان المنخفضة والمتوسطة الدخل في مجال التنمية الريفية والنظم الغذائية – قاعدة الأدلة العالمية مقابل أمثلة للممارسة في خمسة بلدان

يونيو 2023

تعرض هذه الورقة نتائج استعراض للأدبيات بشأن الدوافع الرئيسية لفرط الوزن والسمنة، واصفة إياها باستخدام إطار للنظم الغذائية مع توضيحات بأمثلة من خمسة بلدان.

سلسلة أبحاث الصندوق رقم 90: التحول الريفي، ونمو الدخل، والحد من الفقر بحسب المحافظة في الصين خلال العقود الأربعة الماضية

يونيو 2023

شهدت الصين تحولًا ريفيًا سريعًا في العقود الأربعة الماضية ، مصحوبًا بارتفاع دخل الأسرة الريفية وتراجع الفقر في المناطق الريفية. تبحث هذه الورقة في التحول الريفي الإقليمي ونتائجها الرئيسية.

سلسلة أبحاث الصندوق رقم 89: إدماج أثر متغيرات المناخ والطقس في تقييمات الأثر - تطبيق على مشروع للصندوق بشأن التكيف مع تغير المناخ في فييت نام

مارس 2023

تناقش هذه الورقة المتغيرات المناخية التي يجب جمعها ومن أي المصادر عند دمجها في تقييم الأثر.

سلسلة أبحاث الصندوق رقم 88: أثر تغير المناخ على الإنتاج الحيواني في موزامبيق

مارس 2023

تركز هذه الورقة على الأنشطة التي تستهدف تحسين إدارة المراعي ومصادر الأعلاف التكميلية وتطوير سلسلة قيمة الثروة الحيوانية.

سلسلة الأبحاث 87: إدماج أثر متغيرات المناخ والطقس في تقييمات الأثر - تطبيق على مشروع الصندوق الدولي للتنمية الزراعية لتخزين الحبوب الذي ينفذ في تشاد

نوفمبر 2022

تحدد هذه الورقة استراتيجية منهجية لدمج الطقس والظروف المناخية طويلة الأجل في تقييمات الأثر، استناداً إلى مشروع يدعمه الصندوق للاستثمار في تخزين الحبوب في تشاد.

سلسلة أبحاث الصندوق رقم 86: إدماج أثر متغيرات المناخ والطقس في تقييمات الأثر - تطبيق على مشروع إنتاجي للصندوق في رواندا

نوفمبر 2022

تطبق هذه الورقة إطارًا منهجيًا لدمج الطقس في الفترة الحالية والظروف المناخية طويلة الأجل في تقييمات الأثر.

مذكرة التعلم رقم 2 لدائرة الاستراتيجية وإدارة المعرفة في الصندوق

سبتمبر 2022

تعرض مذكرة التعلم هذه المنهجية المستخدمة لتقييم آثار استثمارات الصندوق على سبل عيش وحياة المشاركين في مشروعاته. 

IFAD11 Impact Assessment Report

أغسطس 2022

IFAD measures the impact of its investments by systematically conducting impact assessments on a sample of projects closing during each replenishment period.

The Free, Prior and Informed Consent Advantage: Action for empowerment in Latin America

أغسطس 2022

This publication explores how FPIC is solicited through consultation and the participation of communities and local institutions at specific stages of the project cycle.

Research Series 85: Financing climate adaptation and resilient agricultural livelihoods

يونيو 2022

Moving to a process that contributes to improving rather than endangering livelihoods is the challenge that climate change adaptation and resilience-building efforts currently face.

Research Series 84: Farmed animal production in tropical circular food systems

يونيو 2022

In this review, the role of farmed animals in circular food systems in the tropics is presented in four case studies.

Research Series 83: The future of farming: who will produce our food?

يونيو 2022

In this report, we highlight past trends and explore possible future trajectories of smallholder farming to predict who the farmers of the future are.

Research Series 82: Contributions of information and communication technologies to food systems transformation

يونيو 2022

Using a food systems approach, this paper reviews existing evidence and discusses the conditions, rural population segments, and timelines needed to achieve desired outcomes.

Research Series 81: Food and water systems in semi-arid regions – case study: Egypt

يونيو 2022

This paper explores the role of water in Egypt’s food system and the dilemma the country faces: raise food self-sufficiency by allocating freshwater resources from the Nile to food production, or rely on food imports from water-abundant regions worldwide.

Research Series 80: How can different types of smallholder commodity farmers be supported to achieve a living income?

يونيو 2022

The paper finds that short- to medium-term interventions are most effective for improving the livelihoods of poor farmers, including food security and health, off-farm employment, and social assistance.

Research Series 79: The position of export crops banana and cocoa in food systems analysis with special reference to the role of certification schemes

يونيو 2022

In this paper, the certification requirements and schemes of two export commodities—banana and cocoa—are discussed using food system analysis.

Research Series 78: The Small and Medium Enterprises’ quiet revolution in the hidden middle of food systems in developing regions

مايو 2022

This paper explores the rise of SMEs in transforming food systems—from traditional, to transitional, to modern.

Research Series 77: The role of trade and policies in improving food security

مايو 2022

Developing competitive and inclusive food value chains requires domestic macroeconomic policies to improve the agricultural sector’s business environment and create outside opportunities, and sector-specific targeted measures to promote smallholder participation in competitive value chains by reducing market access costs.

Research Series Issue 76: Upscaling of traditional fermented foods to build value chains and to promote women entrepreneurship

مايو 2022

This paper explores how traditional processing of fermented foods can be scaled up while enhancing functional food properties and strengthening local value chains.

Research Series Issue 75: Reverse thinking: taking a healthy diet perspective towards food systems transformations

مايو 2022

This paper argues that food systems transformation should incorporate a dietary perspective that is guided by information on diets, dietary trends, consumer motives, and the food environment characteristics.

Research Series 74: Women’s empowerment, food systems, and nutrition

مايو 2022

This background paper examines the linkages and interactions between women’s empowerment, food systems, and nutrition.

Research Series 73: Food systems and rural wellbeing: challenges and opportunities

مايو 2022

This paper provides a framework for assessing the dynamics of rural wellbeing and food systems change.

Research Series 72: Climate change and food system activities - a review of emission trends, climate impacts and the effects of dietary change

مايو 2022

This article reviews how food system activities contribute to climate change and how dietary changes affect food systems. It shows that while emissions from food production are increasing in most regions, emissions from land use change are decreasing.

Research Series 71: Urbanizing food systems: exploring opportunities for rural transformation

مايو 2022

This paper shows that while anticipated increases in food demand by 2050 can largely be met regionally, potential yield increases or diversification will not contribute automatically to inclusive rural transformation. Instead, urbanization may potentially increase rural inequality and poverty.


Research Series 70: Do not transform food systems on the backs of the rural poor

مايو 2022

Although the importance of inclusion in food system transformation is gaining traction, this paper argues that recent research and discourse on the topic is insufficient and that specific actions are needed to ensure that this transformation does not take place on the backs of the rural poor.

Research Series 69: Structural and rural transformation and food systems: a quantitative synthesis for LMICs

أبريل 2022

Using country-level data from 85 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), this paper outlines a food systems index (FSI) and analyses the linkages between food systems and structural and rural transformation, as well as population distributions.

Research Series 68: Exploring a food system index for understanding food system transformation processes

أبريل 2022

This paper explores the prospects for a food system index (FSI) capturing several key components that influence differences in food system performance at the country level.

Research Series 67: Towards food systems transformation – five paradigm shifts for healthy, inclusive and sustainable food systems

أبريل 2022

This paper highlights five fundamental paradigm shifts that are required to overcome trade-offs and build synergies between health and nutrition, inclusive livelihoods, environmental sustainability, and food system resilience.

How to do note: Integrating the Gender Action Learning System (GALS) in IFAD operations

مارس 2022

This note provides practical guidance on how to roll out the Gender Action Learning System (GALS) for IFAD-funded projects.

Understanding market demand: How to use focus group discussions in the development of inclusive insurance

فبراير 2022

Understanding market demand is a critical step in the process of developing solutions to meet the risk management needs of rural poor people, particularly with regard to insurance.

How to do note: Seeking, free, prior and informed consent in IFAD investment projects

أكتوبر 2021

This note offers practical guidance for IFAD staff, consultants and in-country partners for seeking FPIC in the design and implementation of IFAD-funded projects and programmes, in compliance with IFAD policies and procedures.

تقرير ميزة التنوع البيولوجي - الازدهار مع الطبيعة: التنوع البيولوجي من أجل سبل عيش ونظم غذائية مستدامة

أكتوبر 2021

يعرض تقرير الصندوق الثاني عن ميزة التنوع البيولوجي خمسة مشروعات للصندوق تسلط الضوء على الأهمية الأساسية للتنوع البيولوجي في الزراعة.

Making agricultural and climate risk insurance gender inclusive: How to improve access to insurance for rural women

أكتوبر 2021

IFAD’s technical assistance programme INSURED (Insurance for rural resilience and economic development) has been building knowledge about how to strengthen women producers’ access to climate risk insurance. 

العدد 66 من سلسلة الأبحاث: هل يمكن أن تؤثر تصورات انخفاض توافر المياه المادية على سلوك الري؟ شواهد من الاردن

أغسطس 2021

نحقق في كيفية ارتباط تصورات توافر المياه المادي في الماضي بسلوك الري الحالي للمزارعين.

Rapid prototyping for inclusive insurance: Testing customer challenges and gaining early insights on feasibility

يونيو 2021

Prototyping aims to gather direct feedback on the solution and the wider insurance scheme, incorporate changes before pilot testing, and make any additional adjustments before the official roll-out.

Research Series Issue 65: Impacts of agricultural value chain development in a mountainous region: Evidence from Nepal

مايو 2021

This analysis investigates the potential mechanism and the practical significance of the impacts of agricultural value chain development in a geographically challenging rural area of a developing country.

How to do note: Crop selection for diet quality and resilience

مارس 2021

This How to Do Note is part of a series of five Notes that accompany the NUS Operational Framework.

How to do note: Market needs and emerging opportunities assessment in NUS value chains

مارس 2021

This How to Do Note is part of a series of five Notes that accompany the NUS Operational Framework.

How to do note: Promote neglected and underutilized species for domestic markets

مارس 2021

This How to Do Note is part of a series of five Notes that accompany the NUS Operational Framework.

How to do note: Interventions in support of NUS export markets

مارس 2021

This How to Do Note is part of a series of five Notes that accompany the NUS Operational Framework.

How to do note: Mainstreaming NUS in national policy for nutrition outcomes

مارس 2021

This How to Do Note is part of a series of five Notes that accompany the NUS Operational Framework.

The small livestock advantage: A sustainable entry point for addressing SDGs in rural areas

يناير 2021

This report presents selected achievements and lessons learned from the growing portfolio of small livestock investments supported by IFAD. 

Research Series Issue 64: How the adoption of drought-tolerant rice varieties impacts households in a non-drought year: Evidence from Nepal

ديسمبر 2020

Stress-tolerant rice varieties (STRVs) are bred to be high yielding and tolerant to climate shocks such as drought. 

Impact Assessment: Strengthening Local Development in the Highlands and High Rainforest Areas Project (PSSA)

سبتمبر 2020
PSSA aimed to unlock rural development and poverty reduction in Peru by supporting the design and implementation of business plans created by Producer Associations, targeting two of the country’s poorest regions.

Research Series Issue 63: The adoption of improved agricultural technologies - A meta-analysis for Africa

أغسطس 2020
 In this paper, particular attention is given to the identification and promotion of productivity and resilience enhancing agricultural practices. 

ميزة أمن حيازة الأراضي: أصل محفز للتحول الريفي المستدام والشامل

يوليو 2020
تقدم ميزة أمن حيازة الأراضي لمحة عامة عن مشاركة الصندوق في تأمين حيازة الأراضي لفقراء الريف.

العدد 62 من سلسلة البحوث: الآثار الجانبية لمجموعات منتجي البذور على المزارعين غير الأعضاء في مجتمعات التلال المتوسطة في نيبال

يونيو 2020
مزارعو الأرز في منطقة التلال النيبالية معرضون للجفاف ، الأمر الذي يمكن أن يقلل بشكل كبير من الغلات. يمكن أن تخفف أصناف الأرز التي تتحمل الإجهاد من هذا الضعف، كما يمكن أن يكون لها معدل استبدال مرتفع للبذور واستخدام أفضل ممارسات الإدارة في زراعة الأرز.

Impact Assessment: Gente de Valor – Rural Communities Development Project in the Poorest Areas of the State of Bahia

مايو 2020

The Rural Communities Development in the Poorest Areas of the State of Bahia (Project Gente de Valor) was designed to strengthen the capacity of rural communities to thrive in the drought-prone environment of Brazil's north-east region through improved access to water, increased productive capacity, and empowerment of participating communities. 

Uganda: Impact Assessment of the Small and Medium Agribusiness Development Fund (SMADF), Baseline Report No. 1: Sesaco Ltd.

مايو 2020

This is a baseline report for the impact assessment of the Yield Uganda Investment Fund (YUIF), an investment fund that provides targeted financing to small and medium agribusinesses (SMAs) to help them overcome barriers to accessing capital.

Uganda: Impact Assessment of the Small and Medium Agribusiness Development Fund (SMADF), Baseline Report No. 2: Central Coffee Farmers Association (CECOFA)

مايو 2020
Baseline report for the impact assessment of the Yield Investment Uganda Fund (YUF), an investment fund that provides targeted financing to small and medium agribusinesses (SMAs) to help them overcome barriers to accessing capital.

Research Series Issue 61: The narrative on rural youth and economic opportunities in Africa: facts, myths and gaps

ديسمبر 2019

This paper reviews the narrative on rural youth and economic opportunities in Africa, using a set of policy documents from various African countries and regional and international organizations. 

Research Series Issue 60: Investing in rural youth in the Near East, North Africa, Europe and Central Asia

ديسمبر 2019

This study reviews the opportunities and challenges facing rural youth in the Near East, North Africa, Europe and Central Asia region.

Research Series Issue 59: The rural youth situation in Latin America and the Caribbean

ديسمبر 2019

This study offers a general picture of the situation of rural youth in Latin America and the Caribbean. 

Research Series Issue 58: Investing in rural youth in the Asia and the Pacific region

ديسمبر 2019

This study characterizes the structural and rural transformation of the Asia and the Pacific region.

Research Series Issue 57: Unlocking the potential of rural youth: the role of policies and institutions

ديسمبر 2019

This study presents a framework to analyse the political economy of rural youth policy and institutions’ opportunity space with a quadrant that measures the extent to which rural youth are a priority in policies and institutions versus the extent that governments have to effectively implement rural youth policies.

Research Series Issue 56: The impact of migrants’ remittances and investment on rural youth

ديسمبر 2019

This study analyses how migrants positively contribute to the sustainable economic development of rural youth in their countries of origin.

Research Series Issue 55: Rural youth: determinants of migration throughout the world

ديسمبر 2019

This study takes a unique look at the determinants of youth migration across seven different countries using recently collected data.

Research Series Issue 54: Rural youth in the context of fragility and conflict

ديسمبر 2019

While conflicts are often defined as “development in reverse”, there is a general lack of research focusing specifically on young people living in rural areas. 

Research Series Issue 53: Youth access to land, migration and employment opportunities: evidence from sub-Saharan Africa

ديسمبر 2019

This study examines the intersections between youth access to land, migration decisions and employment opportunities in various African countries.

Research Series Issue 52: Information and communication technologies and rural youth

ديسمبر 2019

This analysis reviews existing research on the impact of digital initiatives on youth in the education, agriculture, financial and employment sectors.

Research Series Issue 51: Inclusive finance and rural youth

ديسمبر 2019

This study analyses inclusive finance and rural youth through cutting-age research with new insights and approaches that have emerged over the years in the field. 

Research Series Issue 50: Rural transformation and the double burden of malnutrition among rural youth in developing countries

ديسمبر 2019

In this study, we show that rural transformation processes are associated with improvements in rural youth nutrition – malnutrition and underweight – in nearly all regions, although the pace of change varies considerably across countries.

Research Series Issue 49: Climate and jobs for rural young people

ديسمبر 2019

Climate change matters for all young people, especially for those whose livelihoods depend on agriculture. This study shows that adaptation to climate change is feasible and options increase as new technologies and management approaches come on-stream. 

Research Series Issue 48: Rural youth, today and tomorrow

ديسمبر 2019

Research on rural youth aspirations suggests that many young people are not averse to agriculture as such, but to agriculture’s current neglected condition

Research Series Issue 47: Landscapes of rural youth opportunity

ديسمبر 2019

This study is motivated by the consistent portrayal of agriculture and the broader rural economy in Africa as domains of opportunity for rural youth. 

Research Series Issue 46: Economic participation of rural youth: what matters?

ديسمبر 2019

A key lesson is that lack of technical skills does not seem to be the biggest obstacle youth face in entering the labour force. Evidence on agricultural extension programmes suggests that peer-to-peer learning works best.

Research Series Issue 45: Rural youth inclusion, empowerment and participation

ديسمبر 2019

This exploratory study focuses on participation in decision-making processes and how rural youth could benefit from its findings in development projects and initiatives. 

Research Series Issue 44: Gender, rural youth and structural transformation: evidence to inform innovative youth programming

ديسمبر 2019

This study analyses sex-disaggregated data from various countries to characterize rural youths’ transition to adulthood by gender. 

Research Series Issue 43: Youth agrifood system employment in developing countries: a gender-differentiated spatial approach

ديسمبر 2019

Little is known about the economic activities of rural youth. This study provides empirical evidence on this gap in literature. 

Research Series Issue 42: What drives rural youth welfare? The role of spatial, economic, and household factors

ديسمبر 2019

This study uses the concept of the Rural Opportunity Space from economic geography literature to shed light on these questions. 

Research Series Issue 41: The demography of rural youth in developing countries

ديسمبر 2019

Building on United Nations data, this study analyses how past growth of the youth population was dramatic in Asia and the Pacific, while projections suggest a sharp rise in the youth population of sub-Saharan Africa until 2050.  

IFAD10 Impact Assessment: An Overview

ديسمبر 2019

To hold itself accountable on progress made in achieving this goal and these three strategic objectives, IFAD has adopted a unique approach to reporting impact at the corporate level, building on rigorous project-level evaluations. This report provides the results of these efforts to assess the corporate impact of IFAD investments for the Tenth Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources (IFAD10) period of 2016-2018.

The Latin America and Caribbean Advantage: Family farming – a critical success factor for resilient food security and nutrition

ديسمبر 2019
Development projects that integrate investments in rural indigenous people, youth and women with measures to adapt to climate change are more likely to be successful in Latin America and the Caribbean, according to a new report launched today by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

The West and Central Africa Advantage: Fighting fragility for smallholder resilience

نوفمبر 2019

A new report from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) shows that by working with women, men, young people and indigenous peoples as change agents we are best placed to beat back the impact of climate change on rural communities in West and Central Africa (WCA).

The Fisheries and Aquaculture Advantage: Fostering food security and nutrition, increasing

نوفمبر 2019

This report presents selected achievements and lessons from the growing portfolio of fisheries and aquaculture investments supported by IFAD.

How to do note: Mainstreaming nutrition into COSOPs and investment projects

أكتوبر 2019

This How-to-do Note is a practical step by step operational guidance on mainstreaming nutrition in IFAD-supported country strategies and investment projects for use by IFAD staff, consultants and partners.

Research Series Issue 40: Local-economy impacts of cash crop promotion

أكتوبر 2019
This is the first study to quantify the general equilibrium impacts of introducing a new cash crop into a poor isolated economy, including impacts on environmentally sensitive fishing activities.

The Food Loss Reduction Advantage: Building sustainable food systems

سبتمبر 2019
Around one third of the food globally produced is estimated to be lost or wasted along the supply chain. These losses affect disproportionally developing countries.

Research Series Issue 39: Smallholder farming, growth linkages, structural transformation and poverty reduction

سبتمبر 2019
There are different views around the future of smallholder agriculture and its potential to contribute to the needed transformations of agriculture and rural economies. 

Impact assessment: The Coastal Community Development (CCDP)

أغسطس 2019
The Coastal Community Development Project (CCDP), implemented between 2013 and 2017, was designed to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable economic growth in 12 coastal districts of Indonesia.

Research Series Issue 38: Meta-evidence review on the impacts of investments in agricultural and rural development on Sustainable Development Goals 1 and 2

يونيو 2019
Agriculture and rural development research will play a critical role in meeting the ambitious targets under SDGs 1 and 2. 

Research Series Issue 37: Determinants of cofinancing in IFAD-funded projects - A call to rethink development interventions

مايو 2019
This study is an analysis of what drives cofinancing in IFAD-supported programmes/projects, covering 20 years of data from 559 projects in 109 countries.

Impact assessment: PAPAFPA and PAPAC

أبريل 2019
The Participatory Smallholder Agriculture and Artisanal Fisheries Development Programme (PAPAFPA) and the Smallholder Commercial Agriculture Project (PAPAC) are complementary projects designed to improve the livelihoods of smallholders in Sao Tomé and Príncipe. PAPAFPA, which has now closed, created farmers’ cooperatives to improve the development of organic cacao, coffee, and pepper value chains through increased commercialization in domestic and niche export markets.

Research Series Issue 36: Who works in agriculture?

أبريل 2019
This analysis examines the dynamics of youth employment in agriculture and the agri-food system in Tanzania and Malawi.

Impact assessment: Coastal Climate Resilient Infrastructure Project (CCRIP)

أبريل 2019
Farmers in southwestern Bangladesh, an area prone to natural disasters, are sometimes unable to reach community markets in the monsoon season. 

Impact assessment: Plan VIDA-PEEP to Eradicate Extreme Poverty – Phase I

مارس 2019
From 2011 to 2016, the Plan VIDA project in Bolivia was implemented to address extreme poverty in rural areas by increasing the incomes and assets of rural people in the departments of Potosí and Cochabamba of the Plurinational State of Bolivia

Research Series Issue 35: Climate change mitigation potential of agricultural practices supported by IFAD investments An ex ante analysis

مارس 2019

This study estimates the mitigation potential of agricultural practices supported by IFAD’s current investments in order to provide guidance for the design of future investments. 

Research Series Issue 34: Farm size and productivity - Lessons from recent literature

يناير 2019
This paper considers the relationship between farm size and productivity patterns across countries and within countries. 

سلسلة نتائج الصندوق IFAD الإصدار الثالث

ديسمبر 2018
يقدم هذا الإصدار ويحلّل التجارب من البرامج والمشاريع التالية التي يمولها الصندوق:

Impact assessment: Agricultural Sector Development Programme–Livestock (ASDP-L) and Agriculture Service Support Programme (ASSP)

ديسمبر 2018
Despite decades of research and development of technologies and innovations which improve farming practices and productivity, small farmers in Tanzania continue to use technologies and practices which do not favour high yields and economic returns. 

سلسلة الأبحاث الإصدار الثالث والثلاثين 33-تأثير تبنّي الأنواع التي طورتها الجماعة الاستشارية للبحوث الزراعية الدولية على نتائج الفقر والرفاهية: عرض منهجي

ديسمبر 2018
تبحث هذه الورقة تأثير البحوث الزراعية على الفقر والرفاهية من خلال إجراء عرض منهجي لتقييمات التأثيرات التجريبية وشبه التجريبية للأنواع المُطوّرَة التي نشرها الجماعة الاستشارية للبحوث الزراعية الدولية بين عامي 2007 و2015

Impact assessment: Guangxi Integrated Agricultural Development Project

ديسمبر 2018
The Guangxi Integrated Agricultural Development Project (GIADP) was implemented in 623 Administrative Villages in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China to increase income of smallholder farmers by developing community infrastructures

Impact assessment: Rural Development Support Programme in Guéra

ديسمبر 2018
The Rural Development Support Programme in Guéra (PADER-G) was implemented to improve the food security and livelihoods of farmers living in remote areas of Guéra, a drought-prone and conflict-ridden region of Chad. 

Impact assessment: Project for Rural Income through Exports in Rwanda

ديسمبر 2018
The Project for Rural Income through Exports in Rwanda, known by its acronym PRICE, aims to increase returns to farmers through the development of export-driven value chains for coffee, tea, sericulture and horticulture.

Impact assessment: Irrigated Rice Production Enhancement Project

ديسمبر 2018
The Irrigated Rice Production Enhancement Project (IRPEP) was implemented between 2010 and 2015 to improve the rice productivity and livelihoods of smallholder farmers who cultivate on Communal Irrigation Schemes in three regions (Western Visayas, Central Visayas and Northern Mindanao) of the Philippines. 

Impact assessment: High-Value Agriculture Project in Hill and Mountain Areas

ديسمبر 2018
The High-Value Agriculture Project in Hill and Mountain Areas (HVAP) integrated farmers living in the remote hill and mountain areas of Mid-Western Nepal into the local economy of goats and high-valued crops such as apples and Sichuan pepper (timur). 
