الأدوات والإرشادات


نتائج البحث

Zipping up the Evidence - Dealing with non-counterfactuals in Viet Nam and Ghana

سبتمبر 2015

Participatory Impact Assessment and Learning Approach (PIALA)


دراسة نموذج الحیاة الأسریة، أوغندا

سبتمبر 2015
توضّح دراسة الحالة كيف تم استخدام نموذج الحیاة الأسریة في أوغندا، مع تسلیط الضوء على أداء كل منهجیة في سیاقها المحدد.  

نهج العمل المنهجیات الأسریة

سبتمبر 2015
توفّر دلیلاً مفصّلاً حول كیفیة تطبیق المنهجیات الأسریة. وتتضمن وصفاً للأنشطة على المستوى الأسري، والنهج المختلفة في تطبیق المنهجیات الأسریة، وموفّري الخدمات، ونظام المیسّرین، بالإضافة إلى دور المجتمع المحلي والبیئة الأشمل. وتوضّح النقاط الأساسیة الواجب أخذها بعین الاعتبار عند إدماج المنهجیات الأسریة في تصمیم المشروعات وتنفیذها.

How to do note: Climate change risk assessments in value chain projects

سبتمبر 2015
​This HTDN is directed primarily at the design phase of IFAD value chain projects, though it does have some relevance for both pre-design and implementation phases.

How To Do Note: Measuring Climate Resilience

سبتمبر 2015
This How To Do Note is intended as a tool for IFAD staff and partners involved in investment projects with climate resilience objectives.

How to do note: Mainstreaming portable biogas systems into IFAD-supported projects

يونيو 2015
Access to modern renewable energy services is a key factor in eradicating poverty and ensuring food security.

Toolkit: Youth Access to Rural Finance

مايو 2015
With the mounting awareness of the unmet demand for youth financial services and the growing evidence that serving young people is viable, there is also a need to assess and document the implications for rural areas. This toolkit on Youth Access to Rural Finance aims to contribute to filling that gap.
The Lessons Learned and How To Do Note on this topic provide IFAD country programme managers, project design teams and implementing partners with insights and key guidance on designing and offering appropriate financial services for rural youth. The toolkit on Youth Access to Rural Finance synthesizes best practices and offers examples from around the world.  

Lessons learned: Youth Access to Rural Finance

مايو 2015

Although there have been improvements in YFS access, youth are still lagging significantly behind adults in being able to access financial tools. Across high- and low-income countries, young people are less likely than adults to have a formal account. There are even starker differences related to a country’s income level, with 21 per cent of youth in low-income economies having a formal account compared with 61 per cent in upper-middle-income economies (Demirguc-Kunt et al., 2013). 

Even with this data, determining the exact extent of youth access to financial services can be complicated because there is a lack of consistent data and definitions on youth (see Box 3). The lack of data is more limited for rural areas.
While there is some analysis of the urban-rural gap in access to financial services, with those living in cities significantly more likely to have an account than rural residents (Klapper, 2012), there are currently no comprehensive studies with disaggregated data for rural youth.

Scaling up note: Nutrition-sensitive agriculture and rural development

مايو 2015

In 1977, IFAD made improving “the nutritional level of the poorest populations in developing countries” one of the principal objectives of its founding agreement. Since then, governments, civil society and development organizations also have come to recognize the central importance of nutrition – which comprises undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies and overweight – to development.


ملاحظة لتوسيع النطاق: إدارة المياه الزراعية

مايو 2015
يعتبر الماء ذو أهمية أساسية للتنمية البشرية والبيئة والاقتصاد. الوصول إلى الماء والأمن المائي أمر بالغ الأهمية لتحسين الأمن الغذائي ودخل وسبل عيش المجتمعات الريفية. لا يزال الوصول الموثوق إلى المياه يشكل عقبة رئيسية أمام ملايين المزارعين الفقراء، معظمهم من المزارعين في المناطق البعلية، ولكن أيضًا المشاركين في الزراعة المروية. يشكل تغير المناخ وأنماط هطول الأمطار المتغيرة الناتجة تهديدًا لكثير من المزارعين، الذين يخاطرون بفقدان الأمن المائي والانزلاق مرة أخرى إلى مصيدة الفقر.وبالتالي فمن الضروري تعزيز قدرة المجتمعات على تبني ونشر تقنيات إدارة المياه الزراعية. 

Scaling up note: Gender equality and women’s empowerment

أبريل 2015

IFAD has achieved significant results in promoting innovative gender mainstreaming and pro-poor approaches and processes in its operations, making this an area of IFAD’s comparative advantage. 

Effective project management arrangements for agricultural projects: A synthesis of selected case studies and quantitative analysis

مارس 2015
In 2013, IFAD commissioned a study to analyse project management arrangements for market‑oriented smallholder agriculture. As IFAD adapts to the changing development discourse, the organization has focused increasingly on improving Project Management Unit (PMU) arrangements in order to provide more effective and expanded management and technical skills. This review was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of PMUs and their alignment with the Paris Declaration principles, as well as to identify lessons or frameworks to guide future project management and implementation arrangements. It investigated five case studies drawn from different regions and types of projects.  

Scaling up note: Land tenure security

فبراير 2015

Equitable access to land and tenure security for IFAD’s target groups are essential for rural development and poverty eradication. Tenure security influences the extent to which farmers are prepared to invest in improvements in production and land management. 

Interventions to be scaled-up are in this note are: (i) Recognition and recording of multiple and sometimes overlapping rights in community-level land use, watershed management, territorial, rangeland and forest management planning processes; (ii) Registration of land ownership and use rights; (iii) Equitable land access; (iv) Land conflict resolution and access to judiciary and legal aid and; (v) Civic education and public awareness-raising. 

Scaling up note: Smallholder livestock development

فبراير 2015

Smallholder livestock production is largely based on family farming and is key to poor rural people’s livelihoods, food security and employment creation. 

Scaling up note: Inclusive Rural Financial Services

فبراير 2015
With almost four decades of engagement in more than 70 countries and more than US$1.1 billion invested in rural finance (RF) initiatives, IFAD has rich and multifaceted experience, a global network of partners working at the frontier of innovation and hundreds of different types of providers addressing the financial needs of poor rural households as their clients. Most of the 3 billion people in rural areas still live on less than US$2 a day. Challenges such as economic shocks, food shortages and climate change affect poor people disproportionately. Poor rural households are typically excluded from opportunities in the formal financial sector.

Scaling up note: Climate-resilient agricultural development

فبراير 2015
Smallholder farmers are in the front line of climate change impacts. The ecosystems on which they rely are increasingly degraded and their access to suitable agricultural land and to forest resources is declining.

Scaling up note: Smallholder institutions and organizations

ديسمبر 2014
The initial step in scaling up smallholder organizations is to clarify and examine the elements that work best and decide which of these to scale up. The elements to be considered include the organizational components embedded in projects related to capacity-building, such as the managerial and technical skills and governance systems that enable organizations to fulfil their core functions and achieve their missions more effectively.

Foro de los Pueblos Indígenas en el FIDA

ديسمبر 2014
Taller regional de América Latina y el Caribe en preparación de la segunda reunión mundial del Foro de Pueblos Indígenas en el FIDA.

Africa Regional Workshop Report

ديسمبر 2014
Africa Regional Workshop in preparation for the Second Global Meeting of the Indigenous Peoples’ Forum at IFAD.

دراسة حالة مؤتمر الرجال حول نار المخیّم، زامبیا

ديسمبر 2014
توضّح دراسة الحالة كيف تم استخدام  مؤتمر الرجال حول نار المخیّم في زامبيا. مع تسلیط الضوء على أداء كل منهجیة في سیاقها المحدد. الروابط متوفر للمصادر والمحتويات الالكترونية.

دراسة حالة النهج الأسري في تعمیم قضایا التمایز بین الجنسین، ومكافحة فیروس نقص المناعة البشریة ومتلازمة نقص المناعة المكتسب، ملاوي

ديسمبر 2014
توضّح دراسة الحالة كيف تم استخدام  النهج الأسري في تعمیم قضایا التمایز بین الجنسین، ومكافحة فیروس نقص المناعة البشریة ومتلازمة نقص المناعة المكتسب، بفعالية في اثيوبيا مع تسلیط الضوء على أداء كل منهجیة في سیاقها المحدد. الروابط متوفر للمصادر والمحتويات الالكترونية

Lessons learned: Strengthening smallholder institutions and organizations

نوفمبر 2014
This note highlights the lessons learned in supporting smallholder institutions and organizations. 

Burundi: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues

نوفمبر 2014

The Twa “Pygmy” of the Republic of Burundi are a small minority of around 80,000 people that self-identify as indigenous and are considered as such by the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights and the UN system. 

How to do note: Analyse and strengthen social capital

نوفمبر 2014
This How To Do Note guides design and country teams in conducting an initial analysis of organizations and their capacity development needs at the project design stage. It provides a conceptual framework and practical suggestions and tools to help practitioners systematically collate and summarize information captured during design missions. 

Pacific Regional Workshop Report

نوفمبر 2014

In February 2013, the First Global Meeting of the Indigenous Peoples Forum took place at the IFAD headquarters in Rome, in conjunction with the 36th session of the Governing Council. In attendance at this inaugural meeting were 31 indigenous people’s representatives from 25 countries in Asia, Pacific, Latin America, Africa and the Caribbean regions. Of the 19 Asia- Pacific regional representatives, two were from the Pacific; Mr. Anthony Wale, the Executive Director Aoke Langalanga Constituency Apex Association (ALCAA), and Ms Rufina Peter, Senior Research Officer at the PNG Institute of National Affairs.

During the meeting the Pacific representatives highlighted the need for the Pacific to have a “separate identity” as per the outcomes of Asia Pacific regional preparatory workshop in Bangkok. The issue was one of visibility for the Pacific Region due to its unique, rich and diverse cultures and traditions, its significant land and sea area and its high biodiversity. The Pacific Regional meeting proposed three action plans, of which the Pacific Regional Workshop in preparation of the Second Global Meeting of the Indigenous Peoples’ Forum at IFAD is a direct result.

دراسة حالة الزعماء والقادة التقلیدیون، زامبیا

نوفمبر 2014
توضّح دراسة الحالة كيف ساهم الزعماء والقادة التقلیدیون في زامبیا، مع تسلیط الضوء على العمل في سیاقها المحدد. الروابط متوفر للمصادر والمحتويات الالكترونية

دراسة حالة النهج الأسري، زامبیا

نوفمبر 2014
توضّح دراسة الحالة كيف تم استخدام دراسة حالة النهج الأسري في زامبیا. مع تسلیط الضوء على أداء كل منهجیة في سیاقها المحدد.

A field practitioner's guide: Institutional and organizational analysis and capacity strengthening

نوفمبر 2014

The purpose of this Guide is to support institutional and organizational analysis and strengthening (IOA/S) for design and implementation of programmes and projects.
The Guide is designed to be a practical, hands-on set of directions to those needing to answer the following questions: “how to go about doing institutional and organizational analysis? And once I’ve done it, how do I go about using this analysis to promote sustainable institutions and organizations?”

This is intended as a user-friendly Guide, the use of which could help identify strategic partners and key areas for intervention at COSOP level; to deepen the COSOP analysis at the design stage by generating interventions that support sustainable institutions and organizations, and progress
at implementation stage should be easier to monitor and evaluate effectively. 

Toolkit: Strengthening smallholder institutions and organizations

نوفمبر 2014
The “Strengthening smallholder institutions and organizations toolkit” provides valuable guidance to help practitioners analyze and address issues related to smallholder institutions and organizations during the devopment of country strategies and in the design and implementation of programmes and projects.
