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Recipes for Change: Chef Lance Seeto’s homemade chicken, ginger and greens soup
#IFADatwork: our mission in the time of COVID-19
IFAD-funded water system helps Kenyan students stay safe
Recipes for Change: Chef Pierre Thiam shares a lockdown-friendly vegan chilli recipe
IFAD’s Recipes for Change chefs are carrying on with life under lockdown by sharing some excellent recipes that you can make with ingredients you’ve already got in your home cupboard. Senegalese Chef Pierre Thiam joins us from his home in New York State with a delicious recipe for vegan chilli.
Solidarity and flexibility: IFAD-supported artisans produce masks and hairnets to fight coronavirus in Brazil
Recipes For Change: Chef Bowerman’s take on cooking from home under lockdown
As the world adjusts to life with COVID-19, we’re asking our Recipes for Change chefs to share some world-class recipes that you can make with ingredients you’ve already got in your home cupboard. Michelin-starred Chef Cristina Bowerman shares two simple and nutritious recipes involving chickpeas.
A future for students with water, vegetables and roses
In Kenya’s Nyeri county, sustainable water system technologies have substantially improved the lives of students, staff and surrounding communities and have opened up a brighter future for many.
Recipes for Change: Dhindo – corn flour purée with nettle leaf curry and pickled tomatoes – Nepal
Scaling-out gender transformation for climate change
Development approaches must address structural barriers and power imbalances for women and other marginalized groups to adapt to climate change.