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Innovation matters, especially for small-scale farmers
IFAD applies the latest tools and technologies to support small-scale farmers. Here are six examples of innovations proven to work for rural communities all over the world.
From the field to our plates, rural people are transforming food systems
Our food systems need to change. Around the world, small-scale farmers, fishers and rural producers are already leading the transformation – here’s how.
Lifelong hobbies become lifelines for Syrian refugees in Jordan
Since 2011, over 700,000 Syrian refugees have crossed the border into Jordan. Here, both refugees and host communities in rural areas frequently struggle with poverty as water scarcity, feed shortage and rangeland degradation make farming a challenge. Meet three refugees that IFAD is helping to face these challenges.
Her land, her rights: How land ownership can transform the lives of women - and hold back desertification - in Niger
Meet the woman who fought for her right to land ownership and contributed to halting drought and desertification.
A New Day is possible
Small-scale farmers in developing countries produce one third of the world’s food. But today they are only one flood, one drought or one failed harvest away from ruin. To stem the impact of climate change on food security and to reduce poverty, IFAD is calling for more investment in rural communities - now.
A New Day: Q&A with the people IFAD supports
IFAD's new film, ‘A New Day’, tells the story of Tunisia’s rural people and is a testament to their resilience as they battle to adapt to our changing weather. We speak to two IFAD-supported project participants about their daily struggles, as well as their hopes and dreams for the future.
Behind the Scenes of ‘A New Day’
IFAD’s latest film, ‘A New Day’, was shot in Tunisia amid soaring temperatures. Get a behind the scenes look of how we made the film, the people we met and the challenges of shooting in an area dramatically affected by climate change.
Why development is a smart investment even in unstable times
In an age of multiple intersecting crises, only a holistic approach to both humanitarian and development assistance can disrupt the cycle.
Debunking three myths about rural people and the environment
The world is full of misconceptions about rural people and the environment. Find out what’s true and what’s not, as we debunk three major myths.