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The Greenthumb Youth Group casts their nets
The Greenthumb Youth Group hadn’t had much luck with traditional farming. But thanks to a grant to set up an aquaponics venture – combining crop farming and fish farming – their success is making waves all along the value chain.
In Rwanda, public-private partnerships benefit small-scale cassava farmers
Cassava is one of Rwanda’s most important staple crops, but market access remains a challenge. The Ingabo Syndicate, an organization of cooperatives, has been helping its cassava producers find markets for over two decades – most recently, through public-private partnerships.
Responding to the challenges of a year like no other: IFAD’s 2020 Annual Report
IFAD’s Annual Report provides a concise, compelling and interactive discussion of how we addressed the challenges of the last year.
New horizons for the Ingobor Youth Group
Meet Ingobor, a group of 20 former bus drivers and conductors who pooled their resources and established a successful dairy business.
Three ways to harvest water in Brazil’s sertão
For centuries, people living in Brazil’s semi-arid region have struggled with a lack of water. But over the last decades, thanks to support from IFAD and other development actors, these communities are squeezing a few more drops of water from Mother Nature.
The potential and unknowns of gender transformative approaches
With less than a decade left to meet the Sustainable Development Goals, the sobering current global trajectory is one in which it will take roughly 170 years to achieve gender equality. The current global pandemic has both made gender inequalities more visible and worsened them, including in food systems.
Seeing the invisible, doing the impossible: A young Nigerian entrepreneur’s journey to success
Dorothy Chia Vandefan is nothing if not insightful. She describes herself as a serious-minded agricultural entrepreneur who can create opportunities where there seem to be none – and she’s right.
In Moldova, new frontiers for the honeybee business
Thanks to an IFAD-supported grant, Ecaterina’s honey business is taking off – and now she and her fellow entrepreneurs have a bigger market reach than ever before.
Recipes for Change: A conversation with Chef Shane Chartrand
For over a decade, Chef Shane Chartrand has been on a personal and culinary journey: figuring out what it means to be of Cree descent and of Métis upbringing, and how to integrate that into being a professional chef living and working in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, on Treaty 6 territory.