

نتائج البحث

Stories from the field: Innovative agriculture

مارس 2020
Unlocking opportunities for rural entrepreneurs and farmers in the sub-Mekong region.

Collection of sustainable land management technologies practices by smallholder farmers in Lao PDR

أغسطس 2019
This collection of sustainable land management (SLM) technologies and approaches was compiled as part of the Scaling-up SLM practices by smallholder farmers project funded by IFAD. 

Grant Results Sheet - ICRISAT: Sustainable Management of Cropbased Production Systems for Raising Agricultural Productivity in Rainfed Asia

يونيو 2018
The programme aimed to intensify the cropping systems with grain legumes to improve the productivity and sustainability of rainfed agriculture while diversifying smallholder farmers’ income-generating opportunities. 

Grant results sheet - ROUTASIA: Strengthening Knowledge Sharing on Innovative Solutions Using the Learning Route Methodology in Asia and the Pacific – Phase 2

يونيو 2018
The programme Strengthening Knowledge Sharing on Innovative Solutions Using Learning Route (LR) Methodology1 in Asia and the Pacific (ROUTASIA) is the second phase of a four-year IFAD-funded large grant to Procasur Corporation. 

Policy case study Lao People’s Democratic Republic - Exchange on good practices for public policy consultations

أغسطس 2015

Despite strong and sustained economic growth over the past two decades, and a considerable reduction in national poverty rates, poverty in rural LaoPeople’s Democratic Republic (PDR) affects 30 per cent of the population. IFAD’s engagement in Lao PDR is guided by a country strategy that focuses on three primary goals: improved community-based access to, and management of, land and natural resources; improved access to advisory services and inputs for sustainable, adaptive and integrated farming systems; and improved access to markets for selected products.
