

نتائج البحث

Philippines: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues

ديسمبر 2023

Various sources estimate the population of indigenous peoples in the Philippines at 12-15% of the current national population of 108 million, or a total of about 16-17 million.

Indonesia: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues

ديسمبر 2023

Indonesia is comprised of 13.000 islands with a total area of 7 million km2. It has a total population of 273 million in more than 1.000 various ethnic and sub-ethnic groups with their own cultures and traditions.

Cambodia: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues

ديسمبر 2023

Indigenous Peoples of Cambodia represent 24 different groups, who reside mainly in the upland forests, plains, and mountains of the northern and north-eastern provinces.

Viet Nam: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues

نوفمبر 2023

This report aims to provide the most recent information on the issue of Ethnic Minorities in Viet Nam in terms of the general situation, poverty reduction, impact of COVID-19, Government policies and programs as well as such as NGOs, ODA and IFAD in Viet Nam.

الموافقة الحرّة والمسبقة والمستنيرة: تطبيق المبدأ على العمل على أرض الواقع

أغسطس 2023

يستكشف هذا المنشور الدروس المستفادة من برنامج سبل عيش الشعوب الأصليّة وقدرتها على الصمود في وجه تغيّر المناخ الذي تدعمه الوكالة السويديّة للتعاون الإنمائي الدولي. 

مذكرة تقنيّة قطرية بشأن قضايا الشعوب الأصليّة في جمهورية الكاميرون

أغسطس 2023

في جمهوريّة الكاميرون سكّان متعددو الأعراق، إذ تُعرف قبائل باكا، وباغيلي/باكولا، وبيدزانغ، ومونتانيارد، ومبورورو بأنّها شعوب أصليّة.

الشعوب الأصلية ووكالات الأمم المتحدة التي تتخذ من روما مقرا لها تعمل معا لتحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة

فبراير 2023

يقع تحقيق عالم خالٍ من الجوع (الهدف 2) في صميم ولايات وكالات الأمم المتحدة الثلاث التي تتخذ من روما مقراً لها: منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة، والصندوق الدولي للتنمية الزراعية وبرنامج الأغذية العالمي.

تقييم أداء الدورة الخامسة لمرفق مساعدة الشعوب الأصلية: ملخص

فبراير 2023

يستعرض هذا التقييم أداء الشركاء الإقليميين ويوثق نتائج المشاريع الممولة من مرفق مساعدة الشعوب الأصلية (IPAF) بين عامي 2018 و 2021.

Myanmar: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues

أكتوبر 2022

Myanmar is one of the most ethnically and culturally diverse countries in the Asian region, and ethnicity is a complex, contested, and politically sensitive issue in the country where ethnic groups have long believed that successive governments of Myanmar manipulate ethnic groups for political purposes.

Bangladesh: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues

سبتمبر 2022

There are different and conflicting opinions, and until very recently, acute shortage of reliable data and statistics, regarding the population size of the different Indigenous Peoples in Bangladesh

Nepal: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues

سبتمبر 2022

Indigenous peoples of Nepal have been living in Nepal since time immemorial.

The Free, Prior and Informed Consent Advantage: Action for empowerment in Latin America

أغسطس 2022

This publication explores how FPIC is solicited through consultation and the participation of communities and local institutions at specific stages of the project cycle.

Sustainable and resilient Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems for improved nutrition

مايو 2022

This toolbox provides guidelines on how to design and assess food biodiversity and dietary diversity projects with local communities, with the aim of improving the diets and nutrition of Indigenous Peoples.

Policy brief: Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) - Indigenous peoples-driven development pathways

أبريل 2022

This policy brief explains what FPIC is, how IFAD seeks FPIC, and examples of how IFAD and indigenous peoples are working together with FPIC.

Lao People’s Democratic Republic: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues

مارس 2022

Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) is one of the countries with the largest number of different ethnic groups in the world. The history of these ethnic groups extends beyond human memory.

India: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues

مارس 2022

Internationally, the ‘Scheduled Tribes’ (STs) of India are generally referred to as ‘Indigenous Peoples (IPs)’. However, the Government of India emphatically rejects equating Scheduled Tribes (STs) with IPs even while abiding by the operational directives of bilateral and multilateral agencies with regard to IPs while operationalising projects with their financial aid.

The IFAD and Slow Food Case for Investment

نوفمبر 2021

IFAD and Slow Food share a vision of supporting small-scale, diversified production and consumption mechanisms that focus on improving the marketing of local products. 

How to do note: Seeking, free, prior and informed consent in IFAD investment projects

أكتوبر 2021

This note offers practical guidance for IFAD staff, consultants and in-country partners for seeking FPIC in the design and implementation of IFAD-funded projects and programmes, in compliance with IFAD policies and procedures.

مسرد المصطلحات المتعلقة بالشعوب الأصلية

سبتمبر 2021

تتضمن هذه الطبعة الثانية مصطلحات جديدة ناشئة عن أحدث منشورات الصندوق ومصادر حديثة أخرى تتعلق بالشعوب الأصلية.

Good practices in IFAD’s engagement with indigenous peoples

فبراير 2021

This publication shares good practices for engagement with indigenous peoples as described in IFAD's investment projects as well as in the small projects financed through the Indigenous Peoples’ Assistance Facility (IPAF).
