

نتائج البحث

الوصول إلى التمويل من أجل منظمات المزارعين: الأدلة من استقصاء متعدد البلدان

أبريل 2023

يقدم هذا التقرير أدلة جديدة للإبلاغ عن تصميم المنتجات المالية المناسبة وفي الوقت المناسب لمنظمات المزارعين ، بناءً على دراسة استقصائية لـ 220 منظمة مزارعين في غرب إفريقيا وآسيا والمحيط الهادئ.

Multiple roles of farmers’ and producers’ organizations in responding to the Covid-19 crisis

مايو 2022

Faced with a triple health, economic, and social crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic, Farmers’ Organizations (FOs) have been called on by members and partners to play a variety of roles in response to the crisis.

Capitalisation champs école paysans. Action collective, auto-organisation et, rôle des organisations paysannes dans la mise à échelle et l’institutionnalisation des CEP

فبراير 2022

L’approche Champ École Paysan (CEP) est adoptée dans la grande majorité des projets financés par le FIDA en Afrique subsaharienne. À travers cette capitalisation, il s’agit d’analyser dans quelle mesure l’approche CEP a permis l’émergence de processus collectifs, organisationnels et d’autonomisation des paysans en réponse aux problèmes qui se posaient à eux.

Empowering rural youth through farmers’ organizations

ديسمبر 2021

This paper captures and synthesizes key approaches, strategies and lessons for empowering rural youth in the Asia-Pacific region from farmers’ organizations (FOs) and regional and international development agencies.

The FO4ACP programme

أكتوبر 2020

The FO4ACP programme aims to support small-scale and family farmers in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries by strengthening farmers’ organizations.


يوليو 2020

The Forum for Agricultural Risk Management in Development (FARM-D) is a Community of Practice managed by the Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM) for knowledge exchange on agricultural risk management in developing countries.

Farmers' Organizations for Africa, Caribbean and Pacific - FO4ACP

يوليو 2020

The overall objective of the FO4ACP programme is to increase income and to improve livelihoods, food and nutrition security and safety of organized smallholder and family farmers in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries.

العدد 62 من سلسلة البحوث: الآثار الجانبية لمجموعات منتجي البذور على المزارعين غير الأعضاء في مجتمعات التلال المتوسطة في نيبال

يونيو 2020
مزارعو الأرز في منطقة التلال النيبالية معرضون للجفاف ، الأمر الذي يمكن أن يقلل بشكل كبير من الغلات. يمكن أن تخفف أصناف الأرز التي تتحمل الإجهاد من هذا الضعف، كما يمكن أن يكون لها معدل استبدال مرتفع للبذور واستخدام أفضل ممارسات الإدارة في زراعة الأرز.

IFAD and Farmers' Organizations - Partnership in Progress: 2016-2019

فبراير 2020
Report to the seventh global meeting of the Farmers’ Forum, in conjunction with the forty-third session of IFAD’s Governing Council. 

A manual in mobilizing migrant resources towards agricultural development in the Philippines

نوفمبر 2019
This manual discusses the strategy, lessons learned and recommendations of Atikha in scaling up initiatives in mobilizing migrant resources towards agriculture development in the country. 

Support to Farmers Organizations in Africa Programme (SFOAP): Completion Report

يونيو 2019
This completion report is a compilation of activities and achievements of the Support to Farmers’ Organizations in Africa Programme (SFOAP).

“Fruiting Africa” for health and wealth

ديسمبر 2018
Since 2006, IFAD and the European Union have partnered to invest over EUR 230 million in agricultural research programmes carried out through the CGIAR system. 

Farmers’ Organizations in Africa

يونيو 2018
The Support to Farmers’ Organizations in Africa Programme (SFOAP): Main phase (2013 - 2018) is a continental programme which strengthens the institutional capacities, policy engagement and engagement of value chains of African farmers’ organizations (FOs). The programme supports the 5 regional networks of African FOs (EAFF, PROPAC, ROPPA, SACAU and UMNAGRI), their members at national level, and the pan-African FO (PAFO).

Asia-Pacific Farmers’ Forum IFAD’s Medium-term Cooperation Programme with Farmers’ Organizations Phase Two (MTCP2)

أكتوبر 2017
Established in 2005 as a permanent feature of the IFAD Governing Council, the Farmers’ Forum (FAFO) is a bottom-up process of consultation and dialogue between IFAD, governments and farmers’ organizations that represent millions of small-scale farmers, fisher folk and pastoralists, both men and women, across the world. The forum aims to strengthen partnership and collaboration between IFAD and farmers’ organizations in country programmes and investment projects and to build capacity within these organizations. In support of the Farmers’ Forum, projects are established to strengthen farmers’ organizations and activities in the field. Thus, IFAD, together with several other donors (EU, SDC, AFD), has engaged into partnership with FOs through continental grants in Asia with the Medium-term Cooperation Programme with Farmers’ Organizations in Asia and
the Pacific (MTCP) as well as in Africa with the Support to Farmers’ Organizations in Africa Programme (SFOAP).

Module 1: How and when to do mapping and profiling of farmers’ organizations

ديسمبر 2016
Why is FO mapping and profiling essential? 

Module 3: Support to farmers’ organizations business models

ديسمبر 2016
A business model is a means by which a farmers’ organization (FO) structures its resources, services and collaboration with members, stakeholders (traders, suppliers, public and private sector), clients and partners to create and capture value. 

How To Do Note: Engaging with farmers’ organizations for more effective smallholder development

ديسمبر 2016
​Smallholder farmers use different strategies to improve their market presence and to capture more value added in the agricultural sector. These strategies include the creation of cooperatives and other farmers’ organizations (FOs).

Toolkit: Engaging with farmers’ organizations for more effective smallholder development

ديسمبر 2016
​Smallholder farmers use different strategies to improve their market presence and to capture more value added in the agricultural sector. These strategies include the creation of cooperatives and other farmers’ organizations (FOs).

Module 2: How to support farmers’ organizations in designing their business plans

ديسمبر 2016
The business plan of an FO is a document providing information on how the FO intends to organize and implement activities so that it is profitable and can succeed. It is an essential tool for the planning, managing and running of a business. It clarifies the operational and financial objectives of a business and contains the detailed plans and budgets showing how the objectives are to be achieved. It may also contain background information about the organization that is attempting to reach those goals.

Policy case study - Benin: Farmers’ organizations interview presidential candidates on agricultural development

نوفمبر 2016
In Benin, agriculture plays a central role in the national economy, contributing 32 per cent of GDP and employing a large part of the workforce. Despite significant productive potential and a diversified agricultural sector (crop production, livestock, non‑timber forest products, fisheries), the country relies heavily on imports of food products, which represent 25 per cent of the total value of imports.
