

نتائج البحث

أداة الصندوق متعددة الأبعاد لتقدير الفقر: مذكرة إحاطة عن سلسلة تتبع النظم الغذائية القادرة على الصمود (RFS TRACK)

مايو 2022

وتقدم مذكرة الإحاطة هذه معلومات أساسية عن أداة تقدير الفقر متعددة الأبعاد، ودراسات حالة من مشروعات في كينيا وإسواتيني.

Research Series Issue 75: Reverse thinking: taking a healthy diet perspective towards food systems transformations

مايو 2022

This paper argues that food systems transformation should incorporate a dietary perspective that is guided by information on diets, dietary trends, consumer motives, and the food environment characteristics.

Research Series 74: Women’s empowerment, food systems, and nutrition

مايو 2022

This background paper examines the linkages and interactions between women’s empowerment, food systems, and nutrition.

Research Series 73: Food systems and rural wellbeing: challenges and opportunities

مايو 2022

This paper provides a framework for assessing the dynamics of rural wellbeing and food systems change.

استجابة الصندوق لتأثيرات الحرب في أوكرانيا: مبادرة الاستجابة للأزمات (CRI)

مايو 2022

يوضح هذا الموجز العناصر الرئيسية لاستجابة الصندوق للتأثيرات العالمية للحرب في أوكرانيا. هدفنا هو حماية مكاسب التنمية وسبل عيش سكان الريف الفقراء ، مع تعزيز قدرتهم على الصمود ، مع التركيز على البلدان الأشد فقرا والأكثر تضررا.

SAFIN Annual Progress Report 2021

مايو 2022

Greening our food systems to deliver healthier and more nutritious food sustainably cannot be done without financially empowered agricultural small and medium-sized enterprises (agri-SMEs).

Multiple roles of farmers’ and producers’ organizations in responding to the Covid-19 crisis

مايو 2022

Faced with a triple health, economic, and social crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic, Farmers’ Organizations (FOs) have been called on by members and partners to play a variety of roles in response to the crisis.

Research Series 72: Climate change and food system activities - a review of emission trends, climate impacts and the effects of dietary change

مايو 2022

This article reviews how food system activities contribute to climate change and how dietary changes affect food systems. It shows that while emissions from food production are increasing in most regions, emissions from land use change are decreasing.

Research Series 71: Urbanizing food systems: exploring opportunities for rural transformation

مايو 2022

This paper shows that while anticipated increases in food demand by 2050 can largely be met regionally, potential yield increases or diversification will not contribute automatically to inclusive rural transformation. Instead, urbanization may potentially increase rural inequality and poverty.


Research Series 70: Do not transform food systems on the backs of the rural poor

مايو 2022

Although the importance of inclusion in food system transformation is gaining traction, this paper argues that recent research and discourse on the topic is insufficient and that specific actions are needed to ensure that this transformation does not take place on the backs of the rural poor.

Sustainable and resilient Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems for improved nutrition

مايو 2022

This toolbox provides guidelines on how to design and assess food biodiversity and dietary diversity projects with local communities, with the aim of improving the diets and nutrition of Indigenous Peoples.

Investing in rural people in Rwanda

أبريل 2022

Since 1981, IFAD has financed 19 rural development programmes and projects in Rwanda, for a total amount of US$358.04 million, and directly benefiting about 1,540,157 rural households.

Investing in rural people in Kenya

أبريل 2022

Since 1979, IFAD has invested US$455.09 million in 20 programmes and projects in Kenya (at a total cost of US$980.31 million), in support of the Government’s efforts to reduce rural poverty.

Policy brief: Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) - Indigenous peoples-driven development pathways

أبريل 2022

This policy brief explains what FPIC is, how IFAD seeks FPIC, and examples of how IFAD and indigenous peoples are working together with FPIC.

Resilient Food Systems Programme Highlights 2021

أبريل 2022

Resilient Food Systems (RFS) promotes a holistic approach to enhancing agricultural productivity and restoring degraded landscapes in smallholder farming systems. This report showcases the achievements and innovations of the programme across 12 countries in 2021.

استخدام نظام المعلومات الجغرافية كمنهجية محتملة لتقدير تأثيرات تدخلات الصندوق الجانبية (غير المباشرة)

أبريل 2022

ويوثق هذا التقرير كيف يمكن استخدام أساليب نظام المعلومات الجغرافية والبيانات الثانوية كمجموعة أدوات تكميلية لإجراء تقديرات الأثر عندما يتعذر إجراء مقابلات شخصية.

Côte d’Ivoire: Making small-scale farmers resilient to climate change

أبريل 2022

The Agricultural Value Chains Development Programme (PADFA) seeks to improve post-harvest activities (packaging, storage, processing and marketing) for rice, vegetables, and mango in Côte d’Ivoire.

Nutrition Glossary

أبريل 2022

This glossary provides standardized terms in Arabic, English, French, and Spanish in order to share knowledge and widen understanding of nutrition.

Transforming Food Systems: Directions for Enhancing the Catalytic Role of Donors

أبريل 2022

Based on the work of the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development over the last two years, this white paper presents a set of responses and priorities for donor engagement and a menu of options for future donor commitments.

Research Series 69: Structural and rural transformation and food systems: a quantitative synthesis for LMICs

أبريل 2022

Using country-level data from 85 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), this paper outlines a food systems index (FSI) and analyses the linkages between food systems and structural and rural transformation, as well as population distributions.

Research Series 68: Exploring a food system index for understanding food system transformation processes

أبريل 2022

This paper explores the prospects for a food system index (FSI) capturing several key components that influence differences in food system performance at the country level.

Research Series 67: Towards food systems transformation – five paradigm shifts for healthy, inclusive and sustainable food systems

أبريل 2022

This paper highlights five fundamental paradigm shifts that are required to overcome trade-offs and build synergies between health and nutrition, inclusive livelihoods, environmental sustainability, and food system resilience.

IFAD and the European Union: Partnering to transform rural realities

أبريل 2022

This report looks at how the EU and IFAD have leveraged the partnership to develop new approaches that scale up actions to drive innovation in public-private sector partnerships, financing models, and pro-poor agricultural research, as well as supporting farmers’ networks.

Lao People’s Democratic Republic: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues

مارس 2022

Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) is one of the countries with the largest number of different ethnic groups in the world. The history of these ethnic groups extends beyond human memory.

India: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues

مارس 2022

Internationally, the ‘Scheduled Tribes’ (STs) of India are generally referred to as ‘Indigenous Peoples (IPs)’. However, the Government of India emphatically rejects equating Scheduled Tribes (STs) with IPs even while abiding by the operational directives of bilateral and multilateral agencies with regard to IPs while operationalising projects with their financial aid.

How to do note: Integrating the Gender Action Learning System (GALS) in IFAD operations

مارس 2022

This note provides practical guidance on how to roll out the Gender Action Learning System (GALS) for IFAD-funded projects.

How to do note: Knowledge gap mapping

مارس 2022

This How-to-do note outlines how an internal knowledge gap mapping exercise can be put together to derive meaningful inferences.

Catalogue of Geospatial Tools and Applications for Climate Investments

مارس 2022

This  catalogue features innovative geospatial tools and real life case studies from IFAD’s operations, to give a flavour of how and where IFAD uses such technology. 

Investing in rural people in Madagascar

مارس 2022

Since 1979, IFAD has funded 17 rural development projects in Madagascar for a total of US$434.285 million. Four projects are currently ongoing.

Enhancing Engagement of Private Sector and Local Communities on Peatland Management: Innovative Policies and Monitoring System in Indonesia

مارس 2022

This brief describes how an IFAD-GEF project promotes sustainable peatland management, secure carbon stocks, and conservation of biodiversity, while improving the living standards of local communities.

Challenges and perspectives in the food and agriculture sector in post-2020 China

فبراير 2022

This policy note discusses how China could further advance its food and agricultural development model, making it greener, more sustainable, and more inclusive.

Poverty alleviation and rural revitalization in post-2020 China - Challenges and recommendations

فبراير 2022

This policy note discusses the challenges and opportunities for China to update its development model to reflect the new context. It suggests three priority areas and nine policy actions which China should focus on.

IFAD Development Practices Community 

فبراير 2022

The IFAD Development Practices Community shares ideas, good practices, tools and lessons to enhance the effectiveness of development projects and better address the needs of the people IFAD serves.


فبراير 2022

EvalForward is a Community of Practice on Evaluation for Food Security, Agriculture and Rural Development.

أنظمة جمع المياه للمنتجين أصحاب الحيازات الصغيرة ، نصائح للاختيار والتصميم

فبراير 2022

يعمل هذا الموجز على زيادة الوعي بأنظمة جمع المياه ويصف تصميم تدخلات جمع المياه. ويهدف إلى إطلاع أصحاب المصلحة على تقييم الطلب على المياه ، والمياه المتاحة للجمع ، واختيار أنظمة جمع  المياه المناسبة.

Capitalisation champs école paysans. Action collective, auto-organisation et, rôle des organisations paysannes dans la mise à échelle et l’institutionnalisation des CEP

فبراير 2022

L’approche Champ École Paysan (CEP) est adoptée dans la grande majorité des projets financés par le FIDA en Afrique subsaharienne. À travers cette capitalisation, il s’agit d’analyser dans quelle mesure l’approche CEP a permis l’émergence de processus collectifs, organisationnels et d’autonomisation des paysans en réponse aux problèmes qui se posaient à eux.

Understanding market demand: How to use focus group discussions in the development of inclusive insurance

فبراير 2022

Understanding market demand is a critical step in the process of developing solutions to meet the risk management needs of rural poor people, particularly with regard to insurance.

Reinforcing Pacific Food Systems for COVID-19 recovery – key impacts, responses and opportunities to build back better

فبراير 2022

This report offers a consolidated analysis of pre-COVID food security and nutrition challenges across the Pacific Islands and outlines key actions needed to respond to the current impacts, inform medium- to long-term recovery planning, and better prepare for future crises.

2021 في لمحة قصيرة

فبراير 2022

يعرض هذا الرسم البياني الملامح الرئيسية لعمل الصندوق في عام 2021.

استراتيجية التنوع البيولوجي في الصندوق للفترة 2025-2022

فبراير 2022

The purpose of this strategy is to facilitate a more systematic, organized and generalized integration of the protection, sustainable use and promotion of biodiversity in IFAD operations.

Scaling up rural youth access to inclusive financial services for entrepreneurship and employment

فبراير 2022

This document is an overview of the lessons learned from a project on “Scaling up rural youth access to inclusive financial services for entrepreneurship and employment” in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi.

Behavioural science recommendations for the design of gender transformative IFAD programmes

يناير 2022

This study examines how behavioural barriers and biases perpetuate the gender gap and explores how behavioural science can reduce such barriers and biases.

Case study: Innovations in financial inclusion, including microinsurance

يناير 2022

Post-Tsunami Sustainable Livelihoods Programme for the Coastal Communities of Tamil Nadu, India, 2007-2020.

Achieving Rural Transformation: Results and Lessons from IFAD Impact Assessments

يناير 2022

This synthesis draws on 17 recent IFAD Impact Assessments conducted in various countries and production systems to analyse project activities and theories of change.

Resilience in the market for international remittances during the COVID-19 crisis

ديسمبر 2021

This report examines the factors that have contributed to the resilience of remittances during the pandemic.

Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic: Implications and way forward in Asia and the Pacific

ديسمبر 2021

Agriculture is the largest economic sector in Asia and the Pacific region, providing livelihoods to more than 266 million workers. Therefore, examining the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on this sector is crucial for securing the livelihoods of rural people in the region and preventing a food crisis in countries that are already experiencing food and nutrition security challenges.

Empowering rural youth through farmers’ organizations

ديسمبر 2021

This paper captures and synthesizes key approaches, strategies and lessons for empowering rural youth in the Asia-Pacific region from farmers’ organizations (FOs) and regional and international development agencies.

Latin America and the Caribbean knowledge platform

ديسمبر 2021

A space for sharing lessons learned and good practices, which are essential elements for the sustainable development of rural territories.

Regional overview of food security and nutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean 2021

نوفمبر 2021

The Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean 2021 gathers the latest data on the food security and nutrition situation in Latin America and the Caribbean region, showing a worrisome landscape.

A technical review of select de-risking schemes to promote rural and agricultural finance in sub-Saharan Africa

نوفمبر 2021

This study takes stock of these experiences in an effort to contribute to building up the evidence base to help inform the future strategy and design of similar programmatic interventions.

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the rural economy in China

نوفمبر 2021

Capturing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on China’s rural and agricultural economy offers an opportunity to ascertain how much influence it has had on rural farmers and how their coping strategies and the government’s mitigation measures helped ease the economic impacts on the lives of people living in rural areas.

البرنامج المشترك للتعجيل بالتقدم نحو التمكين الاقتصادي للمرأة الريفية

نوفمبر 2021

تُظهر هذه المجموعة من قصص النجاح والممارسات الجيدة تأثير البرنامج المشترك لتسريع التقدم نحو التمكين الاقتصادي للمرأة الريفية (البرنامج المشترك للتعجيل بالتقدم نحو التمكين الاقتصادي للمرأة الريفية) بين النساء الريفيات في البلدان السبعة المشاركة: إثيوبيا وغواتيمالا وقيرغيزستان وليبيريا ونيبال والنيجر و رواندا.

شراكة SCOOPS-PR Barakadi / NAFASO: إقامة شراكة لإنتاج الأرز وتسويقه

نوفمبر 2021

تعرض دراسة الحالة هذه الشراكة بين جمعية Barakadi التعاونية للأرز الواقعة في N'Dana في بوركينا فاسو ، مصحوبة بمشروع IFAD لدعم النهوض بالقطاعات الزراعية (PAFPA) ، وشركة NAFASO ، التي تركز على الإنتاج وتسويق الأرز.

الشراكات بين منظمات المنتجين والشركات - الدروس المستفادة من التجارب الحديثة في إفريقيا الغربية والشرقية

نوفمبر 2021

Partnerships between producer organizations (POs) and enterprises are promoted as a model for structuring value chains to integrate small producers more equitably and sustainably.

The IFAD and Slow Food Case for Investment

نوفمبر 2021

IFAD and Slow Food share a vision of supporting small-scale, diversified production and consumption mechanisms that focus on improving the marketing of local products. 

Agricultural and climate risk insurance for smallholder value chains: Identifying common challenges and solutions

نوفمبر 2021

This brief identifies and describes the principal challenges, and outlines possible solutions that development programmes can support.

GFRID Summit 2021 - Summary of proceedings

نوفمبر 2021

The 2021 GFRID Summit focused on the role of remittances and diaspora investment in strengthening market recovery in the midst of the current global pandemic and on heightening the resilience of migrant workers and their communities.

Climate Action Report 2020

نوفمبر 2021

This third edition of the IFAD Climate Action Report (CAR) describes the efforts that IFAD has made during the year to integrate climate change into every aspect of its plans and operations. 

Joint Programme on Gender Transformative Approaches for Food Security, Improved Nutrition and Sustainable Agriculture

نوفمبر 2021

This is the official flyer of the JP GTA. It provides information about the Joint Programme's overview, background, objective, expected results, key components and country-level activities as well as key issues related to gender transformative approaches.

اتباع خيوط ثيران الياك

نوفمبر 2021

هذا هو أول منشور يركز حصريًا على إنتاج صوف ثيران الياك وتسويقه ، ويتضمن السرد الاجتماعي والبيئي المرتبط بمنطقة آسيا العليا ومجتمعات الرعاة.

Enhancing women’s resource rights for improving resilience to climate change

نوفمبر 2021

This brief summarizes relevant findings from socio-legal analyses, combining the review of key legal and policy documents and literature on existing barriers to the recognition of women’s land rights.

Leveraging Policy Tools to Improve Impact of Financial Instruments in Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU)

نوفمبر 2021

This brief illustrates effective instruments that overcome barriers to investments and leverage existing policy tools and instruments to address sustainable financing in the AFOLU sector.

ASAP Technical Series: Building climate resilience in the Asia Pacific region

نوفمبر 2021

This study examines six projects, in three principal ecosystems of the region: a mountainous region, wetlands and a river delta.

Lessons learned from IFAD’S inclusive rural and agricultural finance experiments in West and Central Africa during the last decade (2009-2020)

نوفمبر 2021

Lessons from a quick review of the diverse and varied financial schemes designed for, accessed by and used by poor smallholders and other rural stakeholders in IFAD’s project portfolio in West and Central Africa over the decade leading up to 2020.

Investing in rural people in Egypt

أكتوبر 2021

IFAD country programme in Egypt is the largest in the Near East and North Africa. In total, IFAD has invested in 14 agricultural development projects and programmes for a total Cost of US$ 1.1 billion, with IFAD direct financing of US$ 519.28 million benefitting around 7 million people.

سلسلة ASAP الفنية: الحلول القائمة على الطبيعة

أكتوبر 2021

تعرض هذه الورقة النتائج الرئيسية والدروس المستفادة من الحلول المستقاة من الطبيعة ، ولا سيما من حافظة برنامج التكيف لصالح زراعة أصحاب الحيازات الصغيرة (ASAP) في الصندوق ، لإلهام البرامج المستقبلية للوصول إلى نطاق أكبر في دعم التحول الريفي الشامل

What can smallholder farmers grow in a warmer world? Climate change and future crop suitability in East and Southern Africa

أكتوبر 2021

With funding from ASAP2, eight Climate Risk Analysis reports were produced by the University of Cape Town, covering Angola, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

How to do note: Seeking, free, prior and informed consent in IFAD investment projects

أكتوبر 2021

This note offers practical guidance for IFAD staff, consultants and in-country partners for seeking FPIC in the design and implementation of IFAD-funded projects and programmes, in compliance with IFAD policies and procedures.

تقرير ميزة التنوع البيولوجي - الازدهار مع الطبيعة: التنوع البيولوجي من أجل سبل عيش ونظم غذائية مستدامة

أكتوبر 2021

يعرض تقرير الصندوق الثاني عن ميزة التنوع البيولوجي خمسة مشروعات للصندوق تسلط الضوء على الأهمية الأساسية للتنوع البيولوجي في الزراعة.

Food Security in Iraq: Impact of COVID-19

أكتوبر 2021

Over the six-month period analyzed in this report, Iraq experienced significant turmoil. In addition to the effects of the pandemic, with cases overall on the rise in Iraq, the devaluation of the Iraqi dinar in December 2020, and lower than usual seasonal rainfall, have all impacted upon the food security of households. 

Making agricultural and climate risk insurance gender inclusive: How to improve access to insurance for rural women

أكتوبر 2021

IFAD’s technical assistance programme INSURED (Insurance for rural resilience and economic development) has been building knowledge about how to strengthen women producers’ access to climate risk insurance. 

How to do note: Securing Women’s Tenure Rights

سبتمبر 2021

The HtDN complements the IFAD toolkits on Poverty targeting, gender equality and empowerment and the Land Tenure Toolkit.

تقرير التنمية الريفية 2021 للصندوق الدولي للتنمية الزراعية

سبتمبر 2021

يركز تقرير التنمية الريفية لعام 2021 الصادر عن الصندوق الدولي للتنمية الزراعية على سبل العيش الريفية في سياق تحول النظم الغذائية. يروج التقرير لسبل العيش العادلة لسكان الريف ، الذين يحتلون الصدارة في تحويل النظم الغذائية ، إلى جانب الحاجة إلى تحسين التغذية وحماية البيئة.

حوارات على الهواء - الاستماع إلى سكان الريف`

سبتمبر 2021

بالشراكة مع ست محطات إذاعية في بوركينا فاسو وغانا وتنزانيا وأوغندا ، سألت Farm Radio International صغار المزارعين والبائعين معالجي الأغذية والمسوقين وغيرهم عن كيفية تغيير النظم الغذائية لتلبية احتياجاتهم واحتياجاتهم. مجتمعات.

Good practices in fish nutrition and feeding

سبتمبر 2021

This manual of good practices in fish nutrition and feeding in the specific context of the Democratic Republic of the Congo was produced to build the capacities of fish farmers and extension services, and promote other aquaculture technologies and manuals of good aquaculture practices developed by WorldFish.
