
نتائج البحث
Weather Index-based Insurance in agricultural development: a technical guide
Poor rural people in developing countries are vulnerable to a range of risks and constraints that impede their socio-economic development. Weather risk, in particular, is pervasive in agriculture.
Enhancing market transparency
Addressing climate change in East and Southern Africa
Trail Blazers: Stories of Women Champions from IFAD Projects
Water User Associations in the context of small holder agriculture
This report is the fruit of that endeavour and builds on efforts by IWMI, IFAD and many others to document and understand the impacts of PIM.
Through the systematic review of 24 IFAD-funded PIM interventions and field observations from 5 project sites in the Asian region this study sheds new light on what works, where and why.
Our study examines WUAs that have been created by IFAD projects and those which pre-date it’s interventions but are the main focus of capacity building or restructuring.
Fragile states - working to build resilience
world’s poor people. Though measures of fragility
vary, such countries typically lack some of the
basic tools of nationbuilding: good governance,
strong policies, skilled personnel, functional
infrastructure and services, educated citizens, an active
civil society and a competitive private sector.
Civil and border conflict is an all-too frequent reality.
Poor people living in rural areas of fragile states are
particularly vulnerable as they have very limited
means to cope with the situation created by fragility.
IFAD and Togo
The country’s challenge now is to create the conditions for economic growth – and the Government of Togo believes that the best way to achieve lasting growth is through increased production and productivity in the agriculture sector.
For these reasons, after more than a decade out of the country, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is working closely with the Republic of Togo to put agricultural and rural development on track.
Smallholder conservation agriculture - Rationale for IFAD involvement and relevance to the East and Southern Africa region
Regreening the Sahel: Developing agriculture in the context of climate change in Burkina Faso
of severity occur in two out of every five years, making harvests of the major food and cash crops highly uncertain. The recurrent droughts of the 1970s and 1980s caused huge losses of agricultural production and livestock, the loss of human lives to hunger and malnutrition, and the massive displacement of people and
shattered economies. Most climate models predict that the Sahel region will become even drier during this century.