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نتائج البحث
Digitalization of remittances: an opportunity for financial and digital inclusion - a specific country analysis on The Gambia
On the occasion of the International Day of Family Remittances (16 June), IFAD will launch its new MobileRemit Africa report, which includes a specific country analysis about the Gambia.
Digitalization of remittances: an opportunity for financial and digital inclusion - a specific country analysis on Ghana
On the occasion of the International Day of Family Remittances (16 June), IFAD will launch its new MobileRemit Africa report, which includes a specific country analysis about Ghana, the second largest recipient of remittances in sub-Saharan Africa in absolute terms after Nigeria.
Recipes for Change: Millet upma & jackfruit curry
Millets – grain-producing grasses that can be found on farms all over the world – were at risk of being forgotten entirely amid the rise of industrial agriculture. They’ve made a comeback in recent years, thanks to a growing awareness of their nutritional and environmental benefits among farmers, chefs and consumers.
40 years of IFAD-China cooperation: Celebrating the past, envisioning the future
IFAD and China are celebrating 40 years of cooperation. Over the last four decades, IFAD has supported China’s development and China has been a key supporter and champion of our work. Here, we look back on 40 years of achievement and look forward to where the next few decades will take us.
Deux vice-présidents adjoints du FIDA en visite officielle au Sénégal et en Gambie
Les vice-présidents adjoints du FIDA, Donal Brown, chargé du Département de la gestion des programmes et Jyotsna Puri, responsable du Département de la stratégie et des savoirs, effectuent une visite officielle de travail au Sénégal et en Gambie du 13 au 16 juin 2022 pour rencontrer des autorités sénégalaises et gambiennes et les participants aux programmes appuyés par le FIDA dans ces deux pays, ainsi que le programme régional SAHEL.