آخر الأخبار أو المستجدات


نتائج البحث

في البوسنة والهرسك، تجتمع الأعمال الزراعية الريفية معا لتزدهر

في كثير من الأحيان ، تعمل المزارع العائلية الصغيرة في عزلة. غالبًا ما يفتقرون وحدهم إلى الموارد والمهارات التي يحتاجون إليها للازدهار. يعمل الصندوق الآن على جمع صغار المزارعين وأصحاب المصلحة الآخرين في مجموعات للعمل معًا من أجل مصالحهم المشتركة. التقينا بأحد المتخصصين الفنيين لدينا لمعرفة المزيد.

IFAD-funded project to protect the environment in Haiti by improving smallholder farmers' and artisanal fishermen's livelihoods

IFAD and the Government of Haiti signed a financing agreement today for the implementation of the Inclusive Blue Economy Project (I-BE). The project will help preserve the Three Bay Protected Area by providing economic opportunities to smallholder famers and artisanal fishermen living in the country’s north-eastern region.

Chef Cracco on how jackfruit is helping rural people in Sri Lanka adapt to climate change

Carlo Cracco, one of Italy’s most famous chefs, is helping IFAD promote jackfruit as a way to adapt to climate change in rural Sri Lanka.

Investing in rural youth in El Salvador to tackle migration and enhance food security

The IFAD-funded Rural Adelante Project in El Salvador helps rural youth stay in their communities and make a living from agriculture, instead of migrating to cities or abroad.

Small-scale farmers and climate adaptation – an under-reported story and world’s premiere of short film with Chef Carlo Cracco are featured at the Perugia International Journalism festival

With COP27 just seven months away, this event brings together food activists and chefs, a climate journalist, a climate expert and farmers themselves to talk about why small-scale farmers must be part of the climate change conversation and the value they can bring to those reporting on climate issues.
