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Award-winning Indian chefs partner with UN agency IFAD to create Recipes for Change

Award-winning Indian chefs Anahita Dhondy and Thomas Zacharias have joined IFAD to promote Recipes for Change (R4C), a platform that aims to bring a taste of rural people’s lives to consumers through the food they eat.

Recipes for Change: Rice and beans with jackfruit meat and sautéed vegetables

The main element in Chef Gil’s vegan dish is jackfruit, a truly sustainable crop. Calorie-dense and nutrient-rich, jackfruit are known for their nutritive value and their resilience against climatic shifts. With a unique texture akin to pulled pork, their versatility in the kitchen is unmatched.

على خلفية النزاع وكوفيد-19، الصندوق يساعد المزارعين على الزراعة في اليمن

لقد تركت سنوات النزاع في اليمن أثرها – وفي وسط كل الدمار الذي وقع، كان القطاع الزراعي واحدا من أشد القطاعات تأثرا.

Recipes for Change: Cricket japchae

Japchae is a traditional Korean dish known for its versatility. Chef Yoon’s version features crickets, a superfood packed with essential nutrients. If you’re looking for a new source of protein with almost no greenhouse gas emissions – or you’re just feeling adventurous – give this recipe a try.

من المتوقع أن تصل تدفقات التحويلات المالية العالمية مدفوعة بعملية الرقمنة إلى 5.4 تريليون دولار أمريكي بحلول عام 2030

ازداد حجم التحويلات المالية العالمية، أي الأموال التي يرسلها العمال المهاجرون إلى أفراد أسرهم في البلدان المنخفضة والمتوسطة الدخل، بنسبة 8.6 في المائة في عام 2021. وعلى الرغم من التوقعات بأن جائحة كوفيد-19 ستخفض تدفقات التحويلات المالية، استمر الزخم بسبب زيادة بنسبة 48 في المائة في الأموال المرسلة من خلال قنوات الهاتف المحمول، وفقا لتقرير التحويلات المالية عبر الهاتف المحمول في أفريقيا (MobileRemit Africa) الذي أصدره الصندوق الدولي للتنمية الزراعية اليوم.

UN’s IFAD signs letter of intent with China’s Centre for International Agricultural Research

IFAD and the Centre for International Agricultural Research (CIAR) of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) signed a letter of intent today, detailing the conditions of a strategic partnership between the two organisations in their efforts to jointly support rural revitalization in China and globally.

Launch of the first Mobileremit Africa Report for financial and digital inclusion

The MobileRemit Africa Report provides a framework to help countries identify data gaps, measure how enabling their policies are and the operating market environment for mobile-enabled remittances.

Digitalization of remittances: an opportunity for financial and digital inclusion - a specific country analysis on The Gambia

On the occasion of the International Day of Family Remittances (16 June), IFAD will launch its new MobileRemit Africa report, which includes a specific country analysis about the Gambia.

Recipes for Change: Millet upma & jackfruit curry

Millets – grain-producing grasses that can be found on farms all over the world – were at risk of being forgotten entirely amid the rise of industrial agriculture. They’ve made a comeback in recent years, thanks to a growing awareness of their nutritional and environmental benefits among farmers, chefs and consumers.

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