Outils et directives


Résultats de recherche

Note pratique - Obtenir le consentement préalable, libre et éclairé dans le cadre des projets d’investissement du FIDA

octobre 2021

La présente note propose au personnel, aux consultants et aux partenaires nationaux du FIDA des conseils pratiques pour obtenir le consentement préalable, libre et éclairé aux étapes de conception et d’exécution des projets et programmes financés par le FIDA, conformément aux politiques et procédures du Fonds.

Une assurance contre les risques agricoles et climatiques plus inclusive envers les femmes: comment améliorer l’accès à l’assurance pour les femmes en milieu rurale

octobre 2021

Le programme d'assistance technique du FIDA INSURED (Assurance pour la résilience et le développement économique des zones rurales) a permis d’apprendre comment faciliter l'accès des productrices agricoles à l'assurance contre les risques climatiques.

Knowledge Management Resource Centre

août 2021

A resource for IFAD staff and consultants, project staff and partners who want to learn more about KM.

IFAD communications toolkit

août 2021

Communications is key to help poor rural people build better lives. And this toolkit has been created to help us all get the job done.

Rapid prototyping for inclusive insurance: Testing customer challenges and gaining early insights on feasibility

juin 2021

Prototyping aims to gather direct feedback on the solution and the wider insurance scheme, incorporate changes before pilot testing, and make any additional adjustments before the official roll-out.

Model terms of reference: Technical assistance in the development and implementation of agricultural insurance

juin 2021

The ToRs include an outline of the required steps and processes, a timeline and a list of deliverables, together with information on the profile of the service provider or team of experts.

Model terms of reference for the selection of a service provider for: Agricultural and climate risk insurance feasibility studies

juin 2021

These are model terms of reference (ToRs) for use by project designers and implementers in development organizations and governments. The objective of the ToRs is to support the contracting a specialized service provider to carry out one or more agricultural and climate risk insurance feasibility studies within the context of an IFAD-financed project or similar initiative.

Core Outcome Indicators measurement guidelines (COI) – online training

avril 2021

This online training is a walk through the guidelines that lay out the mandatory methodology developed by IFAD for collecting timely and reliable data on CIs at the outcome-level at project baseline, midterm and completion stages.
