Corporate Documents

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Résultats de recherche

President's report - Agriculture Sector Development Programme - Livestock: Support for Pastoral and Agro-Pastor

Livestock: Agricultural Sector Development Programme - Livestock: Support for Pastoral and Agro-Pastoral Development

Pays: République-Unie de Tanzanie
President's report - Projet de développement agricole intégré dans le Gouvernorat de Siliana - phase II

Agricultural Development: Integrated Agricultural Development Project in the Governorate of Siliana - Phase II

Pays: Tunisie
President's report - District Development Support Programme

Rural Development: District Development Support Programme

Pays: Ouganda
President's report - Sustainable Rural Development Project for the Semi-Arid Zones of Falcon and Lara States (P

Rural Development: Sustainable Rural Development Project for the Semi Arid Zones of Falcon and Lara States Phase II

Pays: Venezuela (République bolivarienne du)
President's report - Pilot Community-Based Rural Infrastructure Project in Highland Areas

Rural Development: Pilot Community-Based Rural Infrastructure Project for Highland Areas

Pays: Yémen
President's report - Smallholder Livestock Investment Project

Livestock: Smallholder Livestock Investment Project

Pays: Zambie
President's report - Proyecto de modernización y desarrollo rural de la región oriental (PRODEMORO)

Rural Development: Rural Development and Modernization Project for the Eastern Region

Pays: El Salvador
President's report - Proyecto de desarrollo sustentable para las comunidades rurales e indígenas del Noroeste Semiárido

Rural Development: Sustainable Development Project for Rural and Indigenous Communities of the Semi-Arid North-West

Pays: Mexique
President's report - Empowerment of Rural Poor Organizations and Harmonization of Investments Project (PPR)

Rural Development: Empowerment of Rural Poor Organizations and Harmonization of Investments (Paraguay Rural) Project

Pays: Paraguay
President's report - Rural Business Development Programme

Credit and Financial Services: Rural Business Development Programme

Pays: République de Moldova
President's report - Agricultural Rehabilitation Programme in Orientale Province

Rural Development: Agricultural Rehabilitation Programme in Orientale Province

President's report - Umutara Community Resource and Infrastructure Development Project (PDRCIU)

Agricultural Development: Umutara Community Resource and Infrastructure Development Project

Pays: Rwanda
President's report - 2004

Rural Development: Patagonia Rural Development Project

Pays: Argentine
President's report - 2004

Irrigation: North-East Development Project

Pays: Azerbaïdjan
President's report - Employment-Generation Project for the Rural Poor

Credit and Financial Services: Employment-Generation Project for the Rural Poor

Pays: Bangladesh
President's report - Netrakona Integrated Agricultural Production and Water Management Project

Agricultural Development: Netrakona Integrated Agricultural Production and Water Management Project

Pays: Bangladesh
President's report - North-East Rural Family Enterprise Development Support Project

Rural Development: North-East Rural Family Enterprise Development Support Project

Pays: Brésil
President's report - Community Development Project for the Rio Gaviao Region

Rural Development: Community Development Project for the Rio Gaviao Region

Pays: Brésil
President's report - Programme de développement rural durable (PDRD)Programme de développement rural durable &#

Agricultural Development: Sustainable Rural Development Programme

Pays: Burkina Faso
President's report - Deuxième programme spécial de conservation des sols et des eaux

Agricultural Development: Special Programme for Soil and Water Conservation - Phase II

Pays: Burkina Faso

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