

Résultats de recherche

The Economic Advantage: Assessing the value of climate-change actions in agriculture

novembre 2016
​This report is aimed at readers who seek to build economic evidence in support of the inclusion of actions on agriculture in climate change plans and programmes, particularly at the national level under the umbrella of nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to the December 2015 Paris Agreement, which aims to restrict a rise in global temperatures and manage risks. Agriculture is a sector especially sensitive to climate change. It also accounts for significant emissions and is, therefore, a priority for both adaptation and mitigation plans and actions at global, national and local levels. 

L’avantage des terres arides: Protéger l’environnement, autonomiser les populations

novembre 2016

Que sont les terres arides et pourquoi sont-elles importantes? Présentes sur tous les continents et couvrant plus de 40% de la surface terrestre, les terres arides se rapportent généralement aux zones arides, semi-arides et subhumides. 

Research Series Issue 6 - Why food and nutrition security matters for inclusive structural and rural transformation

septembre 2016

This paper challenges current thinking on the connection between rural transformation and food security & nutrition. It advocates that improving rural and structural transformation has a positive cyclical effect upon communities by improving food availability, access, supplies and utilization which in turn improves the health and education of communities. 

Using evidence from across the developing world, the paper creates a policy agenda to maximise potential for smallholder farming to transform local economies.

Toolkit: Formalisation des organisations financières à assise communautaire

septembre 2016
De nos jours, les institutions de microfinance (IMF) se présentent sous diverses formes: projets, réseaux de caisses ou de banques villageoises, institutions coopératives et mutualistes d’épargne et de crédit, associations, sociétés de capitaux, etc. 

Research Series Issue 5 - Rural-urban linkages and food systems in sub-Saharan Africa

juillet 2016

This paper examines the role of rural-urban linkages in fostering inclusive and sustainable food systems and how these contribute to rural transformation and,  more broadly, to sustainable and inclusive development. Focusing on sub-Saharan Africa, the paper analyses the interdependencies between rural and urban areas and points to the key roles played by rural-based populations and producers, particularly smallholders, in promoting inclusive, mutually beneficial and sustainable urbanization. 

The Adaptation Advantage: the economic benefits of preparing small-scale farmers for climate change

juin 2016

It is now beyond a reasonable doubt that the earth’s changing climate is a result of human actions.

The expanding total volume of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere is precipitating higher global surface temperatures and sea level rise.

The effects of human-induced climate change threaten the very existence of numerous species across the planet, including our own.

Research Series Issue 4 - The effects of smallholder agricultural involvement on household food consumption and dietary diversity: Evidence from Malawi

mai 2016
This paper investigates how household agricultural involvement affects food consumption and dietary diversity in rural Malawi. It analyses the relationship between on-farm income shares and the caloric consumption levels and shares across food groups. It finds that while food consumption and dietary diversity increase with agricultural involvement, the quality of diets does not improve. It highlights the importance of income diversification to dietary diversity and the need for investments in nutrition-sensitive agricultural value chains, nutrition education and crop diversification programmes. 

Boîte à outils: Réduire la charge de travail des femmes: technologies et pratiques au service des rurales

avril 2016
Cette boîte à outils comprend un aperçu général, une note pratique et une note sur les enseignements tirés des technologies permettant de réduire la charge de travail domestique. Ces documents illustrent l'importance de la question au moyen d'une description des techniques, de leurs avantages, et de la façon dont elles pourraient être intégrées aux opérations du FIDA.

The Traditional Knowledge Advantage: Indigenous peoples’ knowledge in climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies

avril 2016
Higher temperatures, wildlife extinction, rising sea levels, droughts, floods, heat-related diseases and economic losses are among the consequences of climate change. Climate change disproportionally affects the poorest and most marginalized communities living in vulnerable regions, among them indigenous peoples, whose livelihoods depend on natural resources. 

Research Series Issue 3 - Fostering inclusive outcomes in African agriculture: improving agricultural productivity and expanding agribusiness opportunities

avril 2016
This paper looks at the role of agriculture in fostering inclusive and sustainable development in Sub-Saharan Africa. It discusses how improving agricultural productivity, smallholder access to markets and expanding agribusiness opportunities can accelerate transformation, investment and industrialization. The paper presents key investment and policy elements to be considered and points to the centrality of smallholders for the rural transformation process to be inclusive.

Toolkit: Digital financial services for smallholder households

mars 2016
Recent advances in technology and telecommunications have the potential to make financial services more accessible and affordable for smallholder households in rural areas. With digital platforms such as mobile phones, smallholders can now use financial services without having to visit a bank branch. 

Research Series Issue 2 - Migration and Transformative Pathways

mars 2016
This paper analyses the role of migration in promoting rural livelihoods and discusses how migration interacts with transformative economic processes. Focusing on migration out of rural areas, it examines the impacts of migration on rural livelihoods and challenges the perspective that sees rural outmigration as a failure of rural development. 

Research Series Issue 1 - Agricultural and rural development reconsidered

janvier 2016
This paper is a guide to current debates about agricultural development. It analyses the changes in development approaches and thinking in recent decades and explores today's critical issues in agricultural and rural development policy. With the main focus on Africa, the paper also includes insights from Asia and Latin America.

L’avantage de mettre en place des politiques Prendre en compte les priorités des petits exploitants en matière d’adaptation

décembre 2015
Prendre en compte les priorités des petits exploitants en matière d’adaptation

Toolkit: Integrated homestead food production

novembre 2015

Since its founding, IFAD has focused on enabling smallholder farmers to increase agricultural production and productivity as a means for reducing poverty.

However, experience shows that increased productivity and incomes do not automatically translate into improved nutritional status of poor rural people, especially women, young people and children. 

Note pratique: Pêche, aquaculture et changement climatique

novembre 2015
La pêche et l'aquaculture apportent une contribution importante à la sécurité alimentaire et aux moyens de subsistance, tant à l'échelle des ménages qu'au niveau local, national et mondial. Toutefois, si la production aquacole se développe rapidement à l'échelle planétaire, en particulier en Asie et en Afrique, nombre de pêches à travers le monde sont en grand danger du fait des pressions anthropiques, notamment la surexploitation, la pollution et la modification des habitats.

Avantage de l’atténuation: Maximiser les avantages connexes d’investir dans des initiatives d’adaptation des petits exploitants agricoles

octobre 2015
​Le Groupe intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat (GIEC) a soulevé un dilemme difficile entre développement agricole et atténuation des changements climatiques. 

Note pratique: Évaluation des risques liés au changement climatique dans les projets relatifs à des filières

septembre 2015

Les projets relatifs à des filières, qui sont performants et contribuent à réduire la pauvreté, peuvent aussi favoriser l’adaptation au changement climatique, en entraînant une augmentation des ressources des exploitants et en renforçant leurs liens avec les institutions. 

How To Do Note: Measuring Climate Resilience

septembre 2015
This How To Do Note is intended as a tool for IFAD staff and partners involved in investment projects with climate resilience objectives.

Note pratique: Comment intégrer des systèmes portables de production de biogaz dans les projets appuyés par le FIDA

juin 2015

L'accès à des services d’énergies renouvelables modernes est un facteur clé pour lutter contre la pauvreté et assurer la sécurité alimentaire. 

Toolkit: Youth Access to Rural Finance

mai 2015
With the mounting awareness of the unmet demand for youth financial services and the growing evidence that serving young people is viable, there is also a need to assess and document the implications for rural areas. This toolkit on Youth Access to Rural Finance aims to contribute to filling that gap.
The Lessons Learned and How To Do Note on this topic provide IFAD country programme managers, project design teams and implementing partners with insights and key guidance on designing and offering appropriate financial services for rural youth. The toolkit on Youth Access to Rural Finance synthesizes best practices and offers examples from around the world.  

Toolkit: Strengthening smallholder institutions and organizations

novembre 2014
The “Strengthening smallholder institutions and organizations toolkit” provides valuable guidance to help practitioners analyze and address issues related to smallholder institutions and organizations during the devopment of country strategies and in the design and implementation of programmes and projects.

The Smallholder Advantage: A new way to put climate finance to work

novembre 2014

IFAD sees smallholder farmers as more than just victims of climate change: they are a vital part of the solution to the ‘wicked’ climate change problem.

Toolkit: Lines of credit

octobre 2014
La ligne de crédit est un prêt consenti à une institution financière participante, qui en rétrocède le produit à ses clients sous forme de prêts assortis d’intérêts. 

Toolkit: Fonds de garantie de prêts

octobre 2014
This note provides an overview on Loan Guarantee Funds highlighting the main issues, challenges, opportunities and benefits.

Toolkit: Organisations financières à assise communautaire

octobre 2014
La desserte des zones rurales reculées n'intéresse pas les banques du secteur formel, du fait de l'absence d'économies d'échelle, de coûts de transaction élevés et de la conviction que les ruraux pauvres n e constituent pas un marché viable. Les organisations financières à assise communautaire (community-based financial organizations – CBFO) sont souvent les seules structures disponibles pour fournir aux ruraux pauvres les services financiers de base, surtout dans les zones dépourvues des infrastructures élémentaires. 

Indicateurs clés de performance et accords fondés sur la performance en finance rurale

octobre 2014
This note provides an overview on key performance indicators and performance-based agreements highlighting the main issues, challenges, opportunities and benefits.

Toolkit: Méthodologies axées sur les ménages: miser sur le potentiel de changement de la famille

octobre 2014
The toolkit on Household Methodologies (HHMs) is composed of three parts.

Toolkit: Projets de développement des filières agricoles

octobre 2014

Strong links to markets for poor rural producers are essential to increasing agricultural income, generating economic growth in rural areas and reducing hunger and poverty. Every product that is sold locally, nationally or internationally is often part of an agricultural value chain (VC). From a development perspective, VCs are one of the instruments through which market forces can be harnessed to benefit poor rural women and men – not just producers, but wage earners, service providers and others.

Kit d’information: Le régime foncier dans les opérations financées par le FIDA

octobre 2014
Le régime foncier désigne les règles, les autorités, les institutions, les droits et les normes qui régissent l’accès à la terre et aux ressources qu’elle offre, ainsi que leur contrôle. Il définit les règles et les droits qui régissent l’appropriation, le choix des cultures et l’utilisation des ressources naturelles sur un territoire ou une parcelle de terre donnés.

The IFAD-GEF Advantage: Partnering for a sustainable world

mai 2014

In 2001, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Council approved the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) as an executing agency under its policy of expanded opportunities for executing agencies. 

The Gender Advantage: Women on the front line of climate change

mars 2014

This publication illustrates IFAD’s experience in closing the gender gap and mobilizing the ‘gender advantage’ in climate change adaptation through ten case studies from across the world. 
