

Résultats de recherche

Innovation for Sustainability: Global leaders harness the power of innovation

Global leaders from the public and private sectors and civil society will gather in Rome to discuss innovation for sustainability and explore innovative processes, products, approaches, and co-financing solutions towards sustainability. The Summit will feature presentations, roundtables, and workshops that focus on the Climate, Health, and Nutrition Nexus.

With new geospatial tools, mapping environmental impact is as easy as ABC

Launched this year by the IFAD-hosted Agri-PBD Platform, the ABC-Map uses satellite data to get a holistic view of environmental impact without requiring any ground data.

Call for proposals: IFAD grant for supporting the use of satellite data in project design, monitoring and evaluation

This call for proposals is to select a recipient or consortium of recipients to receive IFAD grant financing to implement the project ‘Capitalising on Earth Observation Data to support Project Design, Implementation and Evaluation’ (CAPEO).

Après le cyclone Freddy, les investissements ravivent l’espoir dans les zones rurales au Malawi

Dans les zones rurales du Malawi, les habitants sont encore en train de se reconstruire et de faire face aux conséquences du cyclone Freddy. Mais grâce à des investissements très attendus dans l’agriculture paysanne, l’espoir commence enfin à poindre.

Global Report on Food Crises: Acute hunger remains persistently high in 59 countries with 1 in 5 people assessed in need of critical urgent action

According to the latest Global Report on Food Crises (GRFC), nearly 282 million people in 59 countries and territories experienced high levels of acute hunger in 2023 - a worldwide increase of 24 million from the previous year. This rise was due to the report’s increased coverage of food crisis contexts as well as a sharp deterioration in food security, especially in the Gaza Strip and the Sudan.

Migrant Contributions for Development Call for Proposals 2024 for Uzbekistan

Through its Financing Facility for Remittances, IFAD is pleased to launch the Migrant Contributions for Development Call for Proposals 2024 for Uzbekistan.

Regenerative agriculture: from soil to sustainability – Episode 58

Hear from global leaders in regenerative agriculture – and learn how IFAD is leveraging their techniques to combat climate change in rural communities.

Quatre approches du FIDA pour transformer le développement rural grâce à l'IA

L'intelligence artificielle n'est pas qu'un mot à la mode pour le FIDA – c'est une nouvelle technologie puissante qui permet d'obtenir de meilleurs résultats en matière de développement et d'accroître notre impact.

Femmes, ruralité, streaming et e-commerce. Contre la fracture numérique dans les campagnes chinoises

Investir pour donner aux femmes des compétences numériques peut favoriser leur prospérité et celle de leurs communautés. Ces trois femmes rurales remarquables qui redonnent vie à leurs villages en Chine, en sont la preuve vivante.

Sin equidad de género no habrá desarrollo sostenible, asegura el FIDA en el lanzamiento del Decenio Interamericano por los Derechos de las Mujeres Rurales

“La igualdad de oportunidades y derechos de las mujeres rurales es fundamental para construir sociedades más prósperas, inclusivas y capaces de hacer frente a desafíos globales como el cambio climático y la inseguridad alimentaria. Sin equidad de género no habrá desarrollo sostenible”, enfatizó hoy el FIDA.
