

Résultats de recherche

One million people to build climate resilience: new IFAD-Brazil agreement

As Brazil redoubles its efforts to combat poverty and hunger, IFAD and the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) signed a new financing agreement today to strengthen the resilience of one million people in rural areas of the Sertão, Brazil's semi-arid and highly vulnerable region in the Northeast of the country.

Laos : bien se nourrir pour vivre en bonne santé

Le FIDA lutte contre la malnutrition et l'insécurité alimentaire au Laos. Découvrez comment le projet Agriculture for nutrition a permis d'améliorer l'alimentation des communautés rurales dans le nord du pays.

Le FIDA et le Viet Nam célèbrent 30 ans de partenariat en faveur de l’amélioration des conditions de vie rurales

Le Vice-Ministre vietnamien de l’agriculture et du développement rural, Tran Thanh Nam, a salué la longue collaboration mise en place entre le FIDA et le Gouvernement de la République socialiste du Viet Nam pour transformer les conditions de vie et moyens d’existence des populations rurales du pays.

IFAD and Grow Asia to support farmers with digital tools to modernize agriculture in Southeast Asia

IFAD and Grow Asia launched the Smallholder Economic Empowerment through Digital Solutions project with financial support from the Republic of Korea’s Ministry for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs today.

IFAD investment in Guyana’s hinterland is contributing to rural development and social innovation

IFAD is contributing to rural development and social innovation in Guyana’s hinterland.
