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À Madagascar, les populations rurales font face aux effets des changements climatiques

Amina Sana n’avait qu’un revenu très limité et à peine de quoi se nourrir. Mais le bétail distribué et la formation proposée par le projet FORMAPROD, financé par le FIDA, lui ont changé la vie.

38 665 000 EUR du FIDA pour soutenir l’insertion économique et professionnelle des jeunes ruraux maliens

Le FIDA et le gouvernement malien ont procédé, hier, à la signature d’un accord de prêt d’un montant de 38 665 000 Euro qui financera la création de richesses et la réduction de la pauvreté pour les jeunes ruraux du Mali.

IFAD and Kingdom of Cambodia sign agreement to promote inclusive and sustainable agricultural growth

IFAD and the Kingdom of Cambodia signed a US $194 million financing agreement to promote inclusive and sustainable agricultural growth in rural Cambodia through the Agriculture Services Programme for an Inclusive Rural Economy and Agricultural Trade (ASPIRE-AT) project this week. ASPIRE-AT will create an enabling environment to address the barriers faced by small-scale farmers in increasing their productivity and incomes, particularly through priority export and domestic value chains.

Des feuilles de coca aux fèves de cacao. L’innovation numérique au service des agriculteurs péruviens de l’Amazonie

Au Pérou,un projet financé par le FIDA aide les petits producteurs à accéder à de nouveaux marchés et profiter d'une assistance technique en ligne.

IFAD loan to enable small-scale farmers in Viet Nam to plan for, cope with and adapt to climate change impacts

IFAD and the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam last week signed a loan agreement to promote inclusive and sustainable agricultural growth in the Mekong Delta. The Climate-smart Agricultural Value Chain Development (CSAT) project will generate sustainable income opportunities and improved rural livelihoods for 60,000 families engaged in small-scale farming.

New IFAD - and GAFSP - funded project to scale up successful approaches to increasing food and nutrition security and increase small-scale farmers’ incomes in Lao PDR

IFAD and the Government of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic today signed an agreement for a nutrition-sensitive agriculture project to address food insecurity and malnutrition among the rural poor. The project will especially focus on vulnerable groups such as women, young people and people with disabilities.

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