Second Agricultural Minimum Package Project

IFAD Asset Request Portlet

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Second Agricultural Minimum Package Project

Second Agricultural Minimum Package Project

This project was designed to bring basic agricultural inputs and services to large numbers of small farmers. It was an extension of a First Agricultural Minimum Package Project and it covered an area more than three times larger. The project’s objectives were to help small farmers by providing support for:

  • use of fertilizers, improved seeds, pesticides and tools
  • equipment and technical assistance to assist the Ethiopian Seed Corporation to produce basic seeds and to expand seed multiplication and cleaning
  • construction of low-cost rural roads
  • applied research, training and field demonstrations to assist in the development of improved seed packages
  • field staff, vehicles and equipment for an expanded soil and water conservation programme in the worst-affected areas
Source: IFAD

Statut: Clôturé
Date d'approbation
07 mai 1980
1980 - 1985
Développement agricole
Coût total
69,17 millions d'USD
Financement du FIDA
14,47 millions d'USD
Cofinanceurs (International)
World Bank: International Development Association 40 millions d'USD
Cofinanceurs (Échelle nationale)
National Government 13,8 millions d'USD
Conditions de financement
Conditions particulièrement favorables
Numéro de projet

Rapports du Président

Rapports de conception du projet

Documents de supervision et d'appui à l'exécution

Étude de l'impact environnemental et social

Cadre de gestion environnementale et sociale

Rapport sur l'examen à mi-parcours

Cadre d’action de réinstallation

Condensé de rapport d'achèvement de projet

Études spéciales

Liste de projets

Audit et états financiers

Rapport d'achèvement de projet


À propos du projet