Special Country Programme – Phase II

IFAD Asset Request Portlet

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Special Country Programme - Phase II

Special Country Programme – Phase II

The Special Country Programme II (SCP II) builds on the experiences of SCP I. The project area goes beyond the Oromiya region originally covered by SCP I to include the Amhara and Tigray regions and the Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s region. Its main objective is to improve the food security and incomes of rural poor people through several activities:

  • developing and rehabilitating small-scale irrigation schemes owned and managed by farmers
  • improving delivery of agricultural support services in irrigation water management and crop production
  • promoting improvements in natural resource use and management
  • improving family nutrition and the incomes of rural women through development of vegetable gardens
  • strengthening the institutional capacity of decentralized regional administrations

Activities focus on small-scale irrigation, upgrading traditional schemes and building new ones. More than 40 irrigation schemes have been completed over more than half of the planned area. The project addresses the availability and cost of vegetable seed and local seed multiplication. Efforts are under way to ensure that at least 50 vegetable gardens managed by women are established for each irrigation scheme, with a target of 2,400 vegetable gardens.

Source: IFAD

Statut: Clôturé
Date d'approbation
05 décembre 1996
1996 - 2006
Coût total
33,08 millions d'USD
Financement du FIDA
22,57 millions d'USD
Cofinanceurs (International)
Ireland 1,34 million d'USD
Cofinanceurs (Échelle nationale)
National Government 6,07 millions d'USD
Beneficiaries 3,09 millions d'USD
Conditions de financement
Conditions particulièrement favorables
Numéro de projet

Rapports du Président

Rapports de conception du projet

Documents de supervision et d'appui à l'exécution

Étude de l'impact environnemental et social

Cadre de gestion environnementale et sociale

Rapport sur l'examen à mi-parcours

Cadre d’action de réinstallation

Condensé de rapport d'achèvement de projet

Condensé de rapport d'achèvement de projet

Études spéciales

Liste de projets

Audit et états financiers

Rapport d'achèvement de projet


À propos du projet