

Résultats de recherche

Annual Report 2003

juin 2004
Découvrez, dans notre Rapport annuel 2003, les actions entreprises par le FIDA pour promouvoir la transformation du monde rural. Le document montre aussi comment nos investissements autonomisent les ruraux, femmes et hommes, et présente les données et les chiffres que nous communiquons à nos États membres et nos partenaires. Vous pourrez également en apprendre davantage sur les activités de plaidoyer que nous menons au nom des communautés rurales à travers le monde.

Potenciar la capacidad de acción de los pobres de las zonas rurales mediante el acceso a la tierra

juin 2004
A pesar de que las personas pobres que viven en las zonas rurales son los principales productores agrícolas del mundo, en muchos casos no tienen acceso a sus tierras y no ejercen control sobre los recursos naturales de los que depende su subsistencia.
Également disponible en: Spanish, Portuguese

Annual report 2003 - part 2

juin 2004
In 2003, IFAD celebrated its 25th anniversary. The Governing Council and other events during the year highlighted IFAD’s growth over the past quarter century into
a mature development institution focused on eradicating rural poverty. The timely and successful completion of the Sixth Replenishment at the 2003 Council
underlined the commitment of Member States to IFAD’s mission. The Governing Council also agreed to initiatives to strengthen the institution in the coming years.

Annual report 2003 - part 3

juin 2004
IFAD’s current investment policy was adopted in December 2001. The policy allocates five per cent of investments in cash, 44 per cent in government bonds, 23 per cent in diversified fixed-interest instruments, 18 per cent in inflation-indexed bonds and ten per cent in equities. These allocations were implemented with the exception of the asset class for inflation-indexed bonds until June 2003, when two such investments were made, bringing the class to some ten per cent of the overall portfolio. The remaining unfunded amount was held in the government bonds portfolio and, to a lesser extent, in the internally managed portfolio.
