

Résultats de recherche

Djibouti: Programme to Reduce Vulnerability in Coastal Fishing Areas

mars 2024

This programme bolsters Djibouti’s climate adaptation and resilience by bridging multiple sectors, including fisheries, rural development and gender. This required considered coordination and communication among diverse stakeholders.

Mali: Fostering Agricultural Productivity Project

mars 2024

This project introduced a range of renewable energy technologies to enhance the lives of rural people. Biogas digesters were coupled with latrines and slurry storage was developed. Sustainable bio slurry will replace chemical fertilizers, allowing households to save money and consume healthier foods. Biogas digesters also alleviate burdens on women and reduce deforestation.

Sudan: Butana Integrated Rural Development Project

mars 2024

This project established a Natural Resources Governance Framework which enables communities to manage their natural resources sustainably and reduce conflicts between settled farmers and pastoralists.

Mozambique: Pro-Poor Value Chain Development in the Maputo and Limpopo Corridors

mars 2024

PROSUL introduced innovations across various value chains, including technology for vegetable production and improved cassava varieties. Moreover, the project built climate-resilient infrastructure, such as irrigation systems, multifunctional boreholes and cattle fairs.

The Gambia: National Agricultural Land and Water Management Development Project

mars 2024

The project introduced various innovations, including tidal irrigation for rice production, village gardens to grow fruits and vegetables, roads to improve market access, soil and water conservation and ecosystem restoration, such as agroforestry and mangrove planting.

Rwanda: Projet d’appui à des pratiques après récolte et à un secteur agroalimentaire résilients face au climat (PASP)

décembre 2023

le Projet d’appui à des pratiques après récolte et à un secteur agroalimentaire résilients face au climat (PASP) a adopté une approche innovante fondée sur le modèle PICSA (services climatologiques participatifs et intégrés pour l’agriculture), qui associe données météorologiques et connaissances des agriculteurs pour les aider dans leurs décisions.

Nicaragua – Projet d’adaptation aux marchés et aux changements climatiques

décembre 2023

Le Projet d’adaptation aux marchés et aux changements climatiques (NICADAPTA) a conduit à une évolution de la politique nationale en matière d’alerte précoce et d’informations climatiques concernant la culture du café et du cacao. 

ASAP Technical Series: Services d’information climatologique

novembre 2023

Ce document technique résume les expériences et les enseignements relatifs aux services d’information climatologique, notamment tirés du Programme d’adaptation de l’agriculture paysanne du FIDA (ASAP).

Cambodge : Programme de services agricoles pour l’innovation, la résilience et la vulgarisation (ASPIRE)

octobre 2023

Le programme ASPIRE a permis d’instaurer un modèle de services de vulgarisation agricole axé sur la demande, tout en encourageant l’innovation au moyen de politiques et de stratégies nouvelles.

Bolivie : Programme d’intégration économique en faveur des familles et des communautés rurales (ACCESOS)

octobre 2023

Dans le cadre du Programme d’adaptation de l’agriculture paysanne (ASAP), des « cartes parlantes » ont été mises à l’essai en Bolivie. Cet outil innovant mariant connaissances scientifiques et savoir traditionnel des communautés permet de recenser les problèmes majeurs et les priorités en matière d’adaptation, tout en associant les peuples autochtones, les femmes et les jeunes à la prise de décisions.

Kirghizistan : Programme de développement de l’élevage et des marchés – Phase II

octobre 2023

Ce programme a permis d’autonomiser des communautés locales et de promouvoir des pratiques plus durables de gestion des pâturages, garantes d’une utilisation plus responsable de ces derniers.

Tadjikistan : Projet de développement de l’élevage et des pâturages – Phase II

octobre 2023

Dans le cadre du développement durable des zones rurales, la deuxième phase du Projet de développement de l’élevage et des pâturages (LPDP-II) a permis aux populations rurales de créer des unions d’usagers des pâturages et d’élaborer des plans communautaires de gestion en la matière pour l’élevage du bétail afin de lutter contre la dégradation des ressources tirées des pâturages.

Viet Nam : Projet en faveur de l’adaptation au changement climatique dans le delta du Mékong (AMD)

octobre 2023

Ce projet a permis d’instaurer des plans de développement socioéconomique tenant compte des effets des changements climatiques dans deux provinces.

Le Programme élargi d’adaptation de l’agriculture paysanne (ASAP+)

février 2023

Cette brochure offre un aperçu d’ASAP+, qui a pour ambition d’être le plus grand fonds consacré à l’affectation de financements climatiques aux petits producteurs.

ASAP Technical Series: Gender and Climate Change

novembre 2022

This paper defines gender sensitive as recognizing different roles of women, men, boys and girls, inequalities and gender power dynamics and trying to mitigate negative impacts in programme/action design.

Climate Action Report 2021

novembre 2022

This fourth edition of IFAD’s Climate Action Report does not restrict itself to reviewing the progress and results of the past year, but also situates these results within the larger context of IFAD's 11th Replenishment.

Interventions sur les systèmes alimentaires ayant à la fois des retombées positives dans les domaines des changements climatiques et de la nutrition – Examen de la littérature

août 2022

Cet examen de la littérature étudie les données factuelles relatives aux mesures d’atténuation et d’adaptation aux changements climatiques produisant des effets bénéfiques sur la nutrition, et vice versa.

Climate Action Report 2020

novembre 2021

This third edition of the IFAD Climate Action Report (CAR) describes the efforts that IFAD has made during the year to integrate climate change into every aspect of its plans and operations. 

Leveraging Policy Tools to Improve Impact of Financial Instruments in Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU)

novembre 2021

This brief illustrates effective instruments that overcome barriers to investments and leverage existing policy tools and instruments to address sustainable financing in the AFOLU sector.

Renforcement de la résilience face aux changements climatiques dans la région Asie et Pacifique

novembre 2021

Cette étude examine six projets, dans trois des principaux écosystèmes de la région: une région montagneuse, une zone humide et un delta de rivière.

ASAP Technical Series - Les solutions fondées sur la nature

octobre 2021

Cette étude présente les principaux résultats et les enseignements relatifs aux solutions fondées sur la nature, principalement à partir du portefeuille du Programme d'adaptation de l’agriculture paysanne (ASAP) du FIDA, pour alimenter de futurs programmes qui pourront soutenir la transformation rurale inclusive à une plus grande échelle.

Mid-term review of IFAD’s Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme

décembre 2020

This mid-term review assesses the extent to which the design and results to date of the Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP) are relevant for farmers facing climate change. 

Climate change and small-scale farming: The Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP)

octobre 2020

IFAD’s Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP) is the largest multi-donor global fund specifically dedicated to enabling smallholder farmers to adapt and build their resilience to climate change.

Fostering Inclusive and Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains: The role of climate-resilient infrastructures for SMEs

février 2020

This study reviews evidence on initiatives that invest in climate-resilient infrastructure to support smallholder farmer organizations and agribusinesses in the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSME) category and, ultimately, to foster inclusive and sustainable agricultural value chains. Case studies from the BRACED and ASAP programmes across sub-Saharan Africa are presented.

Rapport sur l’action climatique – 2019

décembre 2019

Le Rapport sur l’action climatique – 2019 offre un aperçu sur l’action du FIDA relative aux changements climatiques et rend compte de ses progrès, difficultés et résultats.

Climate action report 2018

novembre 2018
This Climate Action Report aims to present an overview of how IFAD is working to put into action its climate change mainstreaming agenda. It is intended not as a comprehensive review of its portfolio, but rather to provide its stakeholders with an understanding of how IFAD is stepping up its efforts and ambitions to contribute to addressing one of the greatest challenges faced, most acutely, by the rural poor. This report focuses on recent progress in 2017 

CACHET - Couverture produits agricoles et changements climatiques au service de la transformation

novembre 2018

L'initiative Couverture produits agricoles et changements climatiques au service de la transformation (également désignée par son acronyme anglais CACHET) aide les petits exploitants à se protéger contre les fluctuations des prix et des conditions climatiques qui entraînent une baisse de leurs revenus.

How to do note: Design of gender transformative smallholder agriculture adaptation programmes

janvier 2018
This How to Do Note (HTDN) is intended to provide guidance on how to design smallholder agriculture adaptation programmes that consider the differential impacts of climate change on women, men and youth smallholder farmers. This includes recognizing that programme interventions – from design to staffing to capacity development of beneficiaries and local organizations – need to consider how gender will affect sustainability and impact. The experiences, social positions and differing access to resources of marginalized populations are fundamental considerations in the design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of gender transformative smallholder agriculture adaptation programmes.

ASAP Mozambique factsheet

mars 2017

A recent study by the National Institute for Disaster Management (INGC)1 of Mozambique suggests that within ten years the impact of climate change will be increasingly felt within the Limpopo Corridor. The soil moisture content before the onset of the rains is set to decrease and higher temperatures and droughts are expected to increase in the southern region.

The goal of PROSUL is to improve the livelihoods and climate resilience of smallholder farmers in selected districts of the Maputo and Limpopo Corridors.

ASAP Ethiopia factsheet

janvier 2017
Ethiopia is the second most populated African country with an estimated 96.9 million citizens. Of the total population, 81 per cent are classified as rural. The population is also growing at a rate of around 3 per cent per year. Whilst extreme poverty is declining, it is still widespread and in 2011 was counted at 30 per cent. 

The Biodiversity Advantage: Global benefits from smallholder actions

novembre 2016

​Biodiversity is about more than plants, animals, and micro-organisms and their ecosystems – the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD, 1992) recognizes that it is also very much about people and our need for food security, medicines, fresh air, shelter, and a clean and healthy environment. Biodiversity is also essential for the maintenance of ecosystem-based services, such as the provision of water and food for human, animal and plant life. When we make an effort to conserve biodiversity, we are helping to maintain critical global biological resources to meet our needs today as well as those of future generations. Biodiversity conservation is therefore central to achieving recent global commitments for sustainable development under “Agenda 2030”, adopted by the United Nations in 2015. The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) recognizes that losing biodiversity means losing opportunities for coping with future challenges, such as those posed by climate change and food insecurity. 

The Economic Advantage: Assessing the value of climate-change actions in agriculture

novembre 2016
​This report is aimed at readers who seek to build economic evidence in support of the inclusion of actions on agriculture in climate change plans and programmes, particularly at the national level under the umbrella of nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to the December 2015 Paris Agreement, which aims to restrict a rise in global temperatures and manage risks. Agriculture is a sector especially sensitive to climate change. It also accounts for significant emissions and is, therefore, a priority for both adaptation and mitigation plans and actions at global, national and local levels. 

L’avantage des terres arides: Protéger l’environnement, autonomiser les populations

novembre 2016

Que sont les terres arides et pourquoi sont-elles importantes? Présentes sur tous les continents et couvrant plus de 40% de la surface terrestre, les terres arides se rapportent généralement aux zones arides, semi-arides et subhumides. 

ASAP The Gambia Factsheet

mai 2016
Strengthening Climate Resilience of the National Agricultural Land and Water Management Development Project (CHOSSO) – National Agricultural Land and Water Management Development Project (NEMA)

ASAP Tanzania factsheet

avril 2016

The programme will focus on the development of the sugarcane industry

in Bagamoyo, while also building the local populations resilience to climate change.

ASAP Madagascar factsheet

avril 2016
The project consists of two main components. The first aims to promote effective climate change resilient production systems, while the second supports access to
markets and other economic opportunities.

L’avantage de mettre en place des politiques Prendre en compte les priorités des petits exploitants en matière d’adaptation

décembre 2015
Prendre en compte les priorités des petits exploitants en matière d’adaptation

ASAP Sudan factsheet

novembre 2015
IFAD will seek to improve food security, natural resource management, livestock value chains, and climate resilience for the poor rural people of Sudan.

Programme d’adaptation de l’agriculture paysanne (ASAP)

octobre 2015

Le Programme d’adaptation de l’agriculture paysanne (ASAP) a été lancé en 2012 par le Fonds international de développement agricole (FIDA) pour financer les initiatives des petits exploitants dans le domaine du climat et de l’environnement. Guichet de financement multidonateur pluriannuel, l’ASAP offre une nouvelle source de cofinancement visant à reproduire à plus grande échelle l’adaptation au changement climatique, qui sera intégrée dans les nouveaux investissements du FIDA d’un montant approximatif de 1 milliard d’USD par an. Il s’inscrit dans les processus habituels d’investissement du FIDA, avec de rigoureux dispositifs de supervision et de contrôle de la qualité.

Également disponible en: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Russian

ASAP Burundi factsheet

septembre 2015
Project activity has been classified into separate components, however they all come together to deliver the same overall objective. One component revolves around sustainable growth and capacity building. It will focus efforts on things such as improvements to infrastructure and hydro agriculture; developing wetlands and watershed areas.

ASAP Uganda factsheet

septembre 2015
The project work will be split into two components. The first will deal with Rural Livelihoods and the second with Market Linkages and Climate Resilient Infrastructure.
PRELNOR will enable smallholder farmers to improve their productivity to a level where there is enough surplus production that the farmer can sell at market.

ODI ASAP Progress Review

août 2015

This Progress Review evaluates the status of IFAD’s Adaptation to Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP) at programme mid-term, 2.5 years after the first ASAP-investment has been approved by the IFAD Executive Board.

ASAP Egypt factsheet

août 2015
The SAIL programme has several components: i) community and livelihood development, ii) agriculture development and diversification, and iii) rural financial services.
The community development activities will focus on the ''new lands'' that have been settled by smallholder farmers. Community development associations will be strengthened so that they can allow for the inclusion of women and youth. The project will also provide buildings and financing for schools, health clinics, community centres and clean water infrastructure.

ASAP Kenya factsheet

août 2015
Overall the KCEP-CRAL project is divided into two objectives, which will be achieved through three technical components. The first project objective is to graduate smallholder farmers to commercially-oriented, climate-resilient agricultural practices through improvements in productivity, post-production management practices and market linkages for targeted value chains. The second objective is to empower local government and communities to sustainably manage their natural resources whilst building resilience to climate change.

ASAP Morocco factsheet

juillet 2015
The first programme component will focus on three areas: plants/crops, animals and infrastructure. 

ASAP Chad factsheet

mai 2015
Climate change is exacerbating natural resource degradation and reducing the potential of productive lands. For example, rural farmers have to contend with climate shocks such as drought, rainfall deficits, floods and locust invasions. These shocks are reducing yields and making the cropping seasons hard to predict for traditional farmers. Traditional resilience strategies are no longer as effective as they were and the lean season is becoming more challenging to smallholder farmers.

ASAP Lesotho factsheet

mai 2015
Lesotho ranks 158 out of 186 in the UNDP Human Development Index. Poverty is rife, and it is concentrated in the rural areas of the country, with the greatest incidence in the mountain areas. Lesotho's rural economy is dominated by livestock production. Lesotho's chief export is directly related to this livestock, that of wool and mohair production. Lesotho is the second largest global producer of mohair, and this counts towards a large percentage of the country 's Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Only high quality wool and mohair can be exported, and this is dependent on the quality and health of the livestock. The main factor in raising high quality livestock is maintaining healthy rangelands.

ASAP Bangladesh factsheet

septembre 2014
Bangladesh is one of the world’s most vulnerable countries affected by climate
change. During the monsoon period, the Haor region of Bangladesh becomes
completely inundated with 4-8 metres of water for around 6-7 months of the year.
Flash fl oods are common, and in some years 80-90 per cent of crops are lost
because of extreme weather events. The situation is expected to worsen as a climate
change-related shift towards pre-monsoon rainfall is coinciding with the paddy rice
pre-harvest period. This severely affects food output in the Haor, which provides up
to 16 per cent of national rice production.

ASAP Rwanda factsheet

septembre 2014
The agricultural sector in Rwanda has been hit hard by climate change. Agricultural
production is increasingly exposed to drought, intense and erratic rainfall, high winds
and emerging seasonal and temperature shifts. If not addressed, climate variability
will mean signifi cant economic costs – estimated at up to US$300 million annually
by 2030.

ASAP Nigeria factsheet

septembre 2014
The northern part of Nigeria is particularly vulnerable to climate change, which is reducing rural income as a result of decreased agricultural productivity – agricultural yields have declined by 20 per cent over the last 30 years in the north. ASAP interventions under CASP will strengthen the capacity of farmers to use climate information for the planning and promotion of climate-resilient farming techniques. It will also implement larger investments to reduce the impact of climate hazards on rural infrastructure, farms and livelihoods.

ASAP Mali factsheet

septembre 2014
The project will increase the availability of adaptation assets and knowledge, which will enable target households to cope with the changing climate situation. 

ASAP Ghana factsheet

septembre 2014
The programme will support institutional capacity-building and greater public awareness on topics related to climate change resilience. Water users’ associations and farmer organizations, among other
members of the selected value chains, will benefit from activities such as the dissemination of climate change adaptation toolkits, national and international exchange visits, the dissemination of good practices
and training.

ASAP Nicaragua factsheet

septembre 2014
NICADAPTA will improve incomes and quality of life for rural families – and reduce their vulnerability to the impact of climate change – by facilitating access to markets for valueadded coffee and cocoa. It will introduce water efficiency and crop diversification measures such as coffee-cocoa intercropping in coffee plantations to buffer the effects of rising temperatures.

ASAP Kyrgyzstan factsheet

septembre 2014
Kyrgyzstan is a food-deficit and low-income country, with a geographical position and topographical make-up that contribute to making it one of the most vulnerable
countries to the impacts of climate change in Central Asia. The country suffers from drought, land and mudslides. Flooding events and river erosion are set to increase in frequency and intensity. The mountainous nature of the country renders 45 per cent of Kyrgyzstan’s land inhospitable. The majority of the population live in valleys and at the foothills of the mountains, where vulnerability to climate-related hazards is highest.

ASAP Viet Nam factsheet

septembre 2014
Viet Nam is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world and among the countries hardest hit by climate change. Rising sea levels (between 75 and
100 centimetres by the end of this century) are expected to affect 20-50 per cent of the low-lying Mekong Delta. Changes in rainfall and temperatures are increasing the risk of fl oods, typhoons and droughts. Climate change has serious implications for Viet Nam’s socio-economic development, especially in the densely populated and productive Mekong Delta.  

ASAP Djibouti factsheet

septembre 2014

The programme will support the design and implementation of participatory management plans for ecosystem conservation to alleviate stresses and increase the resilience of fragile habitats.

ASAP Yemen factsheet

septembre 2014
The programme will stimulate more sustainable economic growth for women and men in
rural communities. This includes increasing their resilience to climate change impacts by
helping communities to diversify their livelihoods options and improving the management
of natural resources. Investments in climate-resilient infrastructure will also support
agricultural development.

ASAP Bolivia factsheet

septembre 2014
ASAP resources are complementing the first component (natural resource management, investment in assets and enterprise development) of ACCESOS. 
