

Résultats de recherche

SAFIN Annual Progress Report 2023

mai 2024

The SAFIN Annual Progress Report 2023 captures the network’s achievements in fostering collaboration with the agricultural finance ecosystem, sharing market intelligence, advocating for small businesses and farmers, and building regional partnerships.

Résultats du programme INSURED 2018-2023

octobre 2023

Ce dossier présente les résultats et les enseignements tirés de la première phase du programme d'assurance pour la résilience rurale et le développement économique (INSURED).

INSURED Indonesia Country Update: Making climate risk insurance available to small-scale producers

septembre 2023

IFAD’s INSURED programme has been working with partners in Indonesia to improve the availability of climate risk insurance that enables farmers to strengthen their resilience. 

INSURED - Assurance pour la résilience et le développement économique des zones rurales

juin 2023

INSURED est un programme d'assistance technique qui vise à développer l'assurance contre les risques climatiques dans le portefeuille du FIDA.

SAFIN – Rapport annuel d’activité 2022

juin 2023

L’inflation galopante enregistrée en 2022 a exacerbé les difficultés financières des entreprises intermédiaires des filières agricoles.

Prestataires de technologies agricoles et financières en Afrique orientale et australe – Analyse de situation

mai 2023

Ce rapport analyse l’univers des prestataires de technologies agricoles et financières qui révolutionnent l’accès aux financements en Afrique orientale et australe, et étudie leur capacité à devenir commercialement viables et à assurer un impact à large échelle.

Monetizing resilience benefits as a new financial tool to unlock private sector financing

novembre 2022

This paper focuses primarily on climate resilience in the agriculture sector. If proven successful, this can be replicated in other resilience sectors such as water, forests and urban development to address shocks beyond climate. 

IFAD Briefing Note - Climate Finance: Scaling Investments in Climate Smart Agriculture

novembre 2022

This briefing note summarizes the fiscal and financial instruments the public sector can use to support climate-smart small-scale farming. The overall focus is on using limited public funds more efficiently and amplifying impacts.

IFAD Briefing Note - Gender and Climate: Scaling Gender and Climate Investments

novembre 2022

IFAD's unique investing position serves as a starting point for a discussion on how it might scale up and support gender-based responses for adaptation and mitigation to climate change.

IFAD Briefing Note - Climate and Conflict: What does the evidence show?

novembre 2022

Climate and conflict are linked, and this briefing note summarizes the evidence about the relationship between the two, what role climate finance can play in mitigating their risks, and where policy recommendations can be made to address the vulnerabilities created by both.

Remplir les trous. Comment pallier le manque de données pour créer de nouvelles assurances du bétail destinées aux petits exploitants

septembre 2022

L’absence de données fiables sur les risques constitue l’un des principaux défis liés à la création d’assurances sur le bétail dans les marchés émergents. Cette note d’information sur la boîte à outils en matière d’assurance présente les activités menées en Géorgie et les enseignements qui en ont été tirés.

Impliquer les communautés paysannes dans l’élaboration d’une assurance indicielle

août 2022

Ce dossier d’information présente les avantages de la participation communautaire aux initiatives d’assurance indicielle et la logique derrière ce processus, en s’appuyant sur l’exemple d’un projet pilote mis en œuvre dans une zone rurale d’Éthiopie.

PRIME Afrique

juin 2022

Plateforme pour les envois de fonds, les investissements et l’entrepreneuriat des migrants en Afrique.

Également disponible en: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese

Comprendre la demande du marché. Tirer parti des entretiens de groupe ciblés pour créer des polices d’assurance inclusives

février 2022

Comprendre la demande du marché est une étape clé du processus consistant à élaborer des solutions qui répondent aux besoins des populations rurales pauvres en matière de gestion des risques, en particulier d’assurance. 

Accès à plus grande échelle des jeunes ruraux à des services financiers inclusifs en faveur de l’entrepreneuriat et de l’emploi

février 2022

Ce document donne un aperçu des enseignements tirés du projet « Accès à plus grande échelle des jeunes ruraux à des services financiers inclusifs en faveur de l’entrepreneuriat et de l’emploi » mené au Kenya, en Ouganda, au Rwanda et au Burundi. 

Resilience in the market for international remittances during the COVID-19 crisis

décembre 2021

This report examines the factors that have contributed to the resilience of remittances during the pandemic.

A technical review of select de-risking schemes to promote rural and agricultural finance in sub-Saharan Africa

novembre 2021

This study takes stock of these experiences in an effort to contribute to building up the evidence base to help inform the future strategy and design of similar programmatic interventions.

The IFAD and Slow Food Case for Investment

novembre 2021

IFAD and Slow Food share a vision of supporting small-scale, diversified production and consumption mechanisms that focus on improving the marketing of local products. 

Lessons learned from IFAD’S inclusive rural and agricultural finance experiments in West and Central Africa during the last decade (2009-2020)

novembre 2021

Lessons from a quick review of the diverse and varied financial schemes designed for, accessed by and used by poor smallholders and other rural stakeholders in IFAD’s project portfolio in West and Central Africa over the decade leading up to 2020.

Rapid prototyping for inclusive insurance: Testing customer challenges and gaining early insights on feasibility

juin 2021

Prototyping aims to gather direct feedback on the solution and the wider insurance scheme, incorporate changes before pilot testing, and make any additional adjustments before the official roll-out.

IFAD Inclusive Financial Services Portfolio Stocktaking

juin 2021

This Inclusive Financial Services (IFS) stocktaking exercise assesses IFAD’s capacity to deliver IFS and addresses rural poor market development needs both historically and looking forward within the context of emerging opportunities and challenges.

Good practices and innovations in risk management for agri-SME finance under COVID-19

avril 2021

This report compiles experiences and lessons shared in a Live Talks series on Risk Management for Agri-SME Finance between September and December 2020. 

SAFIN Annual Progress Report 2020

avril 2021

This report documents the results achieved from the work among all SAFIN partners.

INSURED Uganda country update: Feasibility study on agricultural insurance for oilseed farmers

janvier 2021

What risks and challenges do small-scale producers of oilseeds in Uganda face, and could agricultural insurance help them manage and mitigate those risks?

Utiliser les envois de fonds pour gérer les risques agricoles: le cas du Sénégal

décembre 2020

Cette étude explique le rôle des envois de fonds dans la gestion des risques agricoles.

Analyse du déficit de financement climatique pour la petite agriculture

novembre 2020
Dans un monde en mutation rapide, l'agriculture est au cœur du développement durable. Au cours de la décennie qu’il  nous reste pour atteindre les objectifs de développement durable des Nations Unies, le monde va devoir faire face à un certain nombre de risques, mais les perspectives qui s’ouvrent à nous sont tout aussi nombreuses (Rapport disponible uniquement en langue anglaise)

Crowdfunding Malian diaspora remittances to finance rural entrepreneurship

octobre 2020
This case study examines a pilot initiative carried out by the IFAD-supported FIER project in Mali, together with the Babyloan crowdfunding platform, to leverage diaspora remittances abroad as a way to support rural entrepreneurship in the home country. 

Le Fonds d'investissement pour l'entrepreneuriat agricole (Fonds ABC)

mai 2020

Le Fonds d'investissement pour l'entrepreneuriat agricole (ou Fonds ABC) investit dans les petits exploitants agricoles et les PME rurales des pays en développement afin de soutenir des chaînes de valeur agricoles durables et inclusives.


Research Series Issue 51: Inclusive finance and rural youth

décembre 2019

This study analyses inclusive finance and rural youth through cutting-age research with new insights and approaches that have emerged over the years in the field. 

A manual in mobilizing migrant resources towards agricultural development in the Philippines

novembre 2019
This manual discusses the strategy, lessons learned and recommendations of Atikha in scaling up initiatives in mobilizing migrant resources towards agriculture development in the country. 

Research Series Issue 37: Determinants of cofinancing in IFAD-funded projects - A call to rethink development interventions

mai 2019
This study is an analysis of what drives cofinancing in IFAD-supported programmes/projects, covering 20 years of data from 559 projects in 109 countries.

IFAD in Sudan: Linking rural women with finance, technology and markets

décembre 2018
Since 1979, IFAD has worked with the Government of Sudan to develop structural reforms that tackle the roots of poverty. IFAD has continued to support rural people in Sudan through investment projects focusing on sustainable resource management, value-chain development and support to farmer organizations. 

Investir dans les populations rurales au Niger

juillet 2018

Le Niger, pays enclavé, couvre une superficie de 1 267 000 km² du Sahel au nord du Nigéria. Avec un taux de pauvreté de 48,9% et un revenu par habitant de 420 USD, le Niger est l’un des pays les plus pauvres du monde. En 2015, l’indicateur du développement humain du Programme des Nations Unies a placé le Niger au 188e rang.

Occasional paper: IFAD’s experience in scaling up in Asia and the Pacific region - Lessons learned from successful projects and way forward

juillet 2018

The Asia and the Pacific region includes the world’s fastest growing and most dynamic countries and is a key driver of growth in the world economy.

Grant Results Sheet - APRACA: Enhancing access of poor rural people to sustainable financial services through policy dialogue, capacity-building and knowledge-sharing in rural finance

juin 2018
This programme, also known as FinServAccess, aimed to enhance access to sustainable rural financial services for smallholder producers and
agroentrepreneurs, so they are better equipped to face emerging challenges and benefit from new opportunities.

How To Do Note: Access to finance for renewable energy technologies

mai 2018
In the context of population growth, increasing inequality and natural resource depletion, universal access to energy – specifically to renewable energy (RE) – now has high importance on political agendas. 

Lessons learned: Access to finance for renewable energy technologies

mai 2018
Access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy is often associated with economic development and considered vital to alleviating extreme poverty (World Bank, 2018). Yet access to clean sources of energy is still a challenge for many smallholder farmers, their families and rural entrepreneurs.

Toolkit: Access to finance for renewable energy technologies

mai 2018
The toolkit focuses on end-user finance for renewable energy technologies for rural households, smallholder farmers, and rural micro, small and medium enterprises.

Research Series Issue 25 - Structural transformation and poverty in Malawi. Decomposing the effects of occupational and spatial mobility

mai 2018
This paper aims to identify the main drivers of poverty reduction in Malawi. Using an augmented poverty decomposition methodology, it explores in what way the different farm and non-farm economic activities contribute to poverty reduction and income growth. 

Grant Results Sheet: FundaK - The Outreach Project: Expanding and scaling up innovative financial inclusion and graduation strategies and tools in Africa

mai 2018
The Outreach Project was implemented in selected African countries (Gambia, Mozambique, and Tanzania) and aimed to improve the financia inclusion strategies of ongoing IFAD-funded operations by transferring and adapting innovative solutions, tools and methodologies previously tested in various countries of the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region.

RemitSCOPE - Remittance markets and opportunities Asia and the Pacific

mai 2018

​RemitSCOPE, a new website portal, is designed to provide data, analyses and remittancemarket1 profiles on individual countries or areas. In coordination with the Global Forum on Remittances, Investment and Development 2018, RemitSCOPE is being launched to provide market profiles for 50 countries or areas in the Asia and the Pacific region.

The additional four regions will be included gradually: Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe, and Near East and the Caucasus. RemitSCOPE intends to address the fast-changing market realities in the remittance industry in order to help bring together the goals of remittance families, as clients, and the strategies of the private-sector service providers. RemitSCOPE is designed as a free, one-stop shop that is available to any organization or entity interested in accessing all relevant public information on remittances.  

Grant Results Sheet: CABFIN - Enhancing the CABFIN partnership’s delivery of policy guidance, capacity development and global learning to foster financial innovations and inclusive investments for agricultural and rural development

décembre 2017
The overall goal of the grant funding was to strengthen the capacity of development practitioners in developing countries to identify, design and
implement more effective interventions aimed at increasing access to rural and agricultural finance.

Research Series Issue 19 - Measuring Women's Empowerment in Agriculture: A Streamlined Approach

décembre 2017

The Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI) can be a useful tool to measure the empowerment, agency and inclusion of women in the agriculture sector. However, computing the WEAI in its current form involves large data requirements, resulting in lengthy surveys with several questions on various dimensions and indicators within each dimension. This paper proposes a reduced version of the WEAI, or the R-WEAI, and examines two possible approaches to reduce the data requirements while ensuring comparability to the full WEAI.

Research Series Issue 18 - Do agricultural support and cash transfer programmes improve nutritional status?

novembre 2017

Cash transfer and agricultural support programmes are both used to improve nutrition outcomes in developing countries. This paper examines previous reviews of the impact of these programmes and compares the evidence between the two. The paper finds that, although there are about the same number of programmes of each type, many more papers have been written about the cash transfer programmes than the agricultural programmes. While evidence suggests that both programme types improved the quality of food consumption, the paper concludes that both types show weak evidence of improvements in anthropometric outcomes.

Envoi de fonds et réseaux de microfinancement

octobre 2017
Sur les 450 milliards d’USD de fonds que les travailleurs migrants envoient chaque année chez eux, dans les pays en développement, entre 30% et 40% sont destinés aux zones
rurales. Au départ de la chaîne migratoire, les personnes quittent le milieu rural pour aller chercher ailleurs le travail qu’elles ne trouvent pas près de chez elles. Les institutions de
microfinancement (IMF) sont particulièrement à même de répondre aux besoins des destinataires des envois de fonds, et de réinvestir les fonds excédentaires de façon à offrir de meilleures perspectives à la communauté locale.

Coopération Sud-Sud et triangulaire (CSST): Principales données sur le portefeuille du FIDA

octobre 2017
Ces vingt dernières années, la coopération Sud-Sud (CSS) a acquis une véritable reconnaissance comme cadre important de collaboration entre pays en développement (pays du “monde du Sud“) dans différents domaines politiques, économiques, sociaux, culturels, environnementaux et techniques.
Également disponible en: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese

Remote sensing for index insurance - Findings and lessons learned for smallholder agriculture

octobre 2017
Index insurance has a role to play in agricultural development and risk management, yet it faces operational and technical challenges to reach scale and sustainability. Data are a key challenge and were the focus of the project “Improving Agricultural Risk Management in Sub-Saharan Africa: Remote Sensing for Index Insurance”. Limited availability, accessibility, quantity and poor quality of data on the ground are some of the primary technical constraints preventing scale-up and sustainability of index insurance. Without sufficient quality data, either it is impossible to design products for some areas and countries, or products that are designed can become unreliable, not compensating when they should. These inconsistencies intensify vulnerability, lead to distrust of insurance, and ultimately have an impact on demand. This publication details the project, which investigated overcoming issues with ground data by using remote sensing data for index insurance. It describes the different remote sensing options and opportunities available for index insurance, but it also recommends further investment in research and development, supplementary ground data and capacity-building going forward. 

Highlights of the IFPRI and IFAD partnership

septembre 2017

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) were both created in response to the food crises of the 1970s. We have worked together for more than 20 years to catalyze agricultural and rural development and improve food security in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

IFAD and IFPRI have strengthened the productivity and resilience of smallholder farmers and other rural people, with a particular focus on helping expand their access to innovative local farming methods, climate change mitigation and adaptation technologies and financing, and more profitable markets.

To further promote rural development and transformation, IFAD and IFPRI have built cutting-edge information systems and tools that deliver sound data and analyses to governments, donors, farmer organizations, and other stakeholders. As a result, the two organizations have fostered evidence-based policy making and investments that promote agricultural growth and rural development.

Travailleurs migrants et envois de fonds: vers la réalisation des objectifs de développement durable, une famille à la fois

juin 2017

Le présent rapport fournit des données et une analyse des envois de fonds et de l’évolution des migrations dans les pays en développement au cours de la dernière décennie et examine également la contribution potentielle des familles qui reçoivent des fonds à la réalisation des ODD d’ici 2030.

Forum mondial sur les transferts d’argent, l’investissement et le développement 2017 - Recommandations

juin 2017

Les 15 et 16 juin 2017, à l’occasion de la Journée internationale des transferts d’argent familiaux, plus de 350 acteurs des secteurs public et privé se sont réunis au Siège des Nations Unies, à New York, pour participer à la cinquième édition du Forum mondial sur les transferts d’argent, l’investissement et le développement (GFRID 2017). Les participants ont eu l’occasion de débattre des défis et opportunités liés au marché des transferts d’argent, de présenter des approches innovantes et plusieurs modèles d’affaires éprouvés, en centrant leurs discussions sur le rôle des transferts d’argent et des investissements réalisés par les migrants dans la réalisation des Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) à l’horizon 2030.
