

Résultats de recherche

Brokering Development-Summary of Ghana Case Studies

juin 2015

This is a summary of the Ghana Country Report,  based on research carried out in 2014 in association with the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) as part of an IFAD-funded programme on the role of PPPs in agriculture.
It is one of the four IFAD project-supported Public-Private-Producer Partnerships analysed for the research report ‘Brokering Development: Enabling Factors for Public-Private-Producer Partnerships in Agricultural Value Chains’.

The report syntheses the four case studies and discuss the findings on how PPPPs in agricultural value chains can be designed and implemented to achieve more sustained increases in income for smallholder farmers and broader rural development.

Brokering Development - Summary of Rwanda Case Study

juin 2015
The aim of this series is to support policy and decision-makers in government, business, donor agencies and farmers’ organisations to build more effective PPPs that bring about positive development outcomes sustainably and at scale.This study focuses on two established PPPs (at Nshili and Mushubi, in Southern province), both facilitated and funded by IFAD

Brokering Development - Summary of Uganda Case Study

juin 2015

A case study of the Oil Palm PPP in Kalangala, Uganda. The PPP aimed to establish oil palm production (a new cash crop in Uganda) through private sector-led agro-industrial  evelopment on Bugala Island, Lake Victoria. 

The study is mainly based on qualitative data collection through semi-structured key informant interviews and focus group discussions, and a document review. Researchers interviewed representatives of the main partners involved.

Project to Support Food Security in the Region of Maradi (PASADEM)

juin 2015
The project objective is to improve food and nutrition security of rural people
around 5 centers of economic development (Tessaoua, Tchadoua, Sabon Machi,
Guidan Roumdji and Djirataoua) in 18 communes in the Maradi region.

GEF Niger factsheet

juin 2015
The project objective is to improve food and nutrition security of rural people around 5 centers of economic development (Tessaoua, Tchadoua, Sabon Machi, Guidan Roumdji and Djirataoua) in 18 communes in the Maradi region.

Participatory Coastal Zone Restoration and Sustainable Management in the Eastern Province of Post-Tsunami Sri Lanka

juin 2015
The project design focuses on overcoming three key barriers to the restoration of coastal ecosystems: i) the gap in technical knowledge for low-cost restoration methods; ii) low priority assigned to environmental issues during the tsunami relief and reconstruction programme; and iii) continuation of ecosystem and land degradation processes.

Enhancing Resilience of Agriculture Sector in Georgia (ERASIG)

juin 2015
The project aims to demonstrate the adaptation potential of climate-resilient crop production systems and technologies – especially efficient irrigation technologies and conservation agriculture – combined with the rehabilitation and climateproofing of irrigation schemes and value chain infrastructures (e.g. improved storage and processing facilities, and greenhouses) in ten selected crop value chains.

The state of food insecurity in the world 2015

juin 2015
This year´s annual State of Food Insecurity in the World report takes stock of progress made towards achieving the internationally established hunger targets, and reflects on what needs to be done, as we transition to the new post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda. United Nations member states have made two major commitments to tackle world hunger. The first was at the World Food Summit (WFS), in Rome in 1996, when 182 governments committed “... to eradicate hunger in all countries, with an immediate view to reducing the number of undernourished people to half their present level no later than 2015”. The second
was the formulation of the First Millennium Development Goal (MDG 1), established in 2000 by the United Nations members, which includes among its targets “cutting by half the proportion of people who suffer from hunger by 2015”.
In this report, we review progress made since 1990 for every country and region as well as for the world as a whole. First, the good news: overall, the commitment to halve the percentage of hungry people, that is, to reach the MDG 1c target, has been almost met at the global level. More importantly, 72 of the 129 countries monitored for progress have reached the MDG target, 29 of which have also reached the more ambitious WFS goal by at least halving the number of
undernourished people in their populations.

Mainstreaming Food Loss Reduction Initiatives for Smallholders in Food-Deficit Areas

juin 2015
For the first time, the three Rome-based agencies of the United Nations have joined forces to raise awareness on the importance of food losses and to stimulate change and action in member countries to reduce them.

Achieving zero hunger

juin 2015
FAO, IFAD and WFP welcome this global commitment to end poverty, hunger and malnutrition by 2030. Our proposal on how to achieve zero hunger by 2030 is in the context of the proposed Sustainable Development Goal to eliminate hunger and malnutrition by 2030, which, in turn, goes hand-in-hand with the proposed Sustainable Development Goal 1 to eliminate poverty at the same time. With almost 800 million people suffering from hunger and almost four-fifths of the extreme poor living in rural areas, it is necessary to raise agricultural and rural incomes to achieve those two priority Sustainable Development Goals.

Note pratique: Comment intégrer des systèmes portables de production de biogaz dans les projets appuyés par le FIDA

juin 2015

L'accès à des services d’énergies renouvelables modernes est un facteur clé pour lutter contre la pauvreté et assurer la sécurité alimentaire. 

IFAD Annual Report 2014

juin 2015
Vous pouvez découvrir, dans le Rapport annuel 2014, les résultats des activités du FIDA. Le document présente aussi des récits concernant les populations rurales dans lesquelles nous investissons, et évoque les activités de plaidoyer que nous menons pour que les besoins des communautés rurales demeurent en tête des priorités dans l'agenda international pour le développement.

Toolkit: Youth Access to Rural Finance

mai 2015
With the mounting awareness of the unmet demand for youth financial services and the growing evidence that serving young people is viable, there is also a need to assess and document the implications for rural areas. This toolkit on Youth Access to Rural Finance aims to contribute to filling that gap.
The Lessons Learned and How To Do Note on this topic provide IFAD country programme managers, project design teams and implementing partners with insights and key guidance on designing and offering appropriate financial services for rural youth. The toolkit on Youth Access to Rural Finance synthesizes best practices and offers examples from around the world.  

Lessons learned: Youth Access to Rural Finance

mai 2015

Although there have been improvements in YFS access, youth are still lagging significantly behind adults in being able to access financial tools. Across high- and low-income countries, young people are less likely than adults to have a formal account. There are even starker differences related to a country’s income level, with 21 per cent of youth in low-income economies having a formal account compared with 61 per cent in upper-middle-income economies (Demirguc-Kunt et al., 2013). 

Even with this data, determining the exact extent of youth access to financial services can be complicated because there is a lack of consistent data and definitions on youth (see Box 3). The lack of data is more limited for rural areas.
While there is some analysis of the urban-rural gap in access to financial services, with those living in cities significantly more likely to have an account than rural residents (Klapper, 2012), there are currently no comprehensive studies with disaggregated data for rural youth.

Pour une agriculture et un développement rural axés sur la nutrition

mai 2015

En 1977, le FIDA a fait de l’amélioration "du niveau nutritionnel des populations les plus pauvres dans les pays en développement" l’un des principaux objectifs de son accord fondateur.

Depuis, les gouvernements ainsi que les organisations de la société civile et de développement ont également reconnu la place centrale de la nutrition – qui englobe les questions de dénutrition, carences en micronutriments et surpoids – dans la problématique du développement.

Non seulement la nutrition est fonction de la croissance économique, mais, en améliorant le capital humain, elle constitue également un facteur essentiel du développement économique et social. 

PARM Result Factsheet May 2015

mai 2015

Depuis son lancement en décembre 2013, PARM oeuvre en faveur d'une meilleure gestion des risques agricoles (GRA) dans les pays en développement, condition essentielle de l’amélioration des moyens d’existence des agriculteurs. 

How to do note: Youth access to rural finance

mai 2015
​IFAD’s mission is to invest in rural people, with the objective of overcoming poverty. Young people have increasingly become a priority target for IFAD as part of the agency’s fight against rural poverty (IFAD, 2014a).

ASAP Chad factsheet

mai 2015
Climate change is exacerbating natural resource degradation and reducing the potential of productive lands. For example, rural farmers have to contend with climate shocks such as drought, rainfall deficits, floods and locust invasions. These shocks are reducing yields and making the cropping seasons hard to predict for traditional farmers. Traditional resilience strategies are no longer as effective as they were and the lean season is becoming more challenging to smallholder farmers.

ASAP Lesotho factsheet

mai 2015
Lesotho ranks 158 out of 186 in the UNDP Human Development Index. Poverty is rife, and it is concentrated in the rural areas of the country, with the greatest incidence in the mountain areas. Lesotho's rural economy is dominated by livestock production. Lesotho's chief export is directly related to this livestock, that of wool and mohair production. Lesotho is the second largest global producer of mohair, and this counts towards a large percentage of the country 's Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Only high quality wool and mohair can be exported, and this is dependent on the quality and health of the livestock. The main factor in raising high quality livestock is maintaining healthy rangelands.

Note sur la transposition à plus grande échelle: Gestion de l'eau à usage agricole

mai 2015
L'eau revêt une importance cruciale pour le développement humain, l'environnement et l'économie. L’accès à l'eau et la sécurité hydrique sont des facteurs déterminants pour améliorer la sécurité alimentaire, accroître les revenus et renforcer les moyens d’existence des communautés rurales. L’accès fiable aux ressources hydriques constitue encore aujourd’hui un enjeu majeur pour des millions de paysans pauvres, principalement dans les zones de culture pluviale, mais aussi pour ceux qui pratiquent une agriculture irriguée. Le changement climatique et l’évolution du régime des pluies qui en résulte représentent une menace pour bien d'autres agriculteurs, qui risquent de perdre leurs acquis en termes de sécurité hydrique et de retomber ainsi dans le piège de la pauvreté. On ne soulignera donc jamais assez la nécessité de renforcer la capacité des communautés à adopter et diffuser les techniques de gestion de l'eau à usage agricole.
