

Résultats de recherche

Lessons learned in the development of smallholder private irrigation for high-value crops in West Africa

juin 2011

The objective of this report is to identify, characterize, and evaluate best practices in smallholder private irrigation in West Africa. The report presents a comparative assessment of the smallholder private irrigation initiatives in Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, and Nigeria. 

Issues discussed include: the potential and impacts of new technologies; the successes and challenges of different approaches to develop smallholder private irrigation (promotion of technologies, institutional arrangements, advisory and financial services, and environmental impact mitigation); and the lessons learned.

Higher and volatile food prices and poor rural people

juin 2011
Food price trends have a major impact on food security,
at both household and country levels. Many of the world’s
poorest people spend more than half their income on food.
Price hikes for cereals and other staples can force them
to cut back on the quantity or quality of their food.
This may result in food insecurity and malnutrition,
with tragic implications in both the short and long term.
Undernourishment increases disease and mortality, lowers
productivity and can have severe lifelong effects, particularly
for children. Price spikes can also limit the ability of poor
households to meet important non-food expenses, such
as education and health care. When they occur globally,
price hikes can affect low-income, food importing
countries, putting pressure on their limited financial
resources. Higher food prices have a particularly negative
impact on food security when prices spike suddenly or
reach extremely high levels.

Le changement climatique: renforcer la capacité d’adaptation des petits agriculteurs

juin 2011
Les petits agriculteurs sont l’épine dorsale de l’économie rurale, mais
ce sont eux qui sont le plus durement touchés par les effets du
changement climatique. Au niveau mondial, 500 millions de petites
exploitations subviennent aux besoins de quelque 2 milliards de
personnes. Ces agriculteurs vivent dans les zones qui sont le plus à
risque – versants collinaires, déserts et plaines inondées. Le changement
climatique multiplie les menaces auxquelles ils doivent faire face,
mettant en danger les actifs naturels dont ils dépendent et accélérant la
dégradation environnementale.
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