

Résultats de recherche

Global Forum on Remittances, Investments and Development 2017 - agenda

juin 2017
The Global Forum on Remittances, Investment and Development (GFRID) is part of a series of ground-breaking and inclusive international forums hosted by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialized agency of the United Nations and an international financing institution (IFI), in collaboration with key development organizations and other IFIs. Over the last decade, these Forums have brought together stakeholders across all sectors and from around the world involved in the field of remittances, migration  and development.

Grant Results Sheet CABI - Plantwise A country-based approach to improve farmer livelihoods

juin 2017

Smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa experience losses equivalent to 30- 40 per cent of total yields due to pests that attack their crops.

They need help to diagnose the problem and identify practical, economic, feasible and environmentally safe measures to deal with them. 

The goal of this programme was to significantly increase the productivity of key crops and/or improve household incomes for smallholder farmers by establishing plant clinics and training plant doctors. 

Forum mondial sur les transferts d’argent, l’investissement et le développement 2017 - Recommandations

juin 2017

Les 15 et 16 juin 2017, à l’occasion de la Journée internationale des transferts d’argent familiaux, plus de 350 acteurs des secteurs public et privé se sont réunis au Siège des Nations Unies, à New York, pour participer à la cinquième édition du Forum mondial sur les transferts d’argent, l’investissement et le développement (GFRID 2017). Les participants ont eu l’occasion de débattre des défis et opportunités liés au marché des transferts d’argent, de présenter des approches innovantes et plusieurs modèles d’affaires éprouvés, en centrant leurs discussions sur le rôle des transferts d’argent et des investissements réalisés par les migrants dans la réalisation des Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) à l’horizon 2030.

Nigeria IAP factsheet

juin 2017
The Integrated Approach Programme on food security in Sub-Saharan Africa targets agro-ecological systems where the need to enhance food security is directly linked to opportunities for generating local and global environmental benefits. 

Five years of the AAF’S technical assistance facility

juin 2017

The Technical Assistance Facility (TAF) has a mandate to increase economic and physical access to food for low-income Africans by providing technical assistance to the portfolio companies of the African Agriculture Fund (AAF). 

The AAF is a private equity fund created in response to the food security challenge across the continent, financed by African, European and US development finance institutions, and private investors. It is comprised of two funds; the AAF and a subsidiary Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Fund. As TAF enters its fifth year, this report reflects on the progress of 42 projects implemented to date through technical assistance to ten AAF portfolio companies. 

Sustainable urbanization and inclusive rural transformation

juin 2017
The participation of rural stakeholders is central to promoting inclusive, mutually beneficial and sustainable urbanization. Globally, most of the world’s poor and food-insecure people are still located in rural areas. Undernourishment continues to be concentrated among populations based in rural areas, although a growing number of poor people living in urban areas are affected. It is thus critical that rural people and their organizations participate in designing and implementing development policies and programmes that have an impact on rural-urban linkages − for example in food
security, territorial development, urban food planning, natural resource management or infrastructure.

Nutrition Mainstreaming in East and Southern Africa: Operational approaches

mai 2017
Approaches and experiences in five countries from East and Southern Africa.

Research Series Issue 13 - Graduation models for rural financial inclusion

mai 2017

Graduation out of chronic poverty has recently been receiving considerable attention by the global development community for its potential synergies with social protection, microfinance and livelihoods development approaches to poverty reduction. 

This paper examines the evidence regarding the effectiveness of graduation strategies in reducing extreme poverty, with a focus on rural households, and proposes a new analytical framework to support future work on graduation as a learning and adaptation process in development practice.

Research Series Issue 12 - An evidence-based assessment of IFAD’s end-of-project reporting

mai 2017

Project Completion Reports (PCRs) are a critical tool for development organizations, both for accountability purposes, and as a means of learning from project experience to inform the design of future operations. This paper analyses a sample of PCRs from IFAD to assess the extent to which evidence is used to determine a project's effectiveness in bringing about development. 

The report finds that most claims on results are not supported by evidence, and discusses implications for the objective measurement of development effectiveness.

The JP RWEE pathway to women’s empowerment

avril 2017

Gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls is a pre-condition for the eradication of poverty and essential to achieve progress across all goals and targets set by the Sustainable Development Agenda. The JP RWEE facilitates transformation through rural women’s leadership, making gender equality and women’s empowerment a reality. Support to women's economic empowerment allows for increased influence, education and information for women to decide the use of their income, savings and loans, and the ability to make decisions about their life. 
