

Résultats de recherche

Transforming rural areas in Asia and the Pacific

juin 2014
Among the world’s developing regions, Asia and the Pacific region has witnessed the deepest and fastest structural transformation. The Green Revolution that began in the 1960s spurred the rapid spread of improved varieties of cereal crops, accompanied by public investments in and policy support to the agricultural sector. As a result, productivity of wheat and rice increased dramatically, stimulating economic growth and reducing rural poverty. In the following decades, and especially since 2000, the structural transformation further accelerated, leading to a declined share of the sector in both output and GDP and, to a lesser extent, in the total employment. Facilitated by a conducive institutional and policy environment, the process brought about a more diversified, market-oriented and high-value agricultural production; the expansion of food processing, agribusiness, food retailing and exports; and increased domestic and international competitiveness of agriculture – albeit with country and subregional differences. Nevertheless, poverty, deprivation and hunger remain widespread. Two thirds of the world’s poor and hungry people live in the region, mostly in rural environments. Income inequality has been rising fast in a number of countries, especially between urban and rural areas, with adverse effects on poverty reduction and increased risk of social conflict and political instability. Moreover, the countries and subregions are at different stages of the structural transformation process. In most developing economies, labour productivity in agriculture is still low and the shift of the agricultural workforce to other sectors is yet to take place. Therefore, agriculture remains a critical livelihood option and the largest employer sector for most rural people. 

IFAD Annual Report 2013

juin 2014

Découvrez, dans le Rapport annuel 2013, les résultats et l'impact des activités du FIDA. Le document rapporte aussi les histoires de femmes et d'hommes avec qui nous travaillons dans les zones rurales – leurs problèmes et leurs succès. Le Rapport rend compte des efforts que nous déployons pour que les besoins des communautés rurales demeurent en tête des priorités dans l'agenda international pour le développement, parce que 76% des habitants les plus pauvres du monde vivent dans les zones rurales. Et il présente les données et les chiffres que le Fonds communique périodiquement à ses États membres et à ses partenaires.


Reforming IFAD, transforming lives

juin 2014
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has undergone a transformation in recent years, adapting itself to an environment more complex and challenging than at any other point in its history: persistent hunger and food insecurity; rising and more volatile food prices; floods, droughts and the ever-more apparent effects of climate change; increasing competition for land; global financial crisis; and a growing human population that has surpassed 7 billion.
