

Résultats de recherche

Envoi de fonds et services bancairesmobiles: un moyen de contourner les difficultés habituelles

avril 2015
Plus de 90% de la population est généralement desservie par la téléphonie mobile, y compris dans les pays en développement, c’est pourquoi passer directement aux services bancaires mobiles pourrait permettre de relever la plupart des défis auxquels sont confrontés les destinataires des envois de fonds vivant en milieu rural. 

GFR 2013 Official Report

novembre 2014
This report proceeds from the Global Forum on Remittances held in Bangkok, Thailand in 2013.

FFR Brief - Five years of the Financing Facility for Remittances

juin 2013

This document reports on the remarkable achievements of the Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR) in its five years of operation. It provides an overview of the importance of remittances to development, the strategy that the Facility has adopted to date, and the lessons. 

The FFR Brief learned from the innovative projects it has financed. Looking forward, the report highlights the tremendous opportunities offered by large-scale distribution networks, adoption of new technologies, mobilization of migrant capital and partnering with the private sector. Each chapter has been designed to be readable as a stand-alone discussion of the specific topic area it addresses. As a number of projects resulted in lessons learned in multiple areas, projects may be mentioned more than once, and their impact in each topic area will be discussed separately.
