

Résultats de recherche

Pour une agriculture et un développement rural axés sur la nutrition

mai 2015

En 1977, le FIDA a fait de l’amélioration "du niveau nutritionnel des populations les plus pauvres dans les pays en développement" l’un des principaux objectifs de son accord fondateur.

Depuis, les gouvernements ainsi que les organisations de la société civile et de développement ont également reconnu la place centrale de la nutrition – qui englobe les questions de dénutrition, carences en micronutriments et surpoids – dans la problématique du développement.

Non seulement la nutrition est fonction de la croissance économique, mais, en améliorant le capital humain, elle constitue également un facteur essentiel du développement économique et social. 

IFAD and Belgian Survival Fund Joint Programm - 25 years of cooperation

novembre 2014

The Belgian Fund for Food Security (BFFS) was created by the Belgian Parliament in 1983 in response to the more than one million drought- and faminerelated deaths in East Africa. BFFS provides grants to pay for rural development projects, with a focus on food security and nutrition, in some of the poorest countries in Africa, helping extremely poor people to become healthier and more productive and lowering the risk that they will face starvation. 

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialized United Nations agency, was established as an international financial institution in 1977 as one of the major outcomes of the 1974 World Food Conference. It is dedicated to eradicating poverty and hunger in rural areas of developing countries. Through low-interest loans and grants, it develops and finances programmes and projects that enable poor rural people to overcome poverty themselves.

IFADs approach in Small Island Developing States: A global response to island voices for food security

août 2014
This paper outlines IFAD’s strategic approach to enhancing food security and promoting sustainable smallholder agriculture development in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the context of exacerbated impacts of climate change and persistent challenges to market access. A renewed approach will provide an opportunity for increasing results and impacts from agriculture and fisheries, reducing the high transaction costs of project delivery in SIDS, adjusting to an ever-changing development environment and – most of all – avoiding the overlooking of SIDS’ persistent fragility and the risk that they are cut off from development assistance.

New Directions for Smallholder Agriculture

mars 2014
This book examines the growing divergence between subsistence and business oriented small farms, and discusses how this divergence has been impacted by population growth, trends in farm size distribution, urbanization, off-farm income diversification, and the globalization of agricultural value chains.
