

Résultats de recherche

Lessons learned from IFAD’S inclusive rural and agricultural finance experiments in West and Central Africa during the last decade (2009-2020)

novembre 2021

Lessons from a quick review of the diverse and varied financial schemes designed for, accessed by and used by poor smallholders and other rural stakeholders in IFAD’s project portfolio in West and Central Africa over the decade leading up to 2020.

Rapid prototyping for inclusive insurance: Testing customer challenges and gaining early insights on feasibility

juin 2021

Prototyping aims to gather direct feedback on the solution and the wider insurance scheme, incorporate changes before pilot testing, and make any additional adjustments before the official roll-out.

IFAD Inclusive Financial Services Portfolio Stocktaking

juin 2021

This Inclusive Financial Services (IFS) stocktaking exercise assesses IFAD’s capacity to deliver IFS and addresses rural poor market development needs both historically and looking forward within the context of emerging opportunities and challenges.

Good practices and innovations in risk management for agri-SME finance under COVID-19

avril 2021

This report compiles experiences and lessons shared in a Live Talks series on Risk Management for Agri-SME Finance between September and December 2020. 

SAFIN Annual Progress Report 2020

avril 2021

This report documents the results achieved from the work among all SAFIN partners.

INSURED Uganda country update: Feasibility study on agricultural insurance for oilseed farmers

janvier 2021

What risks and challenges do small-scale producers of oilseeds in Uganda face, and could agricultural insurance help them manage and mitigate those risks?

Utiliser les envois de fonds pour gérer les risques agricoles: le cas du Sénégal

décembre 2020

Cette étude explique le rôle des envois de fonds dans la gestion des risques agricoles.

Analyse du déficit de financement climatique pour la petite agriculture

novembre 2020
Dans un monde en mutation rapide, l'agriculture est au cœur du développement durable. Au cours de la décennie qu’il  nous reste pour atteindre les objectifs de développement durable des Nations Unies, le monde va devoir faire face à un certain nombre de risques, mais les perspectives qui s’ouvrent à nous sont tout aussi nombreuses (Rapport disponible uniquement en langue anglaise)

Crowdfunding Malian diaspora remittances to finance rural entrepreneurship

octobre 2020
This case study examines a pilot initiative carried out by the IFAD-supported FIER project in Mali, together with the Babyloan crowdfunding platform, to leverage diaspora remittances abroad as a way to support rural entrepreneurship in the home country. 
