

Résultats de recherche

Panorama de la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes 2020

décembre 2020

Ce rapport examine l'impact de la faim, de l'insécurité alimentaire et de la malnutrition en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes. Il se concentre sur l'analyse des inégalités territoriales et appelle les pays à donner la priorité dans leurs investissements et leurs politiques aux territoires en retard.

Également disponible en: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese

Investing in rural people in Papua New Guinea

novembre 2020
IFAD’s strategy in Papua New Guinea is to improve the livelihoods of small-scale farmers by increasing production volumes and quality, and to improve access to markets, technologies and services in order to increase farmers’ share of added value.

Strengthening sorghum and millet value chains for food, nutritional and income security in arid and semi‑arid lands of Kenya and United Republic of Tanzania (SOMNI)

novembre 2020

Sorghum, finger millet and pearl millet are the most important staple foods for most households in the semi-arid tropics of East Africa, as these crops grow in harsh environments where other crops do not grow well. 

Investing in rural people in Indonesia

novembre 2020

Over the last 40 years, IFAD and the Government of Indonesia have invested more than US$1 billion in rural people to strengthen inclusive and environmentally sustainable economic growth. 

Analyse du déficit de financement climatique pour la petite agriculture

novembre 2020
Dans un monde en mutation rapide, l'agriculture est au cœur du développement durable. Au cours de la décennie qu’il  nous reste pour atteindre les objectifs de développement durable des Nations Unies, le monde va devoir faire face à un certain nombre de risques, mais les perspectives qui s’ouvrent à nous sont tout aussi nombreuses (Rapport disponible uniquement en langue anglaise)

IFAD Innovation Network

novembre 2020

The IFAD Innovation Network is an informal, democratic, non-hierarchical space for sharing ideas, good practices, tools and lessons learned about innovation at IFAD.

Climate change and small-scale farming: The Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP)

octobre 2020

IFAD’s Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP) is the largest multi-donor global fund specifically dedicated to enabling smallholder farmers to adapt and build their resilience to climate change.

Le programme FO4ACP/OPenACP

octobre 2020

Le programme FO4ACP/OPenACP vise à accroître les revenus, à améliorer les moyens d’existence et à renforcer la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle, y compris la sécurité sanitaire des aliments, des petits exploitants organisés et des exploitants familiaux dans les pays d’Afrique, des Caraïbes et du Pacifique en consolidant les organisations paysannes régionales, nationales et locales.


Politique d’engagement du FIDA aux côtés des peuples autochtones

octobre 2020

Les peuples autochtones, qui vivent dans les zones rurales des pays en développement et connaissent des niveaux de pauvreté et d’insécurité alimentaire élevés, sont un groupe important représenté par le FIDA. 

Participatory Guarantee System case study report

octobre 2020

In 2017, after several years of partnership between IFAD and Slow Food on themes related to food security, indigenous peoples and youth, IFAD approved a large grant project, called “Empowering Indigenous Youth and their Communities to Defend and Promote their Food Heritage,” to be implemented by Slow Food over three years.

Grant Results Sheet: Strengthening capacity to assess the impact of tenure security measures on IFAD-supported and other projects within the SDG framework

octobre 2020

IFAD partnered with the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) and UN-Habitat to conceptualize and develop gender-responsive and fit-for-purpose tools and approaches to evaluate the impact of land tenure and governance interventions.

Digital gender inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean

octobre 2020
The technological revolution has made it possible for digital connectivity to reach rural areas.

CFS policy database

octobre 2020

The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is the foremost inclusive international and intergovernmental platform for all stakeholders to work together to ensure food security and nutrition for all.

Crowdfunding Malian diaspora remittances to finance rural entrepreneurship

octobre 2020
This case study examines a pilot initiative carried out by the IFAD-supported FIER project in Mali, together with the Babyloan crowdfunding platform, to leverage diaspora remittances abroad as a way to support rural entrepreneurship in the home country. 

Investing in rural people in the Kyrgyz Republic

septembre 2020

IFAD has invested in rural development in the Kyrgyz Republic since 1996.

Investing in rural people in China

septembre 2020

IFAD is the only one of China’s development partners dedicated exclusively to reducing poverty and increasing food and nutrition security in rural areas.

Impact Assessment: Strengthening Local Development in the Highlands and High Rainforest Areas Project (PSSA)

septembre 2020
PSSA aimed to unlock rural development and poverty reduction in Peru by supporting the design and implementation of business plans created by Producer Associations, targeting two of the country’s poorest regions.

Scaling sustainable land management: A collection of SLM technologies and approaches in Northern Uganda and beyond

août 2020
This collection of data on sustainable land management (SLM) technologies and approaches includes relevant information on different SLM practices, their implementation details, and their ecological and socio-economic benefits and disadvantages.

Research Series Issue 63: The adoption of improved agricultural technologies - A meta-analysis for Africa

août 2020
 In this paper, particular attention is given to the identification and promotion of productivity and resilience enhancing agricultural practices. 

L’avenir de l’agriculture en Afrique subsaharienne

août 2020
La croissance démographique, l’urbanisation rapide et une population jeune sont les grandes tendances qui façonnent l’avenir de l’agriculture africaine. 

AR4D-PRUNSAR 2019 Consolidated Report

août 2020

The Putting Research into Use for Nutrition, Sustainable Agriculture and Resilience (PRUNSAR) programme is currently one of the most significant ongoing AR4D programmes. It has a budget of almost US$40 million, mainly from the European Union, of which US$8 million is a contribution from IFAD.

COVID-19 Learning Notes

août 2020

Learning lessons as the COVID-19 crisis unfolds, and providing timely knowledge-driven feedback to development practitioners and decision-makers, is perhaps as important as delivering IFAD’s COVID-19 package itself.

Investing in rural people in Moldova

août 2020
Collaboration between the Republic of Moldova and IFAD began in 1999. IFAD has supported seven projects totalling US$196.8 million, with IFAD financing of US$109.2 million.

Rapport de la septième réunion mondiale du Forum paysan au FIDA

juillet 2020

La septième réunion mondiale du Forum paysan s’est tenue les 6, 7, 10 et 11 février 2020, à l’occasion de la quarante-troisième session du Conseil des gouverneurs du FIDA.

A decade of food loss reduction

juillet 2020

14 per cent of the world’s food production is lost before it reaches the consumer. Food losses disproportionately affect developing countries, threatening people’s livelihoods, especially those depending on agriculture. 

Collection “Advantage”- La sécurité des régimes fonciers, catalyseur d’une transformation rurale durable et inclusive

juillet 2020
Ce numéro de la collection "Advantage" sur la sécurité des régimes fonciers offre un aperçu de l'engagement du FIDA dans la sécurisation des régimes fonciers en faveur des pauvres des zones rurales (disponible uniquement en langue anglaise). 

Rapport annuel du FIDA 2019

juillet 2020

Découvrez comment le travail et les investissements du FIDA contribuent à relever les défis mondiaux d'aujourd'hui et de demain.

Grant Results Sheet: Land and Natural Resources Tenure Security Learning Initiative for East and Southern Africa – Phase 2 (TSLI-ESA 2)

juillet 2020
This initiative's goal was to develop and disseminate innovative tools and approaches to strengthen tenure security in target communities using low-cost and gender-sensitive technologies. 

The IFAD–India partnership

juillet 2020

India is a founding member of IFAD, and the IFAD–India partnership spans more than 40 years. India is not only the largest recipient of IFAD’s investments, but also a significant contributor,

How to prevent land use conflicts in pastoral areas

juillet 2020
This How-to-do Note focuses on how conflicts over land and natural resources in pastoral areas can be prevented or transformed into positive outcomes. 
