

Résultats de recherche

Étude de cas - L’approche axée sur les ménages en Zambie

novembre 2014
L’approche axée sur les ménages a été mise en œuvre dans le cadre du Programme de soutien de l’agriculture exécuté dans quatre provinces (Centrale, Orientale, Septentrionale et Méridionale) de la Zambie, et a couvert 22 des 72 districts, dans 242 secteurs de vulgarisation agricole.

A field practitioner's guide: Institutional and organizational analysis and capacity strengthening

novembre 2014

The purpose of this Guide is to support institutional and organizational analysis and strengthening (IOA/S) for design and implementation of programmes and projects.
The Guide is designed to be a practical, hands-on set of directions to those needing to answer the following questions: “how to go about doing institutional and organizational analysis? And once I’ve done it, how do I go about using this analysis to promote sustainable institutions and organizations?”

This is intended as a user-friendly Guide, the use of which could help identify strategic partners and key areas for intervention at COSOP level; to deepen the COSOP analysis at the design stage by generating interventions that support sustainable institutions and organizations, and progress
at implementation stage should be easier to monitor and evaluate effectively. 

A time of transition: Agricultural development and rural poverty reduction in the Near East and North Africa

novembre 2014
Since 1978, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has worked
with small-scale farmers in 122 countries and territories around the world to help
them overcome rural poverty and increase their food and nutrition security. IFAD
has invested a total of about US$15.6 billion in grants and low-interest loans to
developing countries, reaching more than 400 million people.
Agricultural development can be a major driver of poverty reduction. IFAD acts as
an advocate for poor rural people, helping to create an enabling environment – with
appropriate policies, know-how, finance, infrastructure and market access – for
them to improve their lives and livelihoods.

Investing in the future: Agricultural development and rural poverty reduction in Europe and Central Asia

novembre 2014

The International Fund for Agricultural Development works with small-scale farmers in 98 countries and territories around the world to help them overcome rural
poverty and increase food security. Since 1978, IFAD has invested over US$16 billion in grants and low-interest loans to projects that have reached more
than 430 million people.

Agricultural development can be a major driver of poverty reduction. IFAD acts as an advocate for poor rural people, helping to create an enabling
environment – with appropriate policies, know-how, finance, infrastructure and market access – for them to improve their lives and livelihoods.

Également disponible en: English, Russian

Toolkit: Strengthening smallholder institutions and organizations

novembre 2014
The “Strengthening smallholder institutions and organizations toolkit” provides valuable guidance to help practitioners analyze and address issues related to smallholder institutions and organizations during the devopment of country strategies and in the design and implementation of programmes and projects.

The Smallholder Advantage: A new way to put climate finance to work

novembre 2014

IFAD sees smallholder farmers as more than just victims of climate change: they are a vital part of the solution to the ‘wicked’ climate change problem.
