

Résultats de recherche

Lesson learned: Designing and implementing conservation agriculture of IFAD investments in sub-Saharan Africa

décembre 2016
This “Lessons Learned” document of the conservation agriculture (CA) in sub-Saharan Africa toolkit reviews experiences over the last two decades.

Toolkit: Designing and implementing conservation agriculture of IFAD investments in sub-Saharan Africa

décembre 2016
Conservation agriculture (CA) in sub-Saharan Africa has multiple, but often very specific, niches for investment that need to be understood to support its inclusion and implementation in projects.

How to do note: Designing and implementing conservation agriculture of IFAD investments in sub-Saharan Africa

décembre 2016
This “How To Do” note offers guidance on the design, implementation and scaling up of a CA programme or project in sub-Saharan Africa. It begins with a summary of the key issues and associated questions  and follows this with lessons gained from experience.

Ghana IAP factsheet

septembre 2016
The Integrated Approach Programme on food security in Sub-Saharan Africa targets agro-ecological systems where the need to enhance food security is directly linked to opportunities for generating local and global environmental benefits. 

Fiche d'information sur le Programme pilote intégré au Sénégal

septembre 2016

Le programme pilote intégré sur la sécurité alimentaire en Afrique subsaharienne cible les systèmes agro-écologiques où vont de pair la nécessité d'améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et les possibilités de générer des avantages environnementaux locaux et mondiaux.

Niger IAP factsheet

septembre 2016
The Integrated Approach Programme on food security in Sub-Saharan Africa targets agro-ecological systems where the need to enhance food security is directly linked to opportunities for generating local and global environmental benefits. 

Investing in rural people in Liberia

juillet 2016
Despite gains made in socio-economic development since the end of the civil war in 2003, Liberia remains a low-income food-deficit country and is ranked 175th out of 187 countries in the 2013 UNDP Human Development Index. 

ASAP The Gambia Factsheet

mai 2016
Strengthening Climate Resilience of the National Agricultural Land and Water Management Development Project (CHOSSO) – National Agricultural Land and Water Management Development Project (NEMA)

Initiative relative aux services financiers postaux en Afrique

avril 2016
Aujourd’hui, plus de 30 millions d’Africains vivent loin de leur pays d’origine. En 2012, les migrants issus du continent africain ont fait parvenir chez eux plus de 50 milliards d’USD, par le biais d’envois de fonds internationaux. Ces flux revêtent une importance vitale pour le continent puisqu’on trouve en Afrique près d’un quart des 40 pays du monde dans lesquels les transferts des migrants contribuent à 10% ou plus du PIB.

Ghana: Making value chains work for rural people

avril 2016
There are three major poverty divides in Ghana: rural-urban, northsouth, and between women and men. To meet these challenges, IFAD, the African Development Bank and the Government of Ghana are investing in rural northern Ghana to create viable economic opportunities – particularly for women – while improving market linkages with the south and neighbouring countries. The Northern Rural Growth Programme (NRGP) is spurring agricultural and rural growth and poverty reduction with innovative approaches like District Value Chain Committees (DVCCs). IFAD-supported NRGP worked in partnership, for example, with the Association of Church Based Development (ACDEP), a local NGO in northern Ghana to establish the DVCCs. Today, DVCCs are responsible for the effective planning, implementation, coordination and monitoring of activities in the maize, soya and sorghum value chains. The committees include buyers, input providers (seeds and fertilizers), service providers (extension and tractor services), financial institutions like rural banks, and farmer-based organizations (FBOs). 

Senegal: the road to opportunity

avril 2016

[FRENCH] When the seasonal rains came to some regions of south-eastern Senegal, the flooding used to cut off the inhabitants from the rest of the country. But that has changed with the IFAD-supported project known as PADAER – Projet d’Appui au Développement Agricole et à l’Entreprenariat Rural. Thanks to the projects’ work on rebuilding roads, rural people have new possibilities to make a living, they can access health services and education, and bring their products to markets.

A new lifeline; a new way of life

For poor rural people, lack of infrastructure often translates into lack of options and alternatives. The project is changing that.

Research Series Issue 3 - Fostering inclusive outcomes in African agriculture: improving agricultural productivity and expanding agribusiness opportunities

avril 2016
This paper looks at the role of agriculture in fostering inclusive and sustainable development in Sub-Saharan Africa. It discusses how improving agricultural productivity, smallholder access to markets and expanding agribusiness opportunities can accelerate transformation, investment and industrialization. The paper presents key investment and policy elements to be considered and points to the centrality of smallholders for the rural transformation process to be inclusive.

Farmers’ Africa: Complementary actions for the benefit of African producers

février 2016

Farmers’ Africa is a capacity-building programme that aims to improve the livelihoods and food security of rural producers in Africa. It works with farmers’ organizations (FOs) to help them evolve into more stable, performing and accountable organizations that effectively represent their members and advise them on farming enterprises.

The programme supports the main functions of FOs, promotes their engagement in policy processes and contributes to their professionalization. It also supports the efforts of FOs to provide economic services to their members. 

Research Series Issue 1 - Agricultural and rural development reconsidered

janvier 2016
This paper is a guide to current debates about agricultural development. It analyses the changes in development approaches and thinking in recent decades and explores today's critical issues in agricultural and rural development policy. With the main focus on Africa, the paper also includes insights from Asia and Latin America.

Etude de référence sur l’utilisation des bureaux de poste ruraux pour les transferts de fonds en Afrique

octobre 2015
Le présent étude a été demandé par le Mécanisme de financement pour l’envoi de fonds (MFEF) du Fonds international de développement agricole (FIDA), et réalisé par Taylor Nelson Sofres, TNS-RMS, dans le cadre de l’Initiative relative aux services financiers postaux en Afrique (APFSI). 

Conférence africaine sur les transferts d’argent et les réseaux postaux - rapport officiel

septembre 2015
L’importance des transferts d’argent en provenance et à destination de l’Afrique, qui ont franchi le seuil des 60 milliards d’USD et continuent de croître rapidement, commence légitimement à attirer l’attention au niveau mondial. 

Fulfilling the promise of African agriculture

août 2015
Agriculture plays a significant role in Africa, accounting for about 30 per cent of GDP south of the Sahara, as well as a significant proportion of export value. Not surprisingly, in most African countries, 60 per cent or more of employees work in agriculture.
Yet this barely scrapes the surface of Africa’s promise. Only 6 per cent of cultivated land is irrigated in Africa, compared with 37 per cent in Asia, for example. Africa also has the largest share of uncultivated land with rain-fed crop potential in the world. In addition, African farmers use substantially less fertilizer per hectare than counterparts in East Asia and the Pacific.

ASAP Niger factsheet

août 2015
Family Farming Development Programme (ProDAF) in Maradi, Tahoua and Zinder.

Introduction du pompage à énergie solaire dans les oasis de Mauritanie

juillet 2015
Dans le cadre du Programme de développement durable des oasis (PDDO), le Gouvernement mauritanien, le Fonds international de développement agricole (FIDA) et le Fonds pour l’environnement mondial (FEM) ont introduit et testé le pompage à énergie solaire de l’eau à usage agricole dans les oasis. 

Dossier: Égalité Des Sexes Et Développement Rural. Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre

mars 2015
Trois quarts des personnes pauvres de la région Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre − environ 90 millions de personnes − vivent dans des zones rurales et dépendent de l’agriculture. Plus de 60% de la population active travaille dans le secteur agricole et la part des femmes ne cesse d’augmenter. Elle est globalement estimée à 70% dans la région et s’élève à 89% dans les pays de la zone sahélienne. Sur le plan sociopolitique, l’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre est une région encore très fragile. Elle compte la plus forte concentration d’États appuyés par le FIDA. En dépit de cette fragilité et de la pauvreté qui frappe plus de la moitié de la population, presque tous les pays de la région ont enregistré des progrès considérables au cours de cette dernière décennie, notamment en matière d’éducation, de santé et de redistribution des revenus
