

Résultats de recherche

Manuel de mise en œuvre des petits réseaux d’irrigation

octobre 2022

Handbook for Scaling Irrigation Systems is a joint publication between IFAD and IFC on how to develop and scale innovative solutions to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers and increase crop productivity.

GeoTech4Tenure: Guide technique sur l’association des technologies géospatiales et des méthodes participatives au service de la sécurisation des droits fonciers

août 2022

Ce guide technique oriente les concepteurs et exécutants de projets sur l’association de méthodes participatives et de technologies géomatiques pour renforcer les droits fonciers légitimes dans le cadre des investissements fonciers.

La cartographie au service du développement rural. L’utilisation des SIG pour le suivi et l’évaluation des projets

juillet 2022

Ce manuel pratique fournit des conseils sur la meilleure façon d’utiliser les systèmes d’information géographique (SIG) pour procéder au suivi et à l’évaluation des projets de développement rural.

Catalogue des outils géospatiaux et de leurs applications aux fins de l’investissement climatique

mars 2022

Ce catalogue présente des outils géospatiaux innovants et des études de cas tirées d'opérations du FIDA sur le terrain, pour donner une idée de la manière dont le FIDA tire parti de ces technologies.

Digital Agriculture in Asia and the Pacific region: A synthesis of ongoing work

mai 2021

While the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and digital tools has been increasing steadily across large swathes of rural Asia during the past two decades, the ongoing COVID-19 crisis has imparted a sense of urgency in terms of accelerating this trend. 

Innovation Catalogue

février 2021

The Innovation Catalogue showcases a set of 23 solutions to challenges faced by small-scale producers in East and Southern Africa.

Tunisia: Detecting change with remote sensing

janvier 2021
This case study presents an analysis undertaken for the IFAD-funded Agropastoral Value Chains Project in the Governorate of Médenine, Tunisia.

IFAD Innovation Network

novembre 2020

The IFAD Innovation Network is an informal, democratic, non-hierarchical space for sharing ideas, good practices, tools and lessons learned about innovation at IFAD.

Crowdfunding Malian diaspora remittances to finance rural entrepreneurship

octobre 2020
This case study examines a pilot initiative carried out by the IFAD-supported FIER project in Mali, together with the Babyloan crowdfunding platform, to leverage diaspora remittances abroad as a way to support rural entrepreneurship in the home country. 


juillet 2020

IFAD’s community of practice for geospatial applications aims to enhance IFAD’s operations and impact through systematic integration of geospatial tools, methods and data analytics. 


juillet 2020

The objective of IFAD’s ICT4D strategy is to provide a framework for leveraging information and communication technology (ICT) to increase development impact and improve the economic and the social conditions of rural people.


juillet 2020

The Forum for Agricultural Risk Management in Development (FARM-D) is a Community of Practice managed by the Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM) for knowledge exchange on agricultural risk management in developing countries.

Stories from the field: Innovative agriculture

mars 2020
Unlocking opportunities for rural entrepreneurs and farmers in the sub-Mekong region.

Accelerating knowledge generation for data-driven decision making

février 2020
Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers great potential for international financial institutions to accelerate knowledge generation and strengthen data-driven decision making. 

Exploring the advantages of blockchain technology for smallholder farming

octobre 2019
This briefing note is intended as a primer on blockchain and a spur to begin considering how best to capitalize on blockchain technology to achieve IFAD’s objectives. 

Scaling up e-learning

mars 2019
Learn about scaling up, its basic concepts and why it is important for organisations like IFAD working in agriculture and rural development.
