

Résultats de recherche

IFAD’s support for land and natural resource tenure security - East and Southern Africa

mai 2018
This report provides the findings of a stock-taking exercise started in 2015 on IFAD's investment in tenure security measures integrated in its larger agricultural development projects. This stock-take provides an overview of tenure investments and activities in the East and Southern Africa region (ESA).

IFAD’s support for land and natural resource tenure security - Latin America and the Caribbean

mai 2018

This report provides the findings of a stock-taking exercise started in 2015 on IFAD's investment in tenure security measures integrated in its larger agricultural development projects. This stock-take provides an overview of tenure investments and activities in the Latin America and the Caribbean region (LAC).

IFAD’s support for land and natural resource tenure security - Near East, Nord Africa Europe and Central Asia

mai 2018

This report provides the findings of a stock-taking exercise started in 2015 on IFAD's investment in tenure security measures integrated in its larger agricultural development projects. This stock-take provides an overview of tenure investments and activities in the Near East, North Africa, Europe and Central Asia region (NEN).

IFAD’s support for land and natural resource tenure security West and Central Africa

mai 2018

This report provides the findings of a stock-taking exercise started in 2015 on IFAD's investment in tenure security measures integrated in its larger agricultural development projects. This stock-take provides an overview of tenure investments and activities in the West and Central Africa region (WCA).


Journal of Law and Rural Development - Issue 1: Land governance

février 2017
This is the first issue of the Journal of Law and Rural Development, published by IFAD. IFAD’s mandate to address rural poverty and promote rural development is unique among international organizations. For many years IFAD limited its activities to financing projects and programmes implemented by its Member States, but over the last decade it has begun to transform itself into a knowledge centre and a key participant in the international policy dialogue around rural development issues. The launch of this journal is another step forward in this transformation.

PARM factsheet

août 2016
La Plate-forme pour la gestion des risques agricoles (Platform for Agriculture Risk Management, PARM) est le résultat des discussions sur la sécurité alimentaire et le développement agricole des Pays membres des G8 et G20. Il s'agit d'un partenariat multi-bailleurs d’une durée de quatre ans entre les Pays en développement et les partenaires de développement ayant pour but d’ integrer la gestion des risques dans les politiques agricoles nationales.

Lessons learned: Pastoralism land rights and tenure

avril 2016
This note describes the land tenure issues faced by pastoralists and how IFAD has dealt with some of these through its programmes and projects.

Land tenure security and poverty reduction

mars 2015

Land is fundamental to the lives of poor rural people. It is a source of food, shelter, income and social identity.

Secure access to land reduces vulnerability to hunger and poverty. But for many of the world’s poor rural people in developing countries, access is becoming more tenuous than ever. 

Note sur la transposition à plus grande échelle: Sécurité foncière

février 2015

L’accès équitable à la terre et la sécurité foncière des groupes cibles du FIDA sont essentiels au développement rural et à l’éradication de la pauvreté. La sécurité foncière influe sur la mesure dans laquelle les agriculteurs sont disposés à investir dans l’amélioration de la production et de la gestion des terres. Elle façonne les relations sociales et contribue à la stabilité de la société – ou plutôt, son absence contribue à l’instabilité et aux conflits sociaux. La sécurité foncière influence la répartition du produit de l’activité agricole entre les individus et les groupes, tant au sein des ménages qu’au sein des communautés. Elle peut aussi avoir un impact sur l’accès au crédit.

Petites exploitations, grands effets: intégrer le changement climatique dans les activités aux fins de la résilience et de la sécurité alimentaire

novembre 2014
Dans un grand nombre de pays en développement,
le changement climatique fait peser une menace sur la
base de ressources naturelles. Il accélère la dégradation
des écosystèmes et rend l’agriculture plus aléatoire.
Par conséquent, les petits exploitants, qui jouent un
rôle essentiel pour la sécurité alimentaire mondiale,
sont confrontés à des conditions météorologiques
plus extrêmes. Les petits agriculteurs subissent de
façon plus immédiate l’impact des sécheresses, des
inondations et des tempêtes, mais ils sont en outre
touchés progressivement par les effets du changement
climatique, comme le stress hydrique dont souffrent
les cultures et le bétail, l’érosion des côtes due à
l’élévation du niveau de la mer et les infestations
imprévisibles de ravageurs.

Note pratique L’aménagement participatif du territoire

octobre 2014
This How To Do Note provides a description of the participatory land-use planning (PLUP) methodology with the steps that should be followed to implement it in IFAD interventions with some practical examples of how this has been done. 

Note pratique Le régime foncier au stade de la conception des projets du FIDA Kit d’information

octobre 2014

This How To Do Note provides guidance on how to carry out a land assessment at the project design stage.

Through this assessment, it will be possible to identify key land tenure issues in the project area and to indicate how they can be resolved through project activities and interventions.

Aborder le régime foncier dans les stratégies de pays FIDA (COSOP axé sur les résultats)

octobre 2014
This How To Do Note provides guidance on how to carry out a land assessment at the RB-COSOP stage to provide indications on key land tenure issues that the country (or area of interest) is facing and how they could be strategically addressed to achieve the country’s strategic objectives. 

Leçons apprises Pastoralisme: droits et régimes fonciers

octobre 2014

This note highlights lessons learned on pastoralism land rights and tenure aiming to inform the design and implementation of country strategies and projects from the point of view of land tenure issues faced by pastoralists.

It also provides examples of how IFAD has dealt with some of these issues through its programmes and projects.

Kit d’information: Le régime foncier dans les opérations financées par le FIDA

octobre 2014
Le régime foncier désigne les règles, les autorités, les institutions, les droits et les normes qui régissent l’accès à la terre et aux ressources qu’elle offre, ainsi que leur contrôle. Il définit les règles et les droits qui régissent l’appropriation, le choix des cultures et l’utilisation des ressources naturelles sur un territoire ou une parcelle de terre donnés.

Lessons learned: Youth land rights and tenure

octobre 2014

This note aims to inform the design and implementation of results-based country strategic opportunities programmes (RB-COSOPs) and projects by describing how youth are affected by insecurity of tenure and how such issues have been dealt with. It should be used at strategy, design and implementation stages.

The note explains the issues related to youth and land tenure and how they have been addressed in IFAD and other projects and programmes.

PARM Annual Report 2014

juin 2014
The objective of this Annual Progress Report is to review the activities of the Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM) during its first year of life or, more precisely, thirteen months since its launch in December 2013.

Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests - Implications for IFAD

février 2014

Following an inclusive consultation and negotiation process, which involved more than 70 countries, international organizations, and representatives of the civil society and the private sector, the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGs) were officially endorsed by the Committee on World Food Security on 11 May 2012. The VGs set out principles, technical recommendations and practices for improving the governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests. They promote secure tenure rights and equitable access to these resources as a means of eradicating hunger and poverty, supporting sustainable development and protecting the environment. They give recommendations to countries and to other key actors, who are strongly encouraged to adopt and use them on a voluntary basis.

Securing smallholder farmers’ land and water rights in irrigation schemes in Malawi, Rwanda and Swaziland

juin 2013

IFAD and UN-Habitat, through the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN), have entered into a partnership to implement the „Land and Natural Resources Learning Initiative for Eastern and Southern Africa (TSLI-ESA)‟. 

The initiative aims to improve knowledge management strategies and approaches towards pro-poor and gender-sensitive land and natural resource tenure rights in selected East and Southern African countries. 

Manuel de suivi et d’entretien des petits barrages en Mauritanie

octobre 2012
Un des enjeux majeurs auquel l’humanité sera confrontée au cours de ce nouveau millénaire, est sans conteste la gestion durable des ressources en eau face aux demandes pressantes d’une population sans cesse croissante. 
