

Résultats de recherche

RemitSCOPE - Remittance markets and opportunities Asia and the Pacific

mai 2018

​RemitSCOPE, a new website portal, is designed to provide data, analyses and remittancemarket1 profiles on individual countries or areas. In coordination with the Global Forum on Remittances, Investment and Development 2018, RemitSCOPE is being launched to provide market profiles for 50 countries or areas in the Asia and the Pacific region.

The additional four regions will be included gradually: Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe, and Near East and the Caucasus. RemitSCOPE intends to address the fast-changing market realities in the remittance industry in order to help bring together the goals of remittance families, as clients, and the strategies of the private-sector service providers. RemitSCOPE is designed as a free, one-stop shop that is available to any organization or entity interested in accessing all relevant public information on remittances.  

Grant Results Sheet: CABFIN - Enhancing the CABFIN partnership’s delivery of policy guidance, capacity development and global learning to foster financial innovations and inclusive investments for agricultural and rural development

décembre 2017
The overall goal of the grant funding was to strengthen the capacity of development practitioners in developing countries to identify, design and
implement more effective interventions aimed at increasing access to rural and agricultural finance.

Research Series Issue 19 - Measuring Women's Empowerment in Agriculture: A Streamlined Approach

décembre 2017

The Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI) can be a useful tool to measure the empowerment, agency and inclusion of women in the agriculture sector. However, computing the WEAI in its current form involves large data requirements, resulting in lengthy surveys with several questions on various dimensions and indicators within each dimension. This paper proposes a reduced version of the WEAI, or the R-WEAI, and examines two possible approaches to reduce the data requirements while ensuring comparability to the full WEAI.

Research Series Issue 18 - Do agricultural support and cash transfer programmes improve nutritional status?

novembre 2017

Cash transfer and agricultural support programmes are both used to improve nutrition outcomes in developing countries. This paper examines previous reviews of the impact of these programmes and compares the evidence between the two. The paper finds that, although there are about the same number of programmes of each type, many more papers have been written about the cash transfer programmes than the agricultural programmes. While evidence suggests that both programme types improved the quality of food consumption, the paper concludes that both types show weak evidence of improvements in anthropometric outcomes.

Envoi de fonds et réseaux de microfinancement

octobre 2017
Sur les 450 milliards d’USD de fonds que les travailleurs migrants envoient chaque année chez eux, dans les pays en développement, entre 30% et 40% sont destinés aux zones
rurales. Au départ de la chaîne migratoire, les personnes quittent le milieu rural pour aller chercher ailleurs le travail qu’elles ne trouvent pas près de chez elles. Les institutions de
microfinancement (IMF) sont particulièrement à même de répondre aux besoins des destinataires des envois de fonds, et de réinvestir les fonds excédentaires de façon à offrir de meilleures perspectives à la communauté locale.

Coopération Sud-Sud et triangulaire (CSST): Principales données sur le portefeuille du FIDA

octobre 2017
Ces vingt dernières années, la coopération Sud-Sud (CSS) a acquis une véritable reconnaissance comme cadre important de collaboration entre pays en développement (pays du “monde du Sud“) dans différents domaines politiques, économiques, sociaux, culturels, environnementaux et techniques.
Également disponible en: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese

Remote sensing for index insurance - Findings and lessons learned for smallholder agriculture

octobre 2017
Index insurance has a role to play in agricultural development and risk management, yet it faces operational and technical challenges to reach scale and sustainability. Data are a key challenge and were the focus of the project “Improving Agricultural Risk Management in Sub-Saharan Africa: Remote Sensing for Index Insurance”. Limited availability, accessibility, quantity and poor quality of data on the ground are some of the primary technical constraints preventing scale-up and sustainability of index insurance. Without sufficient quality data, either it is impossible to design products for some areas and countries, or products that are designed can become unreliable, not compensating when they should. These inconsistencies intensify vulnerability, lead to distrust of insurance, and ultimately have an impact on demand. This publication details the project, which investigated overcoming issues with ground data by using remote sensing data for index insurance. It describes the different remote sensing options and opportunities available for index insurance, but it also recommends further investment in research and development, supplementary ground data and capacity-building going forward. 

Highlights of the IFPRI and IFAD partnership

septembre 2017

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) were both created in response to the food crises of the 1970s. We have worked together for more than 20 years to catalyze agricultural and rural development and improve food security in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

IFAD and IFPRI have strengthened the productivity and resilience of smallholder farmers and other rural people, with a particular focus on helping expand their access to innovative local farming methods, climate change mitigation and adaptation technologies and financing, and more profitable markets.

To further promote rural development and transformation, IFAD and IFPRI have built cutting-edge information systems and tools that deliver sound data and analyses to governments, donors, farmer organizations, and other stakeholders. As a result, the two organizations have fostered evidence-based policy making and investments that promote agricultural growth and rural development.

Travailleurs migrants et envois de fonds: vers la réalisation des objectifs de développement durable, une famille à la fois

juin 2017

Le présent rapport fournit des données et une analyse des envois de fonds et de l’évolution des migrations dans les pays en développement au cours de la dernière décennie et examine également la contribution potentielle des familles qui reçoivent des fonds à la réalisation des ODD d’ici 2030.

Forum mondial sur les transferts d’argent, l’investissement et le développement 2017 - Recommandations

juin 2017

Les 15 et 16 juin 2017, à l’occasion de la Journée internationale des transferts d’argent familiaux, plus de 350 acteurs des secteurs public et privé se sont réunis au Siège des Nations Unies, à New York, pour participer à la cinquième édition du Forum mondial sur les transferts d’argent, l’investissement et le développement (GFRID 2017). Les participants ont eu l’occasion de débattre des défis et opportunités liés au marché des transferts d’argent, de présenter des approches innovantes et plusieurs modèles d’affaires éprouvés, en centrant leurs discussions sur le rôle des transferts d’argent et des investissements réalisés par les migrants dans la réalisation des Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) à l’horizon 2030.

Grant Result Sheet ICRAF - Strengthening rural institutions

mars 2017

The programme, referred to as the Strengthening Rural Institutions (SRI) project, was implemented by the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) Eastern and Southern Africa Region from 2011 to 2014. The project aimed to bring about a sustainable rural transformation process by strengthening the “institutional infrastructure” for integrated natural resource management, food security and poverty alleviation in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. 

The project’s main goal was to support grassroots organizations to meaningfully participate in governance processes where their livelihoods and well-being, and the environment, are at stake, with an emphasis on enabling poor rural households to aggregate, mobilize and access rural services.

Research Series Issue 10 - Inclusive finance and inclusive rural transformation

janvier 2017

This paper provides an overview of concepts, issues and research on the relationship between financial inclusion and inclusive rural transformation.

It demonstrates how changing demand for financial services, innovations in rural finance, and different investment strategies affect the interplay of supply and demand.

Research Series Issue 9 - Social protection and inclusive rural transformation

janvier 2017

This paper analyses how different types of social protection interventions affect rural livelihoods. It examines how these interventions can help rural transformation by increasing productivity and asks how they can influence inclusiveness.

Using country-level evidence, it suggests that the effectiveness of social protection depends upon specific contexts and combinations of interventions, and asks what this means for building policy. 

Grant Results Sheet PAMIGA - Responsible and sustainable growth for rural microfinance in sub-Saharan Africa

janvier 2017

During the period covered by the project, the landscape of global microfinance was deeply modified and “the game has changed”. On the one hand, the saturation of the market has led to over-indebtedness of very poor clients, scandals and systemic crises that have swept the whole sector in some prominent countries. On the other hand, it has been difficult for the industry to demonstrate tangible impact and, therefore, show that it has delivered against its promises of lifting hundreds of millions of very poor people out of poverty.

In this challenging context, the project aimed to help unlock the economic potential in sub-Saharan Africa, by promoting the growth of existing financial intermediaries that serve rural areas (rural financial institutions, RFIs) so that local entrepreneurs could take advantage of new opportunities to be more productive and more competitive, and improve their living conditions sustainably.

Guide for Practitioners on ‘Institutional arrangements for effective project management and implementation’

janvier 2017
The purpose of this guide is to provide some generic steps and principles to be followed when setting up institutional arrangements for the management and implementation of IFAD projects.

Grant Results Sheet IWMI - Mainstreaming innovations and adoption processes from the CGIAR Challenge Programme on Water and Food in IFAD’s portfolio

janvier 2017
The programme supported innovation funds working directly with communities to scale up approaches in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Uganda and Viet Nam.

Investing in rural people in Nicaragua

janvier 2017
IFAD’s strategy in Nicaragua supports the efforts of farmers’ organizations and the government to increase inclusive growth in the agricultural sector as a vehicle for reducing poverty, generating employment and improving family food consumption, as well as contributing to sustainability and the replication of good practices. The strategic objectives centre on:
• Inclusion. Access is facilitated to assets, markets and income-generating activities, and job opportunities increase.
• Productivity. Labour productivity is increased through incentives that facilitate access to information, technology and technical and financial services.
• Sustainability. Environmental, fiscal and institutional sustainability are improved.

Transferts d’argent et bureaux de poste en Afrique - Répondre aux besoins des migrants et de leurs familles en milieu rural

novembre 2016

Ce rapport met l’accent sur les Opérateurs Postaux Nationaux (OPN) africains en tant que canaux de distribution, parmi de nombreux autres, dans le secteur des transferts d’argent et des services financiers. Il entend fournir au lecteur des informations précises sur le positionnement actuel des bureaux de poste sur le marché africain des transferts d’argent et sur leur rôle dans l’inclusion financière, et exposer ce qui peut être fait pour tirer profit des actifs et des ressources du secteur public afin d’améliorer la compétitivité et de faire progresser l’inclusion financière.

Deuxième Conférence africaine sur les transferts d’argent et les réseaux postaux - rapport officiel

novembre 2016

La deuxième Conférence Africaine sur les transferts d’argent et les réseaux postaux a été organisée dans le cadre de l’Initiative relative aux services financiers postaux en Afrique (APFSI), un programme régional conjoint mis en œuvre par le Mécanisme de financement pour l’envoi de fonds (MFEF) du Fonds international pour le développement agricole (FIDA), en collaboration avec la Banque mondiale, l’Union postale universelle (UPU), l’Institut mondial des caisses d’épargne / le Groupement européen des caisses d’épargne (IMCE/GECE) et le Fonds d’équipement des Nations Unies (FENU).

How to do Strengthening community-based commodity organizations

octobre 2016
​With populations growing, fast emerging middle classes are demanding quality produce, luxury goods (tobacco, alcohol) and animal proteins, and there is pressure on domestic agricultural production to meet these needs. 
