

Résultats de recherche

INSURED Indonesia Country Update: Making climate risk insurance available to small-scale producers

septembre 2023

IFAD’s INSURED programme has been working with partners in Indonesia to improve the availability of climate risk insurance that enables farmers to strengthen their resilience. 

China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility Project Factsheets

août 2023

These factsheets highlight the achievements of 9 projects.

Digital solutions for rural development: STARLIT case studies

août 2023

The Strengthening Agricultural Resilience through Learning and Innovation (STARLIT) project in Rwanda and Kenya used two digital tools to accomplish its goals of training smallholder farmers in good agricultural practices and of strengthening the capacity of saving and credit cooperative organizations (SACCO).

China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility: Annual Progress Report 2022

août 2023

The Annual Progress Report 2022 provides an overview of the Facility portfolio and highlights. Sixteen projects cover diverse regions and themes, including value chain development, climate-smart agriculture, rural financing, crisis response, gender equality, and more.

Également disponible en: English, Chinese

Investing in rural people in the United Republic of Tanzania

août 2023

IFAD’s Executive Board approved its first loan to the United Republic of Tanzania in 1978 – the second loan ever approved by the board. 

Reportage photo. Le Mécanisme de relance en faveur de l’agriculture et des zones rurales dans les îles du Pacifique aux Fidji

août 2023


Le PIRAS aide les agriculteurs et agricultrices à remonter la pente et à accroître leurs revenus par la diversification des cultures, la transformation alimentaire et un accès élargi à de nouveaux marchés. Ce livret trace le portrait de certains des hommes et des femmes appuyés par le PIRAS aux Fidji. 
