

Résultats de recherche

Research Series Issue 66: Can perceptions of reduction in physical water availability affect irrigation behaviour? Evidence from Jordan

août 2021

We investigate how perceptions of physical water availability in the past are related to farmers’ current irrigation behaviour.

Knowledge Management Resource Centre

août 2021

A resource for IFAD staff and consultants, project staff and partners who want to learn more about KM.

IFAD communications toolkit

août 2021

Communications is key to help poor rural people build better lives. And this toolkit has been created to help us all get the job done.

Influencing the policy environment of cassava seed systems in Rwanda and Burundi

août 2021

This brief highlights how a project to fight Cassava Brown Streak Disease and Cassava Mosaic Disease led to policy improvements and operationalization for the cassava seed sectors in Rwanda and Buundi. It also presents the future actions needed to enable the functionality of the policy as part of the clean seed delivery system.
