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Sustainable development takes a village. This community in Lao PDR proves it
Thanks to a new participatory planning process, Mang village has become an example of sustainable, inclusive development in action – and its people have renewed reason for hope.
Tout comprendre de la coopération Sud-Sud et triangulaire
CSST, cela sonne comme une expression jargonnante du secteur du développement. Or c’est un moteur majeur de croissance durable et d'innovation, Alors tâchons de comprendre de quoi on parle, et toute son importance pour les populations rurales.
8 ways to sustainably boost food production in Africa
Increasing agricultural production is critical to fighting hunger in Africa, but often results in overexploited natural resources. Luckily, there are ways to do so sustainably.
Women’s leadership making a difference in rural China
In Longhui County, Hunan Province of southern China, women have many talents and want to start businesses, but they lack the resources and opportunities they need. This was a daily challenge for Ms. Hongyan Li, the hard-working Vice Chairwoman of the Longhui County Women's Federation.
Au Viet Nam, l'aquaculture a changé la vie des populations dans le delta du Mékong
Trois ans après la fin de notre projet dans le delta du Mékong, nous sommes retournés au Viet Nam pour voir si les populations rurales continuent à prospérer grâce à l'aquaculture.