
Résultats de recherche

Le partenariat Japon-FIDA

septembre 2024

Les priorités stratégiques du FIDA sont étroitement en phase avec les priorités du Japon en matière d’aide publique au développement, dont la promotion de la sécurité alimentaire et de la nutrition.

Également disponible en: English, French, Japanese

Le partenariat Norvège-FIDA

juin 2024

Le FIDA et la Norvège ont une même vision d’un monde libéré de la pauvreté et de la faim.

Investing in rural people in Türkiye

avril 2024

Türkiye is IFAD’s largest recipient of financial assistance in the Europe and Central Asia sub-region. IFAD investments contribute to reducing rural poverty in the upland areas of the country.

Investir dans les populations rurales au Viet Nam

avril 2024

La présente fiche de pays illustre la stratégie adoptée par le FIDA pour éradiquer la pauvreté au Viet Nam, qui s’attache surtout à multiplier les innovations favorables aux pauvres.

Investing in rural people in Zambia

avril 2024

The primary aim of IFAD’s work in Zambia is to increase the income and food security of poor rural people through sustainable, diversified and climate-resilient rural livelihoods.

Djibouti: Programme to Reduce Vulnerability in Coastal Fishing Areas

mars 2024

This programme bolsters Djibouti’s climate adaptation and resilience by bridging multiple sectors, including fisheries, rural development and gender. This required considered coordination and communication among diverse stakeholders.

Le partenariat Luxembourg-FIDA

mars 2024

Le Luxembourg est un partenaire fiable et de longue date, dont les priorités en matière de développement sont en phase avec le mandat du FIDA.

Investir dans les populations rurales des Îles du Pacifique

février 2024

Le FIDA aide les pays des Îles du Pacifique à bâtir des systèmes alimentaires ouverts à tous, productifs, résilients et durables qui soient axés sur la communauté.

The Brazil–IFAD partnership

février 2024

The strong partnership between IFAD and Brazil is based on a shared commitment to reducing poverty and pursuing innovative ways to assist rural communities.

The Qatar–IFAD partnership

novembre 2023

The State of Qatar played a major role in the establishment of IFAD in 1977 and has been a key supporter of IFAD for the past 46 years.

The Kuwait–IFAD partnership

novembre 2023

The State of Kuwait played a major role in the establishment of IFAD in 1977 and has been a key supporter of IFAD for the past 46 years.

The United Arab Emirates–IFAD partnership

novembre 2023

The United Arab Emirates played a major role in the establishment of IFAD in 1977 and has been a key supporter of the Fund for the past 46 years.

The Saudi Arabia-IFAD partnership

novembre 2023

Saudi Arabia is a founding member of IFAD and has been a key supporter of the Fund for the past 46 years. Since IFAD’s inception, Saudi Arabia’s financial and strategic support has been critical to combating poverty and strengthening food systems in developing countries.

Partenariat entre la Belgique et le FIDA

novembre 2023

Le Royaume de Belgique fait partie des membres fondateurs du FIDA. Il compte parmi les partenaires clés du Fonds depuis sa création, contribuant à définir ses orientations stratégiques et à centrer son action sur les zones rurales les plus vulnérables, notamment en Afrique subsaharienne, où plus de 50% des ressources du FIDA sont investies.

Investir dans les populations rurales en Ouganda

novembre 2023

Cette fiche d'information présente la stratégie mise en place par le FIDA pour réduire la pauvreté en Ouganda tout en améliorant la sécurité alimentaire et en réduisant la vulnérabilité. Elle illustre également les opérations en cours dans le pays.

Investing in rural people in South Sudan

novembre 2023

IFAD has been engaged in South Sudan since 2011. Its long-term vision for the country is to gradually contribute to the reduction of food and nutrition insecurity and poverty among rural women and youth through inclusive and sustainable agriculture and livelihood transformation.

The Finland–IFAD partnership

octobre 2023

IFAD and Finland share a vision of a world without poverty and hunger. At a time of cascading global crises and mounting vulnerability to climate
change among the world’s poorest people, the partnership between IFAD and Finland is committed to a mutual focus on supporting resilient, inclusive and sustainable food systems that can break the cycle of crises and enable small-scale farmers to improve their livelihoods.


Le partenariat Italie-FIDA

octobre 2023

L'Italie et le FIDA partagent le même engagement en faveur d'un monde où les populations ont accès à une alimentation abordable, sûre, nutritive et en quantité suffisante. L'Italie joue un rôle moteur dans le renforcement de l'architecture financière du Fonds, ce qui a permis à ce dernier de devenir le premier fonds des Nations Unies à recevoir une note de crédit (AA+) et la seule institution de financement du développement à réaliser systématiquement des études d'impact portant sur l'ensemble de son portefeuille.


Le partenariat Autriche-FIDA

septembre 2023

L'Autriche et le FIDA s’efforcent de construire un avenir plus durable, plus inclusif et plus résilient et d’éradiquer ensemble la pauvreté et la faim dans le monde.

Le partenariat France-FIDA

septembre 2023

La France et le FIDA partagent la même volonté de mettre fin à la pauvreté et à la faim par le développement durable des zones rurales. L’une et l’autre placent les petits producteurs et productrices agricoles ainsi que les populations rurales au cœur de leurs priorités et affirment le rôle crucial de l'agriculture si l’on veut vraiment améliorer la sécurité alimentaire, réduire la pauvreté et atténuer les changements climatiques.

Uniquement disponible en anglais.

Investing in rural people in Sri Lanka

septembre 2023

Altogether, IFAD has implemented 19 projects in Sri Lanka, benefiting 654,832 households at a total cost of US$654.57 million (with IFAD providing US$340.49 million in financing).

Investing in rural people in the United Republic of Tanzania

août 2023

IFAD’s Executive Board approved its first loan to the United Republic of Tanzania in 1978 – the second loan ever approved by the board. 

The Denmark–IFAD partnership

août 2023

Denmark and IFAD share a long-standing partnership to fight poverty and hunger. Agriculture and the food sector are the basis of their common approach to promoting sustainable rural transformation, which is essential to tackling environmental degradation and climate change.

Le partenariat Suisse-FIDA

juin 2023

L’ambition commune du FIDA et de la Suisse est de voir advenir un monde en paix, sans pauvreté ni faim. Parmi les plus démunis et donc les plus vulnérables aux chocs mondiaux, 80% vivent en milieu rural et, trop souvent, sont laissés pour compte.

The USA-IFAD partnership

juin 2023

Sharing a vision on the importance of achieving a world without hunger and poverty – and the sustainable development interventions needed to get there – the United States and IFAD have been working together since IFAD’s inception in 1977.

The Spain–IFAD partnership

juin 2023

Spain is a founding member of IFAD and has contributed a total of US$105.76 million to the regular resources of the Fund since it was established in 1977. The partnership between Spain and IFAD focuses on investing in smallholder agriculture to ensure food and nutrition security.

The Sweden-IFAD partnership

juin 2023

IFAD and Sweden share a vision of a world without poverty and hunger and a commitment to support small-scale farmers to improve their livelihoods through the establishment of inclusive, resilient and sustainable food systems.


The Ireland-IFAD partnership

juin 2023

Ireland and IFAD share a commitment to empower rural people to overcome poverty and hunger through sustainable development.

The China-IFAD partnership

mai 2023

IFAD was the first international financial institution to lend to China. Since 1981, IFAD has worked with China to eliminate extreme poverty, increase
food security and nutrition, and promote agricultural and rural development.

Également disponible en: English, Chinese

Le partenariat Canada-FIDA

mai 2023

Le Canada et le FIDA entretiennent un partenariat de longue date pour éradiquer la pauvreté et la faim. Tous deux investissent en faveur d’une transformation rurale inclusive et durable, en particulier au profit des populations les plus démunies.



Investing in rural people in Mozambique

mai 2023

IFAD’s strategy in Mozambique is to contribute to rural transformation by strengthening nutrition and agriculture linkages and focusing more on value chains and food systems.

Partenariat entre le FIDA et les Pays-Bas

avril 2023

Depuis la création du FIDA en 1977, les Pays-Bas ont été un partenaire et un contributeur fiable. Concourant au budget de base à hauteur de 717 millions d’USD, le pays s’est hissé au rang de ses cinq principaux donateurs du Fonds.

Investing in rural people in Cambodia

avril 2023

To date, 12 projects have been conducted in the country, at a total cost of US$950.48 million, with IFAD financing amounting to US$309.08 million. An estimated 1,565,500 households have benefited directly.

The Germany-IFAD partnership

avril 2023

Germany and IFAD place small-scale farmers and rural people – especially women and youth – at the heart of their development priorities for achieving a world with no hunger (Sustainable Development Goal 2). 



Investing in rural people in Angola

mars 2023

In Angola, IFAD loans support efforts to improve food security and rebuild the livelihoods of poor rural people through rural and agricultural development. 

Investing in rural people in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic

mars 2023

IFAD began operations in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic in 1978. Our strategy is to invest in rural people, empowering them to increase their food security, improve the nutrition of their families and increase their incomes.

Investing in rural people in Malawi

mars 2023

IFAD began operations in Malawi in 1981 and has provided US$731.96 million in financing (including partner cofinancing) for 14 programmes and projects benefiting more than 2 million households.

The Republic of Korea–IFAD partnership

novembre 2022

The Republic of Korea is one of the founding members of IFAD and currently sits on the Fund’s Executive Board. The Republic of Korea and IFAD remain committed to eradicating poverty and hunger, and to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Investir dans les populations rurales en Haïti

septembre 2022

Le FIDA est un partenaire clé du développement rural d’Haïti. La série de stratégies, de projets et de programmes qu’il a mis en œuvre depuis 1978 témoigne de son engagement de longue date contre la pauvreté rurale, avec la participation active et l’inclusion de la population rurale haïtienne.

Investing in rural people in India

août 2022

IFAD has been working in India for more than 40 years. The current country strategic opportunities programme is fully aligned with the government’s policy framework. 

Investing in rural people in Ethiopia

juin 2022

IFAD’s strategy in Ethiopia focuses on providing smallholder farmers, pastoralists and agropastoralists with the critical assets they need to enhance productivity and resilience. These include natural resources, technology, finance, institutional capacity and access to markets.

Investing in rural people in Rwanda

avril 2022

Since 1981, IFAD has financed 19 rural development programmes and projects in Rwanda, for a total amount of US$358.04 million, and directly benefiting about 1,540,157 rural households.

Investing in rural people in Kenya

avril 2022

Since 1979, IFAD has invested US$455.09 million in 20 programmes and projects in Kenya (at a total cost of US$980.31 million), in support of the Government’s efforts to reduce rural poverty.

Investir dans les populations rurales de Madagascar

mars 2022

Depuis 1979, le FIDA a financé 17 projets de développement rural à Madagascar, à hauteur de 434,285 millions d’USD. Quatre projets sont actuellement en cours.

The IFAD and Slow Food Case for Investment

novembre 2021

IFAD and Slow Food share a vision of supporting small-scale, diversified production and consumption mechanisms that focus on improving the marketing of local products. 

Investing in rural people in Egypt

octobre 2021

IFAD country programme in Egypt is the largest in the Near East and North Africa. In total, IFAD has invested in 14 agricultural development projects and programmes for a total Cost of US$ 1.1 billion, with IFAD direct financing of US$ 519.28 million benefitting around 7 million people.

Investing in rural people in Bangladesh

juin 2021

IFAD has worked in Bangladesh for almost 40 years. It has supported 34 projects, costing a total of US$2,356 million, with IFAD financing of US$913 million. 

Investing in rural people in Sudan

mai 2021

Sudan became a Member State of IFAD in 1977, with the first IFAD loan being approved in 1979.

IFAD and Spain: Partnering to transform rural realities

mars 2021

This brochure provides an overview of our work with Spain to invest in poor rural youth, women and men and assist countries in achieving the SDGs.

Investir dans les populations rurales au Burkina Faso

mars 2021

Au Burkina Faso, les prêts du FIDA contribuent non seulement à une meilleure gestion des ressources naturelles, mais aussi au développement d’institutions inclusives et durables, grâce à des investissements et des politiques favorables aux pauvres, ainsi qu’au soutien apporté à l’innovation et à l’éducation.

Investing in rural people in Papua New Guinea

novembre 2020
IFAD’s strategy in Papua New Guinea is to improve the livelihoods of small-scale farmers by increasing production volumes and quality, and to improve access to markets, technologies and services in order to increase farmers’ share of added value.

Investing in rural people in Indonesia

novembre 2020

Over the last 40 years, IFAD and the Government of Indonesia have invested more than US$1 billion in rural people to strengthen inclusive and environmentally sustainable economic growth. 

Grant Results Sheet: Strengthening capacity to assess the impact of tenure security measures on IFAD-supported and other projects within the SDG framework

octobre 2020

IFAD partnered with the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) and UN-Habitat to conceptualize and develop gender-responsive and fit-for-purpose tools and approaches to evaluate the impact of land tenure and governance interventions.

Investing in rural people in the Kyrgyz Republic

septembre 2020

IFAD has invested in rural development in the Kyrgyz Republic since 1996.

Investing in rural people in China

septembre 2020

IFAD is the only one of China’s development partners dedicated exclusively to reducing poverty and increasing food and nutrition security in rural areas.

Investing in rural people in Moldova

août 2020
Collaboration between the Republic of Moldova and IFAD began in 1999. IFAD has supported seven projects totalling US$196.8 million, with IFAD financing of US$109.2 million.

Grant Results Sheet: Land and Natural Resources Tenure Security Learning Initiative for East and Southern Africa – Phase 2 (TSLI-ESA 2)

juillet 2020
This initiative's goal was to develop and disseminate innovative tools and approaches to strengthen tenure security in target communities using low-cost and gender-sensitive technologies. 

The IFAD–India partnership

juillet 2020

India is a founding member of IFAD, and the IFAD–India partnership spans more than 40 years. India is not only the largest recipient of IFAD’s investments, but also a significant contributor,

The Russian Federation-IFAD Partnership

juin 2020
The Russian Federation and IFAD share a common commitment to reducing poverty, improving food security and achieving more sustainable economic growth for small-scale farmers and other vulnerable rural populations.

Investing in rural people in Sao Tome and Principe

mars 2020
IFAD remains one of the most important technical and financial partners in Sao Tome and Principe's rural sector, and its work has sparked the development of strategies and mechanisms to support poor rural populations, especially women, and their effective inclusion in relevant development interventions.

Investing in rural people in Pakistan

décembre 2019

Since IFAD began its operations in Pakistan in 1978, the focus has been on combating rural poverty by promoting integrated participatory rural development.

Investing in rural people in Nepal

décembre 2019

Nepal was one of the first countries to benefit from IFAD loans, beginning in 1978.

Investir dans les populations rurales en République de Côte d’Ivoire

novembre 2019

Depuis 1984, le FIDA a investi 174,65 millions d’USD dans 11 programmes et projets en Côte d’Ivoire, pour un financement total de 384,37 millions d’USD.

Investing in rural people in The Gambia

juin 2019

Since 1982, IFAD has supported 10 programmes and projects in The Gambia totalling US$93 million and directly benefiting more than 155,000 rural households. 

Investir dans les populations rurales en Guinée-Bissau

juin 2019
La note de stratégie de pays actuelle du FIDA pour la Guinée-Bissau se fonde sur lespriorités politiques définies par la stratégie de développement nationale du pays Terra Ranka (2015-2025), ainsi que sur les axes et programmes prioritaires sectoriels du Programme national d’investissement agricole (PNIA 2e génération, 2017). 

Investir dans les populations rurales en Guinée

juin 2019
Le FIDA est présent en Guinée depuis 1980. Depuis, il a investi 244 millions d’USD dans 14 projets, sur un coût total de 469,6 millions d’USD, qui ont bénéficié directement à 651 450 ménages ruraux. 

Investir dans les populations rurales en République islamique de Mauritanie

juin 2019
Depuis 1980, le FIDA a financé 14 projets et programmes en Mauritanie pour un coût total de 342,3 millions d’USD, dont 136,2 millions d’USD octroyés sous la forme de dons ou de prêts concessionnels.

Investir dans les populations rurales au Sénégal

juin 2019

Au Sénégal, le FIDA suscite et accompagne les initiatives locales qui visent à améliorer la sécurité alimentaire, à augmenter les revenus des ruraux pauvres, à créer des emplois pour les jeunes et les femmes notamment et à améliorer leurs conditions de vie.

Grant Results Sheet: E-Project for Agricultural Development and Economic Empowerment (E-PADEE)

mai 2019
The E-Project for Agricultural Development and Economic Empowerment (E-PADEE) is a US$380,000 programme implemented in Cambodia with
funding from the Republic of Korea in partnership with IFAD. 

Investir dans les populations rurales au Cabo Verde

mai 2019

Depuis 1978, le FIDA a financé 5 projets et programmes de développement rural au Cabo Verde, pour un montant total de 49,9 millions d’USD.

Investir dans les populations rurales au Mali

mai 2019

Depuis 1982, le FIDA a financé 13 projets au Mali pour un coût total de 537 millions USD, dont 229 millions sous forme de prêts à conditions particulièrement favorables.

Grant Results Sheet: Innovative beef valuechain development schemes in Southern Africa

décembre 2018
The IFAD-funded SWAZI BEEF project set out to increase the quality of livestock and meat products and to diversify farmers’ incomes in the sugar-cane-producing areas of Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) through targeted support to farmers and other value chain actors (livestock producers, butchers/meat processors, financial institutions and input providers). 

Investing in rural people in Tajikistan

octobre 2018

IFAD has been investing in the rural poor in Tajikistan since 2008, by strengthening local institutions and grass-roots organizations, and expanding their access to land, productive technologies and resources. 

Investing in rural people in Azerbaijan

octobre 2018

IFAD has enjoyed a long history of a strong and successful partnership with the Government of Azerbaijan in rural poverty reduction and overall agricultural development efforts, with focused interventions in remote and sometimes difficult to reach areas of the country where extreme pockets of poverty exist.

Investing in rural people in Uzbekistan

octobre 2018
IFAD has been investing in Uzbekistan since 2012, providing financing worth US$81.7 million to three loan-financed projects/programmes that are intended to directly benefit 98,800 households at a total cost of US$81.7 million. 

Investir dans les populations rurales au Tunisie

octobre 2018

Depuis 1980, le FIDA a contribué, à hauteur de 194,6 millions d’USD, à 13 programmes et projets de développement rural en Tunisie, représentant un montant total de 453 millions d’USD et dont 125 850 ménages ont tiré des avantages directs. 

Grant Results Sheet: ICRAF - Climate-smart, Tree-based, Co-investment in Adaptation and Mitigation in Asia (Smart Tree-Invest)

septembre 2018
The grant mainstreamed climate-smart, tree-based agricultural good practices into the climate adaptation and mitigation programmes of governments, NGOs and the private sector in Indonesia, the Philippines and Viet Nam.

Investir dans les populations rurales au Niger

juillet 2018

Le Niger, pays enclavé, couvre une superficie de 1 267 000 km² du Sahel au nord du Nigéria. Avec un taux de pauvreté de 48,9% et un revenu par habitant de 420 USD, le Niger est l’un des pays les plus pauvres du monde. En 2015, l’indicateur du développement humain du Programme des Nations Unies a placé le Niger au 188e rang.

China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility

juillet 2018

The China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility was established in February 2018 and is the first Facility in IFAD dedicated to SSTC.

Grant Results Sheet: Linking farmers to Fairtrade markets in Papua New Guinea through ICT to improve livelihoods in remote rural areas

juin 2018
The project “Connecting Fairtrade Communities to ICT” in Papua New Guinea is a small grant of US$360,000 funded by the Republic of Korea in partnership with IFAD. 

Grant results sheets - Inclusive growth, rural industrial policy and participatory value chains in Latin America and the Caribbean

juin 2018
The project aimed to promote a more dynamic insertion of small rural producers into value chains as a way to foster structural change in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Grant Results Sheet - ICRISAT: Sustainable Management of Cropbased Production Systems for Raising Agricultural Productivity in Rainfed Asia

juin 2018
The programme aimed to intensify the cropping systems with grain legumes to improve the productivity and sustainability of rainfed agriculture while diversifying smallholder farmers’ income-generating opportunities. 

Grant Results Sheet - APRACA: Enhancing access of poor rural people to sustainable financial services through policy dialogue, capacity-building and knowledge-sharing in rural finance

juin 2018
This programme, also known as FinServAccess, aimed to enhance access to sustainable rural financial services for smallholder producers and
agroentrepreneurs, so they are better equipped to face emerging challenges and benefit from new opportunities.

Grant Results Sheet - ICIMOD: Improving livelihoods and enhancing resilience of the rural poor in the Hindu Kush Himalayas to environmental and socio-economic changes (AdaptHimal)

juin 2018
The grant is one of three projects implemented under a broader regional programme (Adaptation to Change) financed by IFAD, the Government of Norway, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), and United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID). 

Grant results sheet - ROUTASIA: Strengthening Knowledge Sharing on Innovative Solutions Using the Learning Route Methodology in Asia and the Pacific – Phase 2

juin 2018
The programme Strengthening Knowledge Sharing on Innovative Solutions Using Learning Route (LR) Methodology1 in Asia and the Pacific (ROUTASIA) is the second phase of a four-year IFAD-funded large grant to Procasur Corporation. 

Grant Results Sheet: FundaK - The Outreach Project: Expanding and scaling up innovative financial inclusion and graduation strategies and tools in Africa

mai 2018
The Outreach Project was implemented in selected African countries (Gambia, Mozambique, and Tanzania) and aimed to improve the financia inclusion strategies of ongoing IFAD-funded operations by transferring and adapting innovative solutions, tools and methodologies previously tested in various countries of the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region.

Investing in rural people in Peru

mars 2018
Peru has made great strides in poverty reduction over the past decade, leading to a significant decline in the national poverty rate from 42.4 per cent in 2004 to 20.7 per cent in 2015. Nevertheless, by 2016 the gap between rural and urban poverty had tripled, at 44 per cent versus 14 per cent. Income inequality among Peruvian households remained virtually unchanged between 2004 and 2015. The most salient result is differential access by urban and rural people to education, health care, financial services and productive assets.

Grant Results Sheet: Integrated crop– livestock conservation agriculture for sustainable intensification of cereal-based systems in Central and West Asia and North Africa

février 2018
The goal was to improve the livelihoods of resource-poor farmers through the adoption of integrated crop–livestock conservation agriculture.

Investing in rural people in Cameroon

janvier 2018
Cameroon’s economy is mainly agriculture-based, with almost three quarters of the economically active population in rural areas employed in agricultural pursuits.

Grant Results Sheet: CABFIN - Enhancing the CABFIN partnership’s delivery of policy guidance, capacity development and global learning to foster financial innovations and inclusive investments for agricultural and rural development

décembre 2017
The overall goal of the grant funding was to strengthen the capacity of development practitioners in developing countries to identify, design and
implement more effective interventions aimed at increasing access to rural and agricultural finance.

Grant Results Sheet: ICIPE - Scaling up biological control of the diamondback moth on crucifers in East Africa to other African regions

décembre 2017
The goal of the project was to increase the income of rural smallholder vegetable producers through the improved safety and quality of vegetables in the supply chain for domestic markets.

United Kingdom and IFAD

octobre 2017
The United Kingdom and IFAD are working closely together to meet Sustainable Development Goals 1 and 2: ending poverty and hunger by 2030. They have made a special commitment to boost inclusive and sustainable economic paths and create jobs in the poorest rural areas of the world, especially in Africa, where 10 to 12 million young people enter the labour market every year.

Envoi de fonds et réseaux de microfinancement

octobre 2017
Sur les 450 milliards d’USD de fonds que les travailleurs migrants envoient chaque année chez eux, dans les pays en développement, entre 30% et 40% sont destinés aux zones
rurales. Au départ de la chaîne migratoire, les personnes quittent le milieu rural pour aller chercher ailleurs le travail qu’elles ne trouvent pas près de chez elles. Les institutions de
microfinancement (IMF) sont particulièrement à même de répondre aux besoins des destinataires des envois de fonds, et de réinvestir les fonds excédentaires de façon à offrir de meilleures perspectives à la communauté locale.

Grant Results Sheet ILRI - Enhancing dairy- based livelihoods in India and Tanzania through feed innovation and value chain development approaches

octobre 2017

The MilkIT research for development project set out to improve dairy-centred livelihoods in India and Tanzania through intensification of smallholder
production focused on enhancement of feeds and feeding using innovation platforms and value chain approaches.

The project worked in the state of Uttarakhand in India and in Morogoro and Tanga regions in Tanzania. In both countries dairy has considerable potential to improve the livelihoods and nutrition of poor farming families but this potential has been underexploited. MilkIT focused on improving milk productivity through multistakeholder engagement to increase milk marketing and dairy cow feeding.

Investing in rural people in the Dominican Republic

octobre 2017
Over the past 25 years, the Dominican Republic has enjoyed one of the strongest growth rates in Latin America and the Caribbean. Recent growth has been driven by construction, manufacturing and tourism.

Investing in rural people in Brazil

octobre 2017
Brazil is a major agricultural and industrial power, has the strongest economy in Latin America and the Caribbean, and is the seventh-largest economy in the world. It is the fourth-largest agricultural producing country, the main producer of coffee, sugarcane and citrus, and the second largest soybean, beef and poultry producer.
Également disponible en: English, Portuguese

Investing in rural people in Mexico

octobre 2017
Mexico is the second-largest economy in Latin America. Despite being a large, upper-middle-income country, Mexico continues to have high rural poverty levels and wide social and economic disparities. While only about 21 per cent of the population lives in rural areas, they represent roughly two thirds of the extremely poor.

Investing in rural people in Argentina

septembre 2017

In Argentina, IFAD helps reduce rural poverty by investing in smallholder farmer organisations and indigenous communities to increase their income. The country programme strategy (2016-2021) is based on national priorities and has three strategic objectives focusing on income and strategic opportunities; human and social capital; and institutional development.

The strategy emphasizes the central role farmer and community organizations play in rural transformation processes. Key activities include:
• bolstering the economic sustainability of families and organizations by improving and diversifying productive activities, building resilience, improving their negotiating power in value chains, and promoting good nutritional practices
• strengthening the capacity of poor rural people and organizations by improving their managerial capacity, socio-economic condition, and their ability to engage in dialogue with the public sector
• building the capacity of government institutions to support rural development.

Le FIDA et vous: Obtenir des résultats

juillet 2017

Le mandat du FIDA est unique en son genre, comme est incomparable son expérience des interventions dans les zones reculées, où les autres institutions ne vont pas et où la pauvreté est la plus profondément enracinée.

Myanmar - Connecting rural people to knowledge, resources and markets

juillet 2017

With Fostering Agricultural Revitalization in Myanmar (FARM), the first project it has financed in Myanmar, IFAD is scaling up the best parts of regional and global projects, both its own and those of other organizations. For example, FARM has introduced a new method to complement pre-existing extension services.

This is benefiting both farmers and landless microentrepreneurs across the project area. At the heart of FARM’s innovation is the establishment of Knowledge Centres (KCs). Built on the structure and network of public extension services, the KCs are staffed by a ministry extension worker – the KC Manager. The KC Manager brings together farmers and microentrepreneurs in common interest groups, and helps them make the most of newly available extension services.
