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Caribbean Development Bank and IFAD sign procurement framework agreement to boost efficiency in co-financed projects
Con acuerdo firmado en reunión de ministros de Agricultura del G20 en Brasil, el FIDA y el IICA reforzarán su trabajo conjunto para combatir la pobreza rural en América Latina y el Caribe
Pueblos Indígenas de América Latina y el Caribe trazan la ruta para fortalecer su soberanía y seguridad alimentaria mediante las inversiones del FIDA
The International Fund for Agricultural Development and AKADEMIYA2063 partner to promote agrifood systems transformation across Africa
IFAD at AFSF 2024: “We need to seize the opportunity to scale up investment in the transformation of Africa’s food systems.”
Building up on past successes, Rwanda and IFAD step up investments in sustainable and productive food systems
IFAD and Bhutan reinforce their ties for sustainable agriculture and rural prosperity
IFAD and China forge stronger partnership to boost rural revitalization and South-South collaboration
Major step in CAFI-Cameroon partnership: First $20 million project approved to support transition to deforestation-free agroecological practices
Brazil: IFAD to invest in strengthening the climate resilience of more than 75,000 rural households in Pernambuco
UN Rome-based Agencies and COP Presidencies mobilise for climate action and finance in fragile contexts ahead of COP29
Uzbekistan and IFAD expand collaboration with the opening of a new country office in Tashkent
El FIDA y el Grupo BID estrechan lazos de colaboración en favor de la población rural e indígena de América Latina y el Caribe
Media advisory: China-IFAD SSTC Facility to showcase climate-smart solutions at upcoming event
Proyecto reforzará la resiliencia climática de más de 250.000 personas en el estado brasileño de Ceará
El Presidente del Fondo de Desarrollo Agrícola de la ONU ratifica la apuesta por el sector productivo de camélidos en Bolivia, luego de invertir 165 millones de dólares en desarrollo rural por cuatro décadas
IFAD and Cambodia to continue to collaborate on key initiatives to boost small-scale agriculture and farmers’ incomes
Appel à propositions “ Coordination régionale et soutien au dialogue politique du Programme conjoint Sahel en réponse aux défis COVID-19, conflits et changements climatiques (SD3C) ”
IFAD deepens partnership with Bangladesh, opens new office to drive rural development
Call for proposals: IFAD grant for supporting the use of satellite data in project design, monitoring and evaluation
Global Report on Food Crises: Acute hunger remains persistently high in 59 countries with 1 in 5 people assessed in need of critical urgent action
IFAD and Montenegro sign financing agreement to support climate adaptation in Northern mountainous areas
Migrant Contributions for Development Call for Proposals 2024 for the Kyrgyz Republic
IFAD and JICA Renew their Memorandum of Cooperation for Rural Development, Food and Nutrition Security
Building resilience, empowering communities: new fisheries project set to transform lives in Mozambique
Global food crisis, poor nutrition and the effects of climate change need urgent action, says IFAD President
El FIDA insta a entidades públicas y privadas a acelerar las inversiones en desarrollo rural en Perú
Call for proposals: IFAD grant for Programme in Rural Monitoring & Evaluation Phase III
Joint IFAD and IDB project in Brazil will improve the lives of 210,000 rural people in the semiarid Piauí State
La CEPAL y el FIDA proponen redefinir el concepto de ruralidad para mejorar las políticas públicas e impulsar la agenda de desarrollo socioeconómico
Ahead of Davos, IFAD acts to increase concessional blended financing to encourage vital private sector investments in rural economies
Les chefs d'État et de gouvernement soutiennent l'appel urgent du FIDA à un accroissement des investissements dans les communautés rurales et la sécurité alimentaire mondiale future - l'Angola et la France en tête de file
Bolivia: El FIDA promueve el intercambio de conocimientos rumbo al Año Internacional de los Camélidos
The USA contributes US$50 million to a new multi-donor trust fund addressing climate and food crises hosted by UN's IFAD
Small-scale farmers must not be forgotten if we want to feed the world and safeguard the planet - IFAD at COP 28
El FIDA se une a ALIDE como nuevo miembro adherente para dinamizar las inversiones en la población rural de América Latina y el Caribe
Connecting global financial markets to small-scale farmers: discover the impact of IFAD’s first sustainable bonds
Connecting global financial markets to small-scale farmers: discover the impact of IFAD first sustainable bonds
Los agricultores en pequeña escala son actores fundamentales en la solución al cambio climático, asegura el FIDA
One million people to build climate resilience: new IFAD-Brazil agreement
IFAD and Grow Asia to support farmers with digital tools to modernize agriculture in Southeast Asia
IFAD investment in Guyana’s hinterland is contributing to rural development and social innovation
Cerca de 4 000 jóvenes rurales de Bolivia, Colombia y Honduras mejoran sus medios de vida con el impulso del FIDA
Call to innovators to join innovation challenge on AI for climate resilience in rural areas
Call for proposals: IFAD grant financing the implementation of a project on "Innovative regenerative agriculture approaches to improve resilience and food security"
Fitch Ratings confirms AA+ rating for the International Fund for Agricultural Development
El FIDA impulsó la formación digital de 2,400 jóvenes en Bolivia, Colombia y Honduras para revalorizar la ruralidad en las redes sociales
ALIDE y el FIDA unen fuerzas para fortalecer el desarrollo rural en América Latina y el Caribe
12 startups de Latinoamérica y el Caribe lideran el cierre de la brecha digital en zonas rurales
El fondo de desarrollo agrícola de la ONU dará apoyo técnico y financiero para conservar los ecosistemas silvestres de la Amazonía peruana
Décideurs et Ministres Africains réaffirment leur soutien au projet de transformation rurale du FIDA dans le cadre de la 13e reconstitution des fonds de l’institution
Bolivia: Más de 19 000 productores rurales fortalecerán su resiliencia al cambio climático con apoyo del FIDA
Contacts médias
Agrégateur de contenus

Alberto Trillo Barca
Responsable de la communication et des médias à l'échelle mondiale

Caroline Chaumont
Responsable de la communication et des relations avec les médias